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Ancient Indian aircraft on agenda of major science conference

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posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: rowanflame

says what?

“When the Daityas were being slaughtered they again took to their vimana and, employing the Danava science, flew up into the sky”

Stop stalling.

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 03:28 AM

Found this video for entertainment purposes involving vimanas from H2.

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: rowanflame

says what?

“When the Daityas were being slaughtered they again took to their vimana and, employing the Danava science, flew up into the sky”

Stop stalling. sky&source=bl&ots=X2SgaVzEfe&sig=UruRdMSbWTUyWLPa_0pIIet1NKo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=dsGvVMSZJo_faIvBgMgL&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=When%20the%20Daityas%20wer e%20being%20slaughtered%20%20employing%20the%20Danava%20flew%20up%20into%20the%20sky&f=false

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: Dabrazzo

Love the way you got zero stars for the silly post you wrote here, even on ATS where the naysayers and shills abound..

Do you actually know anything at all about the Pyramids, or have you just seen photos of what remains of the 'breeze block' layer - which has been eroded as it has, simply because it was never meant to be exposed to the atmosphere..?!

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: stirling

we do have the skills to construct these buildings , just look at any of the cathedrals around the world .

what stops anyone from building these type of buildings is finance and the time it takes to build them .

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Dabrazzo

Love the way you got zero stars for the silly post you wrote here, even on ATS where the naysayers and shills abound..

Do you actually know anything at all about the Pyramids, or have you just seen photos of what remains of the 'breeze block' layer - which has been eroded as it has, simply because it was never meant to be exposed to the atmosphere..?!

Someone always wants to make something about race its rather telling and has absolutly nothing to do with vimanas at all.

Claiming the danavas/supernatural anti gods with countless miraculous powers were european is beyond lunacy. Next thing is gonna be Ravana was a European as well as Hiranyakashipu, lets not forget Madu, Mahisura, Raktabija and Kaitaba. Its just beyond any crazy I have ever herd, wait no it isnt since there are others claiming to be european Jesus as well as Egyptians pyramids etc. . . All equally unbelievable.

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

You cant have it both ways, if you want to talk about Vimanas as being a real technology then you must understand there has also to be real people behind this technology. You cannot say yes the vimanas were real but the people who built them were not, if you want to deny the reality of the people that built them then you must also deny that vimanas as ever existing in a real way also!

edit on 9-1-2015 by rowanflame because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: rowanflame
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

You cant have it both ways, if you want to talk about Vimanas as being a real technology then you must understand there has also to be real people behind this technology. You cannot say yes the vimanas were real but the people who built them were not, if you want to deny the reality of the people that built them then you must also deny that vimanas as ever existing in a real way also!

So lemme get this straight your claiming Europeans were the anti gods known as danavas which revolted against the Devas under the leadership of Bali?

The danavas were not European nor was Bali, they wernt even considered human, from what I know they were said to be the gods which revolted against thier kin devas. They are likened to devas themselves and shouldnt be considered fleshy formed humans at all.

From what I have read in various books they live in an astral universe perhaps the patala regions of the creation, above our own physical universe constantly at war with the gods.

Well one might think there would be no wars in the astral worlds but they may be wrong. It has been said that among the fallen dark angels or astral light beings, some have heard of legends of the anti gods, which have been expelled from other worlds, friction and war take place with various powers or siddhis.

I can see how every power from our popular comic books might be employed by the use of these powers. I guess one might be considered an astral hero or villan, and for those who consider themselves such begin to wage an eternal struggle in the astral worlds. Technology used would be considered lifetronic bombs, using light to create weapons and crafts which move faster than light, and countless types of mental mantric vibratory rays.

These beings known as the anti gods or astral super villans caught up in an eternal struggle are unable to give up thier destructive ways therefor dwell in the darkness of mind or doom and gloom mentality, fear and oppression drench those regions of the lower astral cosmos, working out their endless evil karma, harming thier fellow beings, sunk in the darkness of false ego, and temporary gain. Much like evil the wizards of dungeons and dragons these guys dont know when to stop thier vile and wicked ways.

What really gets them is that the gods rule the astral and casual universes and they live in an eternal strife in the hopes of unseating the astral gods who rule the heavens above them. Reminds me of the Sayians from Dragon Ball Z, or supervillians always looking to destroy another planet and love battle over peace, caring nothing for love and life which does not serve thier egocentric wishes.

So basically europeans were not super villians with crazy universe powers in my opinion, but if you wanna believe that go right on ahead, doesnt make it so.

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 09:25 AM
Some of the tales talk about a ship that traveled around using a rock as fuel. Now, if you had a hot air balloon that used burning coal as the fuel source this would fit into the perspective of things. The shape of the balloon might look like a spaceship and if you had a bicycle style driven propeller to steer this thing then you could slightly alter the landing and travel.

To the normal people who don't understand this kind of things, it might be drawn in images that these people had wings. That is because it is the only way they would be able to portray the event. Spices could easily be sent this way across to places far away if they knew how air currents worked. People could also have been brought to South America this way.

