a reply to:
Thank you for your support! We still have to define what the beast is in first place, before we elaborate on its mark. Is the beast of John (not
necessarily the apostle John) equal to the beast of Daniel? And who the beast of Daniel is or could represent? The other 3 beasts are known to Daniel
from the nature. I.e. they are earthly animals more or less. The 4th beast however is unknown to Daniel, and he specifically asks the angel about it.
Does it mean that 4th beast has nothing to do with earthly animals, and is in fact extraterrestrial entity(s)?
I want to elaborate on something else. Paul has a great teaching. However he was not among the first 12 apostles. He had just a vision or two of
Jesus Christ. He did a great job to popularize Christianity in then civilized world of Greco-Roman imperial and cultural reach. My respect to Paul!
However, Paul had apparent spat with the..Angels. To the extend he calls the angels to be demons pretending angels, and to say anathema to angels who
speak otherwise. So...there were angels at the time of Paul who spoke otherwise. If not, he would have not written that at all. That makes my
conclusion that the Angels present at the time of Jesus (ET of whatever kind and choir you'd like) had serious controversies on core issues of
interpreting the teaching of Jesus.
Indeed, with so big loopholes and scarcity of written documents dating from different times and composed later (they were not numbered the way they
were later!!!), banned entire books, and erased from official record Marriage of Jesus (that is now presented in already dozen or so other gospels)
it is not strange to imagine a big theological spat between the Angels ETs who knew the truth, and the second generation of disciples who didn't have
any record of it but relayed on memories. I do not criticize Paul and do not take sides, but I define Paul's words as significant proof of such
disagreement between Angelic ET and the leaders of Christian communities. Especially taken into account the fact only few of the Christians were as
educated as Paul to be able to argue at all. In other words, Paul took the presiding place eclipsing even Peter and decided what was right and wrong.
Just see how many pages written by Paul were preserved, compared to the rest of the texts. It was Paul who defined the early Christianity. That
reflects in the fact that Paul installed the next "pope" or successor of Peter - Linus.
Unfortunately, Paul and the Angels had different views. We don't know about what exactly. Perhaps one single big issue was the Marriage of Jesus
erased from record and memory by promoted teaching to the other end of the spectrum. That alone issue could be elaborated in volumes modern scholars'
research, and I hope that to happen.
There are other issues as well. If there were Angels, there would be Planets where they came from (no they were not spirits, and they moved a heavy
stone - no spirit is doing that). If Jesus disappears in a "cloud" that means he took transport to somewhere. Similarly, Phillip took a transport from
Gaza to Azotus. Similarly, the Bethlehem star shone upon exact curves of bumpy roads, following it. No star will do it, but UFO will. Such
inconvenient questions for the ancient time and Middle ages, that costed many lives, must be addressed now. Where is the heaven, the hell and
purgatory, if we don't have only one single earth anymore but billions?
If there are evil angels, isn't it better to define who are the evil ones as soon as we can? In the Middle ages it was forbidden to pronounce the
names of known angels who were not mentioned in canonical books, but in Hebrew books. Why? If we go back to the issue of the beast, which one of the
currently known ET races closely resembles it?
Another very important question that the Church refused to address in 14 centuries unchallenged rule over Christendom: the social justice. How is
possible to teach the Gospel of Kingdom of love and mercy, and to support for 14 centuries (at least) tyrannical regimes with vague promises of life
after Second Coming? Is this what Jesus wanted established on Earth as result of His coming and Sacrifice? Certainly not! The Churches (today not a
single entity) must tackle the issue without any delay and force the coming of Kingdom that Jesus spoke of, on this current planet and as many planets
that will be discovered tomorrow (as the new continents - that unfortunately conquistadors and inquisition took hold of). The denial of the
millennium, that is an absurd work repeated over and over, unless we assume the whole Revelation is fake. Why shoul someone deny what will happen
AFTER Jesus' Second Coming? Do we ever know it in first place? That is not just denial of Jesus' rule, that is denial of the building of more just
society BEFORE Jesus' coming. By introducing the fearful image of an antichrist. Whoever honest ruler wanted to do something in favor of social
justice, was warned that the Kingdom of heaven cannot come on this world and he'd better expect the next one, or else...the image of antichrist could
easily be applied to everyone disobedient. As there are precedents of excommunicated emperors.
he issues are too large for a couple of posts. I just mark some points that deserve utmost consideration by the modern Christianity who already thinks
with their own heads and do not rush blindly in the next cult promising kind of easy End times, rapture or martyrdom, and Second Coming. Too naive!
The picture is much more difficult, even if these are present in some form. (for example, a rapture would take the form of a spaceship ride given to
I'd like those issues to be discussed by the people who have the responsibility of the catholic church (and not only that church). We know of incoming
important meetings, such as the consistory of new cardinals this month in Rome, and the enlarged synod of bishops in the Fall. Next year is expected
the Roman-Byzantium synod of some kind to take place. With such hi profile meetings, and with people who pretend and are among the most intelligent
part of Christian leaders, let hope they will stop hiding the truth - for their own eyes as well as for the multitudes, and will say the basic plain
set of truths of the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that we were denied for 1900 years so far.
edit on 5-2-2015 by 2012newstart because: (no
reason given)