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With All The Guns In America Is The Country Destined For Revolt?

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posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 08:32 AM
Well if the ## ever did hit the fan I think many in the military may go to the revolters sides.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 08:35 AM
I don't think the end of the 2nd Amendment is the goal...only a tool to reach the goal.

The goal is something far worse...and more deceitful. I think people would be astonished/shocked if they knew.

ExMissileTech has already outlined some of it. Population reduction.

It is already taking place in some countries. It is just being under reported. Covered up for what it really is.


I've not heard of that drug. That is a new one to me. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Zombie like. That is how I describe many at my work place returning from a hard weekend. Particularly holiday weekends....Zombies. Takes many until Wednesday to get back into shape for some serious work. But you are telling me it is now available in a devastating drug form.

I agree on the divide and conquer. This particular group in Washington DC and whoever is sponsoring them is heavy on divide and conquer. It is also how they seem to deal with any competition. Destroy competition by dividing and conquering their support structure..often using/misusing the news media to accomplish this.

Anything but uniting a people. This is a warning flag...Divide and Conquer. It is also not leadership.

Which brings me to the military and revolution.

I don't know how many are aware of it but many in top leadership in the US Military have retired and just plain left the service when they began to realize what is going on...politically. Our military, since the Clinton Administration, has been heavily infiltrated with reliable political hacks....not with military leaders..but with people who are politically reliable.

This is a very different thing from reliable, faithful, dependable military leadership. It is going on once again and at a faster speed under this current administration. The purging of our military leadership with those politically dependable. It has been in the news but not so much directly.

We have a military full of politicians at top leadership positions..not shooters. This cannot be accidental.

Something about which to think and consider.

edit on 20-1-2015 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: orangetom1999
I don't think the end of the 2nd Amendment is the goal...only a tool to reach the goal.
The goal is something far worse...and more deceitful. I think people would be astonished/shocked if they knew.
ExMissileTech has already outlined some of it. Population reduction.
It is already taking place in some countries. It is just being under reported. Covered up for what it really is.

Then the game is afoot! Which kinda sucks . . . . .

edit on 20-1-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 02:57 AM
It may not happen in our lifetimes but as long as the 2nd amendment is there I think a revolt will eventually come to pass.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 06:11 AM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
Americans are armed due to the second amendment, not only for self protection but also for overthrowing the government if need be.

I wonder if the second amendment was made in order to seed a revolution into the country.

Many believe that citizens should not have guns, only police officers and military should be allowed to have guns. There seems to be a push to get guns registered and even ban guns altogether in some states.

My main topic of this thread is are the guns in the 2nd amendment for overthrowing the government? Is America destined for a revolution due to the right to bear arms?

Would you be willing to give up your guns and change the 2nd amendment to avoid such a destiny for future generations?

There's an old rule of everything: the person with the biggest stick makes the rules.

I would suggest that your Founding Fathers fully appreciated this, and also appreciated that the only way a nation could remain under the control of the people was to ensure that the people had the biggest stick. The 2A was not about "revolution" exactly, but the hope that knowing the people had to capacity and inclination to rise up would be enough to keep the government in check.

Your democracy and freedom shouldn't be something that a beneficial government chooses to allow. It should be something that the government knows it could never take away.

America as it was originally envisaged took a mortal wound the day they raped the Interstate Commerce clause. Losing the 2A would be the coup de grace. Oh you'd still exist, you're still get on with your daily lives, but whatever was left would no longer (philosophically or legally) be the America of old.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: EvillerBob

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

Americans are armed due to the second amendment, not only for self protection but also for overthrowing the government if need be.

I wonder if the second amendment was made in order to seed a revolution into the country.

Many believe that citizens should not have guns, only police officers and military should be allowed to have guns. There seems to be a push to get guns registered and even ban guns altogether in some states.

My main topic of this thread is are the guns in the 2nd amendment for overthrowing the government? Is America destined for a revolution due to the right to bear arms?

Would you be willing to give up your guns and change the 2nd amendment to avoid such a destiny for future generations?