The evidence does not go back farther than about three thousand years on this. People back then were intelligent and they wanted to fly like a bird just like people today. They could have made their dreams come true and actually made some money at it. Balloons cannot travel everywhere though. I could just imagine what people would have thought about seeing these back then, they would have been as excited as someone today seeing a UFO. I bet they were called crazy too, just like they are today.

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

I`m telling you that Athalantham is what we would call today north America

btw if these danavas were etheric/subtle beings as you say then their vimanas would also be non physical right? no point talking about metals, mechanics etc then?

edit on 9-1-2015 by rowanflame because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: rowanflame
a reply to: FormOfTheLord
I`m telling you that Athalantham is what we would call today north America

btw if these danavas were etheric/subtle beings as you say then their vimanas would also be non physical right? no point talking about metals, mechanics etc then?

No they have the power to create and transform energy and matter including themselves much like the eternals or deviants from marvel comics.
Technology used would be considered lifetronic bombs or bombs materialised by the thought forces of the beings, and would be just as real as nuclear weapons used by our society today. Using light to create various types of weapons and crafts thier technology would be something like the TRON movie by thought force alone, and their crafts are supposed to move faster than light, I would guess they use countless types of mental mantric vibratory rays to manifest all kinds of spells and powers. So they should be considered physical but far beyond anything physical as we know it. Think Q from Star Trek.......

They are basically fallen angels so to say....

They are basically light beings capable of various exploits including being physical, but most likely would never be a physical being for very long as it would be considered suffocating and gross limitation. They are supposed to be equal to the astral higher worlds, but thier war like ways keep them imprisoned in a certain lower area of the astral portion of the three universes, or three worlds, also known as the smaller physical universe we know of/ larger astral universe like heaven/ and super large casual universes like infinate univeres of heavens.

edit on 9-1-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Non physical beings would have absolutely no use for physical weapons, palaces or flying vehicles, they would be as much use to them as a house made of smoke of a pair of shoes made from air would be to you.

Your assertion then that they were non physical then excludes you from considering vimana as a technological thing that was used by humans for transport over our earth, according to you then humans never had such a technology.

Once you say they did then you have to consider the thing that makes you uncomfortable ie who and where. If we talk about plains today we all know who the inventor was and where he resided ie Wright brothers England Europe.

The Vaimānika Shāstra speaks about Vimanas being real physical devices constructed and flown by physical humans, if so who, where?

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: rowanflame
a reply to: FormOfTheLord
Non physical beings would have absolutely no use for physical weapons, palaces or flying vehicles, they would be as much use to them as a house made of smoke of a pair of shoes made from air would be to you.
Your assertion then that they were non physical then excludes you from considering vimana as a technological thing that was used by humans for transport over our earth, according to you then humans never had such a technology.
Once you say they did then you have to consider the thing that makes you uncomfortable ie who and where. If we talk about plains today we all know who the inventor was and where he resided ie Wright brothers England Europe.
The Vaimānika Shāstra speaks about Vimanas being real physical devices constructed and flown by physical humans, if so who, where?

I reccomend you re-read what I wrote, they are beyond physical fleshy forms, but not incapable of physical manipulation and manifestation, very similar to universe of deviant Q's from Star Trek.

As to who made the original vimanas here on earth and where they went, who knows? There was said to be a big exodus from earth before the onset of Kali Yuga, leaving the earth to new worlds beyond the galaxy itself, using something like stargates.

As to who made the Vimanas on earth, I guess some scientists could have created flight in ancient times, just like we have today, but would have needed an advanced society to build them with.

Most cultures had sky gods or those who used vimana like devices, sky chariots, whatever they are gone now.

They may eventually come back, who knows thats what the whole ancient alien theories are trying to uncover who were the sky gods? What kinds of technology were they using, were they human, were they ET, were they a mix, etc. . .

Now I am not saying the Europeans couldnt be decended from these beings as well as the rest of the humans on earth, most cultures tell stories of how the gods made thier people and then left them here to live as mortals.

Now to claim the Europeans were the true gods or builders of all ancient technology is a serious whakamole moment for me, why because your putting them on a pedastal they dont belong on. We are all one race, the human race, we are all equal, there is no difference in any of us even at the atomic level we are all absolutely the same.

All races may have had divine orgins, and to say one race is superior to another is just three fries short of a happy meal, we have to find a way out of racism, its crazy, its nuts, its insane, its bonzo, its no longer being in possession of ones mental faculties, its WACKO!
edit on 9-1-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord We are all one race, the human race, we are all equal, there is no difference in any of us even at the atomic level we are all absolutely the same.

Cute but not true, never was true and never will be true we are in fact all different and the differences you observe in our cultures and society's are a reflection of that difference.....people need to stop with this we are all the same rubbish because it simply is not true!

The ones who evacuated this earth before the onset of the Kali yuga (Nordics) were the davavas or Tuatha Dé Danann in Irish (Danu was the wife of Kasyapa and the children of danu were called the danavas). They are the very same "gods" the Aztecs mistook the Spanish for when they arrived in the Americas ie the gods returning. Tho some left before the disaster that marked the beginning of the kali yuga some stayed behind and even then those who could later left leaving the rest stranded here

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: rowanflame

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord We are all one race, the human race, we are all equal, there is no difference in any of us even at the atomic level we are all absolutely the same.

