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The Flower of Rememberance: Theory of Trio Soul Ratio

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posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 11:00 AM
Meditating and astro projecting, and even guided meditations for other people leading me to this. What this is, is my theory for how my soul works. I believe I am actually soul incarnate of 3 souls, I call them, serapis bey, hilarion, and maha chohan. Their prevoius incarnations were in my perspective, Serapis Bey- Aleister Crowley, Hilarion- Setgei YENSENIN, Maha Chohan- Oscar Wilde. Yes, these three men, when they are thus back together they form a trio combination A, K, and R. A is Serapis, k is sergei, and R is Oscar. From my dreams I have collected, I have found that I remebered part of my past lives as Caesarion, Ricky Kasso, Alesister Crowley, and Tye Humming from South Korea. They reason thesepeople look similar but different are in fact the different arrangements of combinations. First there is A, K, and R, then dualities are created, AK and KA, KR, and RK, RA and AR. Then the trinity would be AKR, KRA, RAK, ARK, RKA, KAR. Yes, then it would be that the middle of the trio is width ratio, the last letter, height ratio, and the first letter depth or model, the end result will create different models, but similar faces. After this it changes to a bigger level in which it would be 5 coded. I believe I am combination AKRKA, compared to Ricky as RAKAR, and Tye as ARKAK. This 5 coded then for example we have AKRKA, KR would be the new width ratio, and KA would be the new height ratio, A would stay as model or depth. I have drawn the ratios based on the 3 souls.

Yes, in my opinion I am a trio soul, and so far i believe this is rther interesting, but I amam glad to here others opinions, and ideas àswell. I hope for ssome people to assist me in my research that I have collected. But this would be considered Pusedo Research by many, I find interest in the fantasy.

edit on 4-1-2015 by AkioSensei91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: AkioSensei91

i think i follow you,

try and break up your wall of writing!

do you believe you are on a journey and after this life you will start the next one?

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 11:12 AM
Yes, I believe I am on more than a journey, I believe I am on a destiny, and Ihave to serve

The people of this planet, I believe around 2030, Aiwass the beast will unleash the

Shadows of darkness, which will kill thousands, and will wreck the system of today

Wht I will do is create my own rebellion called, The Knights of the Eclipse.

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: AkioSensei91

Knights of the Eclipse

Once there were seven knights with armour that when they stood in the right order they formed a rainbow. Each knight had control of an element or power.
The Red Knight controlled fire and could and light a candle with a single touch and start a fire with the flick of his fingers.
The Orange Knight controlled the light and could literally brighten up everyone’s day and with the raising of his hand would decide when the sun would rise and fall.
The Yellow Knight controlled thunder and could bring people back to life with his hands and when he claps his hands he could hit anything he wanted with a bolt of lightning.
The Green Knight controlled the earth and decided when crops and tree would grow and the earth shook when he stamped his foot.
The Blue Knight controlled water and chose when it should rain and when the tide would come in and with a whistle could summon a tsunami.
The Indigo Knight controlled the dark and could turn into a shadow and with closing of his eyes could bring up the moon.
The Violet Knight controlled the wind and could blow away anything he wanted and with swirl of his hand he could create a hurricane.

Every 6 months the Orange and Indigo Knights have an argument of when the sun goes down and the moon goes up. “It’s time for the moon to come up” said the Indigo Knight.
“No it’s not. The sun needs to stay up longer” said the Orange Knight.
The other knight gets very annoyed with them both so one year the Yellow Knight had an idea. “This year we should tell the Orange Knight that the Indigo Knight agrees with him and vice versa”. The other knights agreed. The Red and Green Knights’ went to look for the Indigo Knight but couldn’t seem to find him.
“He’s probably using his shadow power so no-one can see him pout” said the Green Knight. He stamped his foot so he could see if he was pretending to be one of the statues but instead nearly caused the castle to collapse.
“I know” said the Red Knight “I’ll use my fire power to brighten up his room so that we can see him”. So he snapped his fingers and then they saw the pouting knight.
They explained to him that the Orange Knight would let him put up the moon and he was overjoyed. So much that he didn’t say thank you to the two knights and ran outside.
The Blue and Violet Knights’ went to tell the Orange Knight the plan but he ignored them.
“How rude could a Royal Knight be” the Violet Knight said.
“I have an idea” the Blue Knight shouted “Let’s use your power of wind to blow on him and make him cold and my power of water to get him wet with rain." The other Knight agreed.
Suddenly the Orange knight was very cold and wet and knew who could have done this so soon. He turned around and before he shouted at the top of his voice the two Knights told him about the Indigo Knights plan. He was over joyed about it.

But when he saw the Indigo Knight about to rise up the moon he rushed out to stop him. But it was too late. He raised the moon right in front of the sun.
Then they saw what beauty they made together. They both dazzled at the sight for so long the Yellow Knight had to strike a lightning bolt in front of the two to get their attention . Then the Orange and Indigo Knights agreed to do this on very special occasions only.

So when you see an eclipse in the night or day, remember that this was a truce between two knights and don’t just look at its beautiful glow.

this myth is your rebellion?
edit on 4/1/15 by Phatdamage because: fixed quote

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 11:27 AM
No, that is a poetic version of what we are, we are the reincarnations of the true knights of the round table. We are the incarnations of the diciplies of jesus, of roman emperors, of many philosophers, of occultists, and of misunderstood teens of 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and even today. I believe we return, but we will always be, moving from one planet to the other, repeating everything again, like a cycle.