There's an old rule of everything: the person with the biggest stick makes the rules.

I would suggest that your Founding Fathers fully appreciated this, and also appreciated that the only way a nation could remain under the control of the people was to ensure that the people had the biggest stick. The 2A was not about "revolution" exactly, but the hope that knowing the people had to capacity and inclination to rise up would be enough to keep the government in check.

Your democracy and freedom shouldn't be something that a beneficial government chooses to allow. It should be something that the government knows it could never take away.

America as it was originally envisaged took a mortal wound the day they raped the Interstate Commerce clause. Losing the 2A would be the coup de grace. Oh you'd still exist, you're still get on with your daily lives, but whatever was left would no longer (philosophically or legally) be the America of old.

Well I agree with you an most all your points, and yes losing the 2nd amendment will be the end any chance to ever revolt with anything other than farm tools and kitchen knives. Government doesnt want the people to revolt ever! So they have every reason to take that ability away from the people. So I really dont see a reason for the government to not take the guns away, other than the blow back they will get from the public. However with a good false flag the people will just hand those guns on in without too much of a fuss.
Of course people will aways have guns, but it will be government people and police officers in a hypothetical no 2nd amendment USA.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: EvillerBob

Agree Bob,

Someone has taken the Interstate Commerce Clause and tried to put everything people do under that clause for control and regulation. I believe this Health Care is falling under that so as not to have it shown for what it really is...a hidden tax. The Interstate Clause is a type of Religious Talmud. A set of rules for getting around the Rules. You can get around the rules but you must follow the rules to get around the rules. Just don't let anyone know this is what is happening to them. This Talmudic principle of operation allows them to skirt what was intended by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Remember this one from Lawyer Speak..

'I did not have sex with that woman!!"

This is called Mental Reservation. A mind trick or mind rule. Mentalus Reservatus. A substitution scheme.

There is a concept in law called Legal and Lawful.

Legal refers to the "Form " of law. This meaning the "appearance " of the Law. A substitution scheme.

Lawful refers to the "Substance" of the law." What the Law was intended to do or accomplish.

Today by slight of hand we tend to think they are the same thing..they are not and lawyers will help us to remain confused about this.

Legal means form only....that the t's are crossed and the i's dotted. Only that the law "Appears" to have been followed. All the forms and blocks are checked off in the file folders.

Lawful means that what was intended by a law is what was done or accomplished.

Under can get all the file folders completed and filed away..but the law is totally reversed from what was intended..but it looks good on paper.

This is mostly what is happening today. Another substitution hide the real goal.

Anyone thinking for themselves knows that the State of the Union speech was such propaganda and deceit.

There are not enough rich people in America to keep the government going for so many years that the plan states.

Government could take all the money from rich people ..totally and it would only run the government for about two weeks to a month if they were frugal.

I have known this for many years now. If they get this tax increase will be on the middle class..not on the rich.
Rich is only a cover to get a tax on most Americans.

At the rate government is spending money and buying up more and more of the economy...they have to limit the middle class to prevent inflation from happening worse than it is already happening. They have to limit competition in the economy from the middle class.
This is going to become a substitution scheme.

There are two particular groups of people who are singled out by government today for special treatment...this present government in particular..

Christians and gun owners..and from the beginning it was so.

Remember this over six years ago.

So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

They were telling us this over six years is coming to pass...albeit quietly but make no mistake it is happening.

This is not leadership. But it is a template of how someone out here is operating in Divide and Conquer to reach their goals. And we have seen this pattern operate many times since that speech on the campaign trail over six years ago. You are going to see it again on many other issues. It is definitely operating still and by the "Usual Suspects" on the subject of Race. It is all they have...Divide and Conquer. The best they have.

And I believe it will be done on 2A as well. Divide and Conquer. Like the tax substitution will be false security.

Be Warned.


edit on 21-1-2015 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2015 @ 01:13 PM

Who knows?

