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Will 2015 be the year when the final Antichrist rises and makes himself known?

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posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

I always wondered about the female aspect, but the bible says male

edit on 083131p://bThursday2015 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: works4dhs
Short answer, it's possible.
I long ago tried to stop putting God on a timetable. He will do what He wants, when He wishes.
I sure don't think it'll be much longer.
it's possible that the guy running Isis, proclaiming himself the Caliph, is the aC. I suspect he'll be muslim.

I'm not shure if he'll be revealed before we're raptured.
We live in interesting times, don't we!?

We sure do and I recommend that we get prepared physically, mentally and spiritually.

I can understand those that do not believe and I do not judge them nor will I attack their beliefs. We all were given free will to use as we desire.

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
I believe there's been many Anti-Christs throughout the ages. He's in control now when you consider all the terrorism, wars, and government enslavement of it's people.

Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us.…

edit on 083131p://bThursday2015 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: St Udio
a reply to: DeathSlayer

... the four riders are seen as symbolizing Conquest,[1] War,[2] Famine,[3] and Death, respectively.

The Christian apocalyptic vision is that the four horsemen are to set a divine apocalypse upon the world as harbingers of the Last Judgment.[1][4]
[source: Wikipedia]

the Black Horse & Rider = "famine" (sometimes including deprivation) is what will ride forth in the world.... not no AC

in my timeline of this Tetrad... Death the Pale Horse/Rider will go forth in Sep 2015... which then all 4 horsemen are set loose upon the end-times zeitgeist/paradigm...Chaos ensues and creates the conditions for the AntiChrist to arise as a 'Problem Solver', charismatic world leader (but still not revealed as the AC)... that comes later (no later than ~ 2020 CE)

you might be interested to read my more than a dozen posts in the Thread that is found-in-Search as:
"4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse....."
which focuses on the currently unfolding Tetrad as the '4 horsemen-of the Apocalypse era'...a really unique tetrad custom timed for the eschatological end-times...

happy 2015... as we are that much closer to Gog War/Apocalypse Now

Thank you for your post and I will read your thread on the 4 horsemen.

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: ChaosComplex

it also says not to wish for the end

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

This is just my guess/theory, but here it goes:

I think the blood moons are a combination of things, signs for the ones who have eyes to see, remind the evil ones their time here is short so they better get the ball rolling, and these blood moons are also bringing in the birth pangs of a dying planet and also by the blood moons falling on Jewish holiday is a reminder Jew and Gentile under Jesus Christ equal the Elect. I do think things will start to really kick off soon, economic downturns/collapses, and wars and surprise attacks are inevitable at this point in the timescale. I don't think the anti-christ will come on the scene in 2015 but I could be wrong. I think the 2016- to early 2017 is prime for the anti-christ though. I think the blood moons are signalling the requirements for destruction and chaos to take shape so the anti-christ will come. But I think America will be destroyed by Russia and China first then the anti-christ will show his face and force the mark of the beast upon us" the chip in your hand or digital tattoo on your head" and then the real tribulations will start and the remnants of a Fallen America if they are not saved will wish they would have died. Be strong to the end and receive your crown. And when it gets worse be happy for we are just that much closer to finally meeting Jesus and taking part in the wedding of the lamb.

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: BlessedLore
a reply to: DeathSlayer

This is just my guess/theory, but here it goes:

I think the blood moons are a combination of things, signs for the ones who have eyes to see, remind the evil ones their time here is short so they better get the ball rolling, and these blood moons are also bringing in the birth pangs of a dying planet and also by the blood moons falling on Jewish holiday is a reminder Jew and Gentile under Jesus Christ equal the Elect. I do think things will start to really kick off soon, economic downturns/collapses, and wars and surprise attacks are inevitable at this point in the timescale. I don't think the anti-christ will come on the scene in 2015 but I could be wrong. I think the 2016- to early 2017 is prime for the anti-christ though. I think the blood moons are signalling the requirements for destruction and chaos to take shape so the anti-christ will come. But I think America will be destroyed by Russia and China first then the anti-christ will show his face and force the mark of the beast upon us" the chip in your hand or digital tattoo on your head" and then the real tribulations will start and the remnants of a Fallen America if they are not saved will wish they would have died. Be strong to the end and receive your crown. And when it gets worse be happy for we are just that much closer to finally meeting Jesus and taking part in the wedding of the lamb.

I see that many here on ATS have put some deep thought into this upcoming scenario and I agree with many of you. I also see America's destruction coming as well as Europe's.

Brace yourself for the impact.

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

God Bless you and may we all be prepared for this wild ride, us children of the last generation may we be blessed spiritually, mentally, and physically so we may save,protect, and help all we can in Jesus name Amen.. And remember Christians there is nothing wrong with protecting yourselves, families, friends, or others you deem fit for protection even if that protection could mean death for those coming against you. There is a huge difference between turning your cheek vs watching your family being raped and murdered I'm just saying. I know for fact I won't take the mark no matter what so that leaves me two possible choices: 1. Be herded to a prison camp and await beheading or 2. Fight with all within me against the dark ones when that time comes do all I can to live, help others plant seeds of faith, liberate people from those satanic camps and protect the Christian remnant. Me I rather live by the sword and die by the sword than stand around all weak like waiting to be beheaded if I can help it. There's many Christian who are good but just can't bring themselves to pick up a weapon, that's fine because there will be many like me who have no problem and know the Lord has called us to this purpose and I accept it gladly, whatever brings my Lord glory brings me happiness. And Op none of this is meant directed solely at you. Only the first sentence/prayer was for you. For some reason the spirit hit me has I was finishing the first sentence and the rest just came out on it's own accord. I guess this will be for someone as they pass by. To the Op God bless and be strong.