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: AkioSensei91

When I tried to read your post, I began to wonder if was still around.

I am really skeptical about this 3 soul thing, to be
polite, but I'm fairly certain about one BIG EGO!
happy new year!

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 11:47 AM

There is some pictures on this link, yes, the drawings are created by the methods. And there are the 3 souls, see the comparison so far. There are,

all of them besides each other. I can draw more ratios, and it will keep on following the same face, its almost like i am rarely wrong.
edit on 4-1-2015 by AkioSensei91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 12:22 PM
You ask for assistance in your research. If I may suggest this. As a high school student, living at home and most likely sharing a bedroom with your brother in the remote wilds of the state of Washington, you have searched for an understanding of the larger world, of the world beyond your own everyday conditions. Something to mark you apart, if not in the eyes of others, at least in your own eyes.

In your several posts you use the term "I believe" many many times. What assistance I might offer is this. Let loose of the believing. You seem to have done a lot of reading on ancient myths and famous people of long ago as well as a bunch of what may be termed esoterica. Aleister Crowley for instance. Several of the names you use, or titles, come from him.
Try to not believe, and just consider. Belief can hold a person in chains as surely as iron links. Let loose on belief.

Consider. Weigh your information. Juxtapose one belief system with others. As you are still a teenager, vary your reading into a wider circle.

Try to not believe anything you read or study for the next ten years. Just gather information from the far corners of human study. Do not limit yourself to just esoterica, or lost mythological fantasy. Add to this biographies, wide histories of the world. The sciences. And don't believe, but consider. You have so many years ahead of you, don't waste them on belief, for belief will narrow your search until you are banging your fist against your forehead, because all of your thoughts will be swimming in small circles.

And is any of what I have said here true? Don't believe it. Consider it. You know why? For no other reason than I could be your great great grand father and may have seen and thought things of which you have yet to imagine.

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 12:26 PM
Thank you sir, and I mistakenly use the term believe at times, yes I will follow your tips, you are very helpful indeed

And, yes my great great grandfather is in fact Aleister Crowley 0: a reply to: TerryMcGuire

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 12:31 PM
OOPS. Never mind all I suggested before. I just read an earlier post of yours

Yes, in my opinion the world is just a place where humans live to advance spiritually to the level of Chuck Norris. Once we reach Chuckana we will attain peace and eternal wisdom!

If you believe this then just keep on keeping on. The world may just need this kind of wisdom. Or not.

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 12:34 PM
So you remember ??? How do you know so much??reply to: TerryMcGuire

edit on 4-1-2015 by AkioSensei91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 12:57 PM
I varied my reading and ventured into your introduction thread. Nothing magical.

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 12:59 PM
I see, oh okay. Hmm.... I am trying my best to gather more and more proof.

I want to find proof
My girlfriend encountered some of my past livespsychically
edit on 4-1-2015 by AkioSensei91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 02:10 PM
The differences between proof and belief are vague. I think that often, belief turns information into proof. And proof allows nothing but belief. They go together in a vicious circle.

There is today a belief that the truth is out there. We can read this in blogs, we can see it spread across commercials, we hear it from everybody selling the truth. Selling proof.

Walk cautiously among truth tellers.

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 10:18 PM
Any artists on here, try this out, use AKRKA method, this method will in fact create close to exact, my face.

Then draw out different combinations of the trio code, you will be suprised...

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 08:39 PM

I recently used the AKRKA, and RAKAR ratios to create these quick paint sketches, took about 30 minutes or so. AKRKA

uses KR as width and KA as height, RAKAR uses AK as width, and AR as height, and it seems to be functioning fairly well. I

matched it and it is consistent. I can create Richard Doyles face using this same method RKARA. So, in my trials I have

collected, first dreaming Ricky, and Tye Humming, and many other incarnations, and now plugging it together and finding

how it all works, it is okay if you disagree with me, but I am truly excited about this... Yeah, ask questions please, that would be great!

edit on 5-1-2015 by AkioSensei91 because: Addons

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 04:06 AM
I can tell you the story of some of my "most current incarnations" according to the first letters of their names:

Their initials are:


And the story:

S and R were commanded to trap me as a part of a plan to imprison me, and K was to observe. P was one of my pets, and M was an incarnation of one of my weapons. In that sense, I claimed S and R for what they had done to me in a blind rage, K submitted out of duty, I was found again by P, one of my loyal pets, whom delivered M that I used as a device/weapon to "free" myself.
edit on 6-1-2015 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 08:40 AM
This has nothing to do with my method... sigh

originally posted by: SystemResistor
I can tell you the story of some of my "most current incarnations" according to the first letters of their names:

Their initials are:


And the story:

S and R were commanded to trap me as a part of a plan to imprison me, and K was to observe. P was one of my pets, and M was an incarnation of one of my weapons. In that sense, I claimed S and R for what they had done to me in a blind rage, K submitted out of duty, I was found again by P, one of my loyal pets, whom delivered M that I used as a device/weapon to "free" myself.

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