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Going To Area 51 (Safe Or Accident Waiting To Happen)

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posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 05:54 PM
i've been very interested in Area 51,Groom lake,UFO's,Aliens, ect...And also i have been wanting to go to Area 51 for a while now, and the last time i was in las vegas (you can find the post that i posted about this" but i went there and i saw very strange things. My plan was just to go on the road to groom lake and/or area 51 and drive on there until we reach a point where we all feel a very weird vibe. Is it really safe to go there. And also they can't shoot you if your not a threat....can they? Oh and also i'm just a kid. Not even a teenager. Should i go there, Should i not. Should i take a risk. *laughs* i mean i wanna live a nice long life. Please give me some feedback, because plain and simple i'm not gonna go there if there is a chance i could get shot....bye

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 05:56 PM
I heard that if you pass a certain point, that they will fire warning shots, then if you don't retreat, they'll fire AT you.....

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 06:32 PM
My plan was just to go on the road to groom lake and/or area 51 and drive on there until we reach a point where we all feel a very weird vibe. Is it really safe to go there. And also they can't shoot you if your not a threat....can they? Posted by Idontknow

Let me give you a hint... there are signs posted all over the place that say "USE OF LETHAL FORCE AUTHORIZED"

I have never been to Area 51, although I have been to a facility that DID have those signs... if those signs are posted, THEY MEAN IT.

posted on Jun, 7 2003 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by dragonrider
My plan was just to go on the road to groom lake and/or area 51 and drive on there until we reach a point where we all feel a very weird vibe. Is it really safe to go there. And also they can't shoot you if your not a threat....can they? Posted by Idontknow

Let me give you a hint... there are signs posted all over the place that say "USE OF LETHAL FORCE AUTHORIZED"

I have never been to Area 51, although I have been to a facility that DID have those signs... if those signs are posted, THEY MEAN IT.

I was out near Area 51 once... most of the locals advised heavily against it because the base had annexed land and no one was quite sure where it started and where it ended... only to be caught on the wrong side of that sign was a very very very bad thing. Kinda like Tab soda.

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 04:00 PM
That sucks. I was planning on taking a road trip from Seattle to Austin and that was going to be one of my stopping points. I wanted to go up to one of those signs and get my picture taken next to it.

Forget it now though. It's not worth getting arrested or worse. I'll just by a poster. I am taking a picture next to the sign that says Extraterrestrial Highway.

Anybody have any other ideas on "weird" places to stop along the way?

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 08:50 AM
My cousin went to Area 51 once. He has pictures of it all over his walls. but, they accidentally drove past the warning point(how?), and he said he heard shots so they got like the devil's bejesus out of there

posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 11:41 PM
I think that it would be intresting if someone actually got into area 51
, but that would probably never happen at least not in the next year or two

Till Next Time,

posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by BlackRose
I think that it would be intresting if someone actually got into area 51
, but that would probably never happen at least not in the next year or two

Till Next Time,

Well, probably not in any way that the infiltrator would live...

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 03:56 PM

Well, probably not in any way that the infiltrator would live...


posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 08:49 AM
its a government facility right? DONT GO THERE!

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by IDontKnow
i've been very interested in Area 51,Groom lake,UFO's,Aliens, ect...And also i have been wanting to go to Area 51 for a while now, and the last time i was in las vegas (you can find the post that i posted about this" but i went there and i saw very strange things. My plan was just to go on the road to groom lake and/or area 51 and drive on there until we reach a point where we all feel a very weird vibe. Is it really safe to go there. And also they can't shoot you if your not a threat....can they? Oh and also i'm just a kid. Not even a teenager. Should i go there, Should i not. Should i take a risk. *laughs* i mean i wanna live a nice long life. Please give me some feedback, because plain and simple i'm not gonna go there if there is a chance i could get shot....bye

I have made the Groom Lake road trip about 4 times now. As long as you don't go past the warning signs (at about 13 miles down Groom Lake road) you are fine. You are on public land, unless you go past these signs. Then you could/will be arrested and fined.

There is a wealth of information here: tips, maps, pictures, etc.
A good section is "Area 51 FAQ", and "Where is Groom Lake Road?".

[edit on 21-10-2007 by FosterVS]

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 07:25 PM
So, if you get shot and lie on the ground, what is going to happen to you, then? Are they going to leave you there or what? Will the ambulance pick you up?

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 01:53 AM
" As long as you don't go past the warning signs (at about 13 miles down Groom Lake road) "

isnt it a good 20 miles down Groom Lake Road? Must be otherwise i was deep on the other side of the fence and i doubt that

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:16 AM
Wait! I thought area 51 was hidden? how are any of you guys know where it is?

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by hiii_98
" As long as you don't go past the warning signs (at about 13 miles down Groom Lake road) "
isnt it a good 20 miles down Groom Lake Road? Must be otherwise i was deep on the other side of the fence and i doubt that

I never clocked the distance any time I made the trip. I quoted from
Dreamland Resort :

How far can you travel on Groom Lake Road ?
You can go down Groom Lake Road for about 13.8 miles, before you get to the border. It is a well-maintained dirt road, suitable for all cars in decent shape. There are hidden Road Sensors buried in the ground along the road, to give Area 51 security an early warning of approaching vehicles. And of course you are watched from the surveillance installation on Bald Mountain, and by the Cammo Dudes at the end of GL Road.

When you get to the border of the restricted area you will see large warning signs on both sides of the road. You will also see several security cameras and most likely a security vehicle on a nearby hill inside the restricted area. The border itself is marked only by orange posts, spaced about 50 yards apart.

This is the end of the road for most of us. Do not continue past the warning signs. Parking on Groom Lake Road is not advisable, but there is a small dirt parking area on the right, about 1/4 mile before the signs, and some level ground to pull off the road right by the signs.

[edit on 22-10-2007 by FosterVS]

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 09:51 PM
You can always go to Rachel, the little nothing town just a few miles down the road from A51 and shoot the breeze with the locals at the Little Ale'i'inn, a small motel and bar that caters to UFO types.

It might be kinda dull and really, really hot. If there's anything weird going on at A51, I've never seen any hard evidence.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by IDontKnow

May I suggest that you not do what you suggest. Why? Simple. When you leave the state highway, you will encounter signs...a lot of them. If you drive past the signs,the cammo dudes won't be real happy. Depending on their mood they might stop and harass might find your tires flat (as in shot at). If they only feel like playing this is all you will experience (have plenty of spare tires or fix a flat). If they are not in a good mood, you will be arrested, taken away in handcuffs, and given to the county sheriff. You will be fined. You could have your vehicle impounded or you may only have to pay the country to get it back. My point is that if you stop in Rachel the people there will advise with good reason to keep out of Groom Lake property. They are serious about trespass and you won't like the consequences.

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