However there does seem to be a push to get people to hand in thier guns, little by little.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:41 AM
Someone sent this to me in my mail pouch. I thought it interesting in lieu of the contrasts between what we are presented with in constant misleading barrage by the media as well as leadership in this nation and what is under reported or not reported at all..even by the so called conservative media.

Here for your further consideration and education in light of the seriousness of the OP's topic... cover charge.

When you vote for an incumbent you are perpetuating our government as it is now.
Nothing will change. 3 short sentences, you may find interesting.
These three sentences tell you a lot about the direction of our current government and cultural environment:

1.) We are advised NOT to judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
Funny how that works. And here's another one worth considering.

2.) Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money.
How come we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money? What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't.

Think about it..... Last but not least:
3.) Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WWII, but we are not stopping payments to illegal aliens such as monthly payments for each child, money for housing, Food Stamps, free education including college and also the right to vote?
Am I the only one missing something?

If not, pass this along.


posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: orangetom1999
Someone sent this to me in my mail pouch. I thought it interesting in lieu of the contrasts between what we are presented with in constant misleading barrage by the media as well as leadership in this nation and what is under reported or not reported at all..even by the so called conservative media.
Here for your further consideration and education in light of the seriousness of the OP's topic... cover charge.

When you vote for an incumbent you are perpetuating our government as it is now.

Nothing will change. 3 short sentences, you may find interesting.

These three sentences tell you a lot about the direction of our current government and cultural environment:

1.) We are advised NOT to judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.

Funny how that works. And here's another one worth considering.

2.) Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money.

How come we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money? What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't.
Think about it..... Last but not least:

3.) Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WWII, but we are not stopping payments to illegal aliens such as monthly payments for each child, money for housing, Food Stamps, free education including college and also the right to vote?

Am I the only one missing something?

If not, pass this along.


I often wonder what gun owners will do if they are ever asked to give up thier guns?
Would they give them up?
I am sure many would, however I think there would be large groups that wouldnt.
How long would they be able to live as fugitives from the law?
edit on 26-1-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: MrWendal

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

My main topic of this thread is are the guns in the 2nd amendment for overthrowing the government?

Short answer... Yes.

The Documents which are credited for founding the Republic are very clear in this respect. Not just the Bill of Rights and the second Amendment, but also the Declaration of Independence touches on it as well when it states:

-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


I strongly suggest people read the full Declaration of Independence at the link provided. Read the reasoning and examples listed for why there ever was a Revolution to begin with. Read for yourself that the USA today- is everything the Founders fought against.

Is America destined for a revolution due to the right to bear arms?

Destined? I am not so sure. You'd have to find enough people with the balls to revolt. People willing to put everything on the line to effect change. Also keep in mind- at the time of the writing of the second amendment, as you commonly hear from people who are against it, it was written with muskets in mind. The people had muskets and so did the Government and Armies. It was a level playing field. That level playing field no longer exists. Which is something I attempt to explore in THIS THREAD a few years ago.

Would you be willing to give up your guns and change the 2nd amendment to avoid such a destiny for future generations?

Give up my guns? Absolutely not.

Change the second Amendment? Sure... but only to level the playing field once again. The only change I'd like to see in the 2nd is a removal of all restrictions.

Keep in mind in a revolt if the rebels got the upper hand they could always be nuked from orbit by the powers that be.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 09:19 PM
I think sone more gun grabs may be on the way in the near future, ammo reduction and the like will most likely become more common. Also rfid tags on all bullets so they can be tracked.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 10:33 PM
No need for guns in a modern revolt. Who is going to be so stupid as to die/be injured only to make somebody else richer? Better to take the thieves money and assets.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: stayinglowkey
No need for guns in a modern revolt. Who is going to be so stupid as to die/be injured only to make somebody else richer? Better to take the thieves money and assets.

There are plenty of people in the past to have lined up to be cannon fodder for one reason or another. I dont see how claiming someones cash will make any difference at all in the long run. I do think that the guns will be taken away at some point, for better or for worse. Who knows if that may or may not happen, its just speculation.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:52 PM
I do think that the 300 million guns in civilian hands plays a rather large role in whether Russia or China ever decides to invade us. We would need to fall oh so far for a revolt in this country. Hell we keep voting in the jackasses over and over, why would we revolt if we can not even stop voting those who continually fail?

