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With All The Guns In America Is The Country Destined For Revolt?

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posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 11:18 AM
link I also stated...

The goal of government is to convince the people that it is cheaper to give in to government and more expensive to revolt.

More expensive to revolt...that government can raise the cost to people that they would not dare to revolt.

So what is the highest cost that government can extract from a people???" Anyone have a clue...for it will never be taught today for the danger that is poses to government...

The answer is Loss of the Soul. That the government is the ultimate power or absolute power over whether you get to heaven or hell. Absolute power or divine right of kings.

That by this absolute power ..there is no law that the government cannot make or break that they can continue to take or extract more and more from people.

Or put another way today...GFW Hegel ..."The State is god."

Government today has taken the tack that you can be educated away from your religious beliefs ...any and all religious beliefs removed from the public forum...and in public schools only to be replaced by government and it's to get people off and away from their religion and onto the new religion..government and science backed by government.

In this way you would not notice that government is going more and more to absolute power over anything and everything ..everyone.

This was the reason for Separation of Church and was to be a limit on government ..not on the people as it is practiced today.

How also do I know this...because many leaders in this country have also stated about our President..."You are not a King."

Thus meaning a "Divine Right King " with "Absolute Power."

Do not deceive yourself for one minute to believing that this government is not going back to absolute dumbing down the American People by not teaching them any history such that they do not have the ability to think for themselves or know what it means when someone states.."You are not a King."
And I mean matter what phony party is in office. They are all lying and deceiving us about this template from history.


edit on 18-3-2015 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

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