posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to:
I think youre expecting more of it than it is. Colors, twitching, and other reflections are varied or non-existent is some meditators. Those are
non-issues in the long run for them, and for some...those are worse.
The very nature of meditation is that it is specific to the individual, their life experiences, their ability to still the body, mind etc.
Reading about it in books and expecting and looking for those specific instances is not practical. Some, yes. Others and the way they develop and
manifest...or not...are uniquely yours.
Trying to achieve those things read in books...and looking for them...or ignoring them in not the same as your mind achieving that which is
entirely yours, your mind, its reflections, observations and the ways it assimilates that during the process.
During your searching-learning process, don't make it harder than it is. Even sitting on a bus with eyes closed is a form of meditating...even lying
on a couch-eyes closed waiting for a headache to go another.
Learn to be still. Quiet the mind. There are great apps, tapes and such of waterfalls, single tones, rain etc that help you be still and focus. These
area all great when learning the process.
Remember: Don't look for the "text-book" description and what to look for. No-one knows what that will be. Only you it is
again...uniquely yours.