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 01:41 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
I do think that the 300 million guns in civilian hands plays a rather large role in whether Russia or China ever decides to invade us. We would need to fall oh so far for a revolt in this country. Hell we keep voting in the jackasses over and over, why would we revolt if we can not even stop voting those who continually fail?

I dont think that would ever happen as long as weapons of worldwide mass destruction exist, and the handguns and rifles arent stopping any military from comming in.

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 02:38 AM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
Maybe if we stopped shooting each other for a day we could talk about using them for a revolution, or if we as a people could come together on what to revolt against and what we will do after it might happen but until then no way. Or even decide who is allowed to have guns and who isn't.
And my comment about us shooting each other I'd meant for all things from gang violence to people shooting people by mistake.

Well some of the violence in the world is due to a tactic known as Divide and Conquer
or Divide and Rule, very old and over used trick to keep different
factions of society at each others throats.

Divide and Rule

The basic premise being that if I can keep you two busy with each other
you will not "get busy" with me while I have my hand in the "metaphorical" cookie jar.

This is again a large scale confidence game that has been used by rulers for ages.

From the ancient masonic texts it was spoken as Ab Chao Ordo...aka Order out of Chaos.

They trigger the chaos, knowing how the various factions will react and they
play us like a instrument and sow a symphony of discord, not unity and harmony.

They have various tools such as drugs, money, fear, sex, corruption and other forms of
leverage to make the political class dance like marionettes, and or whoever else.

These are some of the aspects of the political awakening Brzezinski was worried about
the general public become "wise" to and thus being able to see thru it and monkey wrench
it as Chomsky and others have recommended.

This is part of the reason for the "deliberate dumbing down" of the public as is
mentioned by one of the genetic daughters of their ilk, Mrs. Iserbyt.

Charlotte Iserbyt

Based on her research and others such as how it was concluded that
television is a weapon aimed at the public as well.

You don't spend that kind of money researching flicker rates without some kind of agenda.

Anyways back to violence for a bit...

If you can get the human mind to operate at a primal state such as anger, fear, etc etc
it is more susceptible to suggestion.

So they longer they can keep you in a frame of mind that is primal, the better the
odds they can steer you via various psychological mechanisms.

Now onto guns and the 2nd amendment.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Before guns existed people were killed in large numbers by swords, bows,
and other weapons and poisons.

Poison is still popular as is seen on the back of your box of toothpaste.

In other nations where the right to own firearms were removed, not too long
after that almost every other right was removed as well. Slowly in the current
day and age using the boiling frog approach so that you can totally transform
the world into a global union aka global government.

In the past they were impatient, and more overt with their intent, such as
Mao, Stalin, Polpot, etc etc...

Now they are patient, and use fear, guilt, horror, and other primal emotions
to manipulate the emotional parts of the public.

You can tell when they are playing a con game with it when you see a parent
of a child laughing it up, talking actor lingo on a camera he doesn't know is on
and as soon as the other camera goes live to cover "the event" then he starts
acting like the parent of the victim crying and wailing in emotional distress.

What you have their is the covert psychopath, those who merely act that
they have feelings to use it to sell an agenda.

I am referring to the parent caught on video in this manner at Sandy Hook.

You can find it on youtube if you really want to, or elsewhere.

So at this point it becomes obvious that psychological warfare is being used
on the public similar to what was derived from MK Ultra and other human

Some of it that was dragged over via Operation paper clip from former NAZI scientists.

At this point you realize that the people that "think" they have rights
are viewed as the enemy by "someone" who has hijacked what was our government
sometime long ago long before any of us were born.

And now you have found you have discovered something new in the world.

The stealth coup...

You realize your government isn't your government, its merely an illusion pulled
over your eyes to get you to believe what you see and hear, and the reality
is entirely something else that is not usually seen by the public eye.

