posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 03:10 PM
Dear seekers and forummembers! Ordo Illuminati do exist and have nothing in common with what i have read here at the forum,accept for that Illuminati
means"enlightment" in Latin.
Yes, it is a secret society.That is why nobody outside our order knows anything about us.
Pope Pius II once saied something wich enlighten this.
"God have created both the visible as well as the invicible.Why would our creator create anything to be unseen if it was his will for us to se".
But our Imperator have given me permission of one thing to tell you all.
Our Holy Order is not evil in any way!
We are the enlighted brotherhood, by Gods grace and blessings.
Could blessed enlightment be Evil?
No, not even if its abused.Because it is blessed, it can not even be abused.
God, our creator,is love and so is his blessings.
Pure love, has nothing to do with breeding.Its is pure and give only good things as effect!
Breeding can give an offspring, who also can choose evil deeds.
Pure love do not have that option.
Think of that, you seekers!
You may produce as much thoughts about us as you wish.
But bare in mind,"whats hidden will remain hidden" as the mason of creation wish that.
/A knight of The Holy Order of Illuminati, Barer of the Golden cross of Jerusalem.