Cute but not true, never was true and never will be true we are in fact all different and the differences you observe in our cultures and society's are a reflection of that difference.....people need to stop with this we are all the same rubbish because it simply is not true!

The ones who evacuated this earth before the onset of the Kali yuga (Nordics) were the davavas or Tuatha Dé Danann in Irish (Danu was the wife of Kasyapa and the children of danu were called the danavas). They are the very same "gods" the Aztecs mistook the Spanish for when they arrived in the Americas ie the gods returning. Tho some left before the disaster that marked the beginning of the kali yuga some stayed behind and even then those who could later left leaving the rest stranded here

Not only are all people the same here on earth but animals too are the same as people, only difference is a few strands of DNA paired differently. Not only that but all beings are interchangable, for example if you take a human egg scrape out the tiny bit of human DNA there and then take a frog sperm and fertilize it in a lab you will get a 100% frog baby, same goes for a snake egg and a human, or any creature on the face of the earth all the same. Also vice versa take a human sperm and put it in a possum egg, scrape out the possum dna and you get a 100% human.

Brains of all creatures work the same from animals to humans all exactly the same, even mice are like 96% the same as humans other than a few pairs of DNA.

Now take humans which are all the exact same other than some skin, facial, and hair coloration, are 100% the same.

Now this must be the most ignorant and racist thing I have herd in a long time, now your saying races are different which is very untrue, and not only are you saying that your taking a it a step further into racial oblivion by saying Europeans were the gods of old which is special kind of crazy similar to what Hitler believed.

I got news for ya, there is no master race, no humans are above others in any way shape or form.

This isnt a thread for racist ideologies which count Europeans as the true gods its for discussion of vimanas not master race malarkey.

After the crazed race related thread drift here is a video based on ancient cosmic wars and vimanas.

edit on 9-1-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: rowanflame let's see some evidence!!

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck
a reply to: rowanflame let's see some evidence!!

Be careful what you wish for.


posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: rowanflame

Your link is bad. However, I found the passage here.

Arjuna boasting about his conquest the yakshas or asuras. Demons, just like Ravana, the demon-king of the Ramayana, and like him, the owner of a supposed flying palace (which can also be a submarine).

Pure wish-fulfillment fantasy.

Here's the whole passage. Please tell me evidence what you find there for the claim that ancient Indians had aircraft.

When the Daityas were being slaughtered, they again took to their city and employing their Danava wizardry flew up to the sky, city and all. I stopped them with a mighty volley of arrows, and blocking their road I halted the Daityas in their course. But because of the boon given them the Daityas easily held their celestial, divinely effulgent, airborne city, which could move about at will. Now it would go underground, then hover high in the sky, go diagonally with speed, or submerge in the ocean. I assaulted the mobile city, which resembled Amaravati [the capital of one of the heavens, where the god Indra reigns], with many kinds of missiles... Wounded by the iron, straight-travelling arrows I shot off, the Asura city fell broken on the earth.

Do you also think the ancient Greeks had winged horses, flying rams, one-eyed giants and nine-headerd monsters?

edit on 10/1/15 by Astyanax because: of the hydra.

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

I never said Indians had flying machines, in fact I said they did not but the danavas, Yavanas (Danaan) did !

"When the Daityas were being slaughtered, they again took to their city and employing their Danava wizardry flew up to the sky"

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

In modern times most of the technology you use and have access to comes from a handful of country's yet these country's choose to share their knowledge with the world and in that way technology is distributed throughout the world.

In ancient times it was different, you had the same handful of country's/peoples with technological advancement yet they chose NOT to share it with the world but instead keep it to themselves. This lead to massive technological disparity on the earth. Places like Atlantis were technological advanced yet the rest of the world was primitive. Those who occupied those lands without such technology's looked on those handful of technologically advanced country's as though they were occupied by gods. In fact those in Atlantis subjugated the world due to their possession of technology's they had which others had not.

Seneca legend tells that during the time of Turtle Island that all five races of the world occupied one great land mass. The white race, known as the "Gaggans" occupied what was then Atlantis, in the northeast of the island. This race was blessed with great creative talents.

*Cures were found for all human diseases.
*Physical health was achieved by the light of Grandfather Sun.
*Machines were invented to do their work.

None of these things were harmful to the earth. However the white race refused to share their knowledge with the other races. The white race lived longer and they came to look at the other four races as inferior. The Gaggans wore white clothing, kept themselves strong and clean. They hated dirt, dust, soil, which soiled their bodies and clothing. They made homes of marble and crystal, they had artificial plants. All this was because they were afraid of dirt. Other races were NOT allowed into their encampments except as servants, singers, or dancers for the Gaggans own amusement. These people used the minerals of the earth for their pleasures, and made great holes in the earth. Soon there were no trees, no plant life, and no animals in their land.

Other Council Fires Were Here Before Ours by Seneca Grandmother, elder Twylah Nitsch

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