Such as what really happened to JFK, RFK, MLK, Terrence Yeakey, Michael Hastings,
Pat Tillman, Vince Foster, Barry Seal, John P. O'Neill and long and unending list of bodies...

Some of them were would be heroes....and America used to care about
their heroes such as the firefighters on 9-11 who tried to tell you the
truth of what happened.

But the chemicals in the food and drink, and the flicker rates of the television
were so strong that for years most of the public believed the official story.

The MK Ultra weapon was working, working well, and so was launched the war
on terror to get us to chase our own mercenaries all over the world.

Any country we wanted to invade whack-a-mole AL-CIA-da shows up
and in we go, just like former 5 star general Supreme Allied Commander of
NATO General Wesley Clark said in his 7 nations in 5 years speech.

They will continue to use incrementalism to deprive of us of all of our rights
like a spiritual death by a thousand cuts. We will feel the pain, and tell
ourselves it is but a small pain and we can bear it, til the light fades from
the world and our eyes.

Then this method will be rolled out against the rest of the world.

The psychological warfare dismantling of nations is unfolding before
your eyes, and most of the people of the planet will not even believe it
if I explain it step by step, piece by piece.

Keep in mind, I am not the 1st or the last messenger on this, even books
lightly alluded to it by their own librarian Carroll Quigley and others.

In a brash and booming way even alex jones tries to get out the message,
but the public has a gag reflex that when you try to shove too much
down their throats at once they choke on it.

He has sense realized that, and has brought in different archetypes to
offer the message in different ways that different "mental prisoners"
can digest it.

I am not saying AJ is right about everything, and the same goes for me
or anyone else for that matter.

One of the aspects of psychological and spiritual warfare is deception
as mentioned by Machiavelli and Sun Tsu.

Some of the info we find is disinfo as seen in project bluebook,
project sign, operation grudge, etc etc....

So as Aldous Huxley said, you can try to fight it, but the odds are
stacked so high against you that I doubt I can even explain it.

When you look at the milgram experiment, and understand how
and why they did it and what they use it for now most people
will not believe the full implications when I tell them.

So you can have the guns, but if they can steer you into a trap
with them then they will still win.

I think that is how it will go, but I do think it is the right of the
people to defend themselves, and the right of the people to
abolish their government when it becomes tyrannical.

As has been said by many, all government becomes corrupt,
and it is the responsibility of the citizens to fix it.

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 02:52 AM

I don't see a win in the cards, so I will stick to my plan of hiding in the wilderness
when it all goes wonky from one of many methods they may choose.

Some of the worst of those will be civil war, ww3, biological weapons in vaccines,
and or some other not considered event they may have saved up to steer the
public like a herd of cattle running out of control due to a thunderstorm.

Thus Orwell's allegories in animal farm, allegory of human domestication,
allegory of tribalism, allegory of divide and rule.

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 02:55 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
I do think that the 300 million guns in civilian hands plays a rather large role in whether Russia or China ever decides to invade us. We would need to fall oh so far for a revolt in this country. Hell we keep voting in the jackasses over and over, why would we revolt if we can not even stop voting those who continually fail?

You merely "think" we vote them in.

Watch "Hacking Democracy".

I was surprised the would rub it in our face in Ohio when he won
99% of the vote in over 100 precincts.

I guess they like to offer us chances to freak out to see how good
the MK Ultra tools are working on the public.

From my evaluation the MK Ultra tools are working quite well on
most of the population.

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord
"Keep in mind in a revolt if the rebels got the upper hand they could always be nuked from orbit by the powers that be. "

Actually that is what the 30,000 drones for US skies is about.

Some of the new drones are small and disposable, basically a flying claymore mine.

Ask yourself why do they need to GPS mark where my front door is ???

Nuke is a fear trigger word, its not something they plan to use unless it
looks like we are winning against them.

If it looks like we are going to win, then we get nuked.

Thus why my plans involve not being near a major city.

Thus why they have a history of packing ppl into things like
the Warsaw ghettoes as a control mechanism.

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