posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 10:42 PM
Most of these reasons aren't really related specifically to being a vegan, in other words the improvements you speak of happen with any healthy diet,
not just veganism. A few stuck out that really don't make much sense however:
#10 eating a vegan diet has nothing to do with GMO foods. Most of the veggies and grain you find all over the country are GMO as well so you aren't
going to avoid that stuff by avoiding meat. If you want to avoid GMO you are going to have to buy specialty products, which you can also do with
#11 Avoiding sugar and carbs require far more discipline than avoiding meat for most people. While people crave meat, I don't think too many people
eat like 4-5 steaks in one sitting, plenty of people eat portion after portion of mac n cheese, slice after slice of pizza, or other carb loaded foods
because once you start it's hard to stop, and carbohydrates don't tell your brain to be full like meat does.
#12 How is this related to being vegan?
#14 Complete hogwash. Care to list what toxins and poisons fruit will rid your body of?
#15 Don't really need to say anything about this one, do I?
#16 Totally misleading. Cattle can be raised where crops cannot be grown. Cleaning forest for crop land is far more common than clearing forest for
cattle grazing. Cattle can eat grass, something that humans don't generally eat. Farmers are paid to NOT plant corn because of SO much of it being
produced. People starve because of money and politics, not because cows are eating all their food. Not to mention other meat like Chicken and Pig
that, once again, don't need any human food and can be raised in places where you can't grow crops.
#17 More meaningless stuff
#19 More meaningless stuff. Do you suppose the Lion's meal was happy about his sacrifice? Are you suggesting ALL the predatory animals on earth are
suffering some sort of psychological damage due to them scaring the animals they eat? Prey animals live in a constant state of fear regardless of
human intervention. Nature is rough and unforgiving without human intervention. This holds no water.
#21 This is goofy as hell anyway, but I'll bite. They don't want you eating meat. They want you eating grain. Grain is cheap, grain makes you
emotionally unstable and easier to control. Meat has always been what the elite of society eat, the peasants are the ones forced to eat grain to
survive. They aren't going to want you eating what they want to save for themselves. Companies selling food feature meat because people want meat.
Society in general is against meat, all the "official" suggestions for diet say to limit your meat consumption and replace it with grain. Aside from
not even making sense "they" aren't pushing meat on you, they are pushing a low-meat diet on you. Hmmm, wonder why.
If you want to be a vegan, that's great, have at it. But the obvious intention of the thread is to suggest other people join you, and the reasons
given are either bunk or unrelated to veganism. You could try to deflect and say "I'm not telling people what to do" if it wasn't for the fact
your thread was titled "Why YOU should..." You must know you aren't going to convince anyone to become a vegan with this thread, so there doesn't
seem much other purpose beside "Look at me I'm better than you and this is why"
And you wonder why people don't like Vegans.