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
a reply to: ChaosComplex

it also says not to wish for the end

By 'it' I'm guessing you mean the bible. I know that to millions of people that book holds the truth. My problem with that is there are other books believed by millions to hold the truth. This is why I don't put any faith in prophetic type writings.

As for wishing for the end, I don't necessarily wish for it. I do think however that if there is something/someone watching our world and deciding when to pull the plug...well, look around you. It's certainly an unfortunate opinion to have towards my fellow man, but on a global scale the overall direction of our kind is destructive.

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 11:47 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

originally posted by: deadeyedick
could him be a him in a her body?

WOW - never gave it a single thought until now ...... but yea..... it is very possible.

The false prophet will be the pope of the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) and the AC will be human and it could possibly be a woman or a man. Many feminist claim that God is a woman. I am not attacking feminists
so the AC could possibly be a female.

The AC is not going to be a man. The AC is not going to be the Pope.

Just beacuse the antichirst have the number of a Man does not mean its going to be a Man. The verse does say: Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast. The Antichirst is a beast.

- The Antichrist is the beast With two horns like a lamb. It is going to speak like a Dragon.

The beast With two horns like a lamb exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. The first beast is the beast With seven heads and ten horns. The first beast will die but live throught the second beast by worship.

- The second beast With two horns will doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

- The second beast deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

The image that the second beast "Antichirst" wants us to make is a image of the first beast. Remember that the second beast causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

The image that the Antichirst wants us to make is a image of the beast With seven heads and ten horns. The image that it makes us worship.

The second beast is going to force us to worship what we have, and are fighting for right now. Pease Liberty and Democracy for all.

Pease, Liberty and Democracy is what we worship and it is what Earth and all that dwell therein wants. This does not sound evil at all so there is no Wonder we will all be decieved by the Dragon. The beast With two horns like a Lamb.

If we want what we worship we have to do as the dragon commands.
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 12:37 AM
Yes. I believe this year, or early 2016. Watch Israel and look for a seven-year peace treaty to be signed.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: works4dhs
Short answer, it's possible.
I long ago tried to stop putting God on a timetable. He will do what He wants, when He wishes.
I sure don't think it'll be much longer.
it's possible that the guy running Isis, proclaiming himself the Caliph, is the aC. I suspect he'll be muslim.

I'm not shure if he'll be revealed before we're raptured.
We live in interesting times, don't we!?

He will definitely be from be from the middle east.

The more I research the rapture in regards to the tribulation the more I see how wrong ive been. I was raised believing that the rapture would occur pre-trib or midway through the tribulation before things get really crazy.

From everything I can gather and my research we will be riding out the tribulation. It being used to "test" the Christians The rapture being the calling up of the saints to participate in the millennial reign here on Earth.

Read up on the rapture and tribulation and youll see what I mean.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

One Member of the Triolgy of Terror- the False Prophet

A couple of years ago I started seeing a commercial about this world teacher. the commercial went something like this: What would you do if you met the Christ or Buddah The Iman or Krishna. There will be a star that will signify his arrival. I went outside to look for it and low and behold there it was, for Months though I haven't noticed it lately. I used an app on my phone to track it but it was not a star. The app could read everything but that Star, very bright. He's suposed to have 2 horns lika a lamb but speaks like a dragon. The 2 horns means he is an AB blood type but not like a lamb. (like the blood on the shroud and face cloth of Oviedo) No doubt to confuse people about YAHshuWAH's blood. This guy looks like a muslin which makes sense because they are starting a new world religion and most people don't know Islam gets it's power from the Catholic church.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: TheoFieldsGardener

The beast With two horns is of the first beast With seven heads and ten horns

11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

Why doe seveyone think that the Antichirst is going to be a MAN? The bible does not say that the antichirst is a man.

This is what the Bible say: 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The beast to come has the number of a Man. It is the eighth beast. It is the eighth beast that will have two horns like a lamb and that speaks like a Dragon.

It is mentioned in revelation 17, 11.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 08:05 AM
Bit of a stretch, I would say as there are literally millions like me with AB blood type
a reply to: TheoFieldsGardener

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Nochzwei

Bit of a stretch, I would say as there are literally millions like me with AB blood type

AB- is the blood on the shroud and face cloth of Oviedo. My point is THEY have already begun a propaganda campaign to discredit that blood type and YAHshuWAH is warning us that this liar will try to have dominion over the A's and the B's because of his Blood type. But he is no LAMB. He is in fact a dragon. Many of them will come forward but the KEY is knowing what the difference in a LAMB and a dragon is. The Dragon is from the planet XES- Zeus so this is a good way to Indentify him. The one I mentioned HAS already been identified because he claims to be the Christ (XES= 666) amoungst other things. He will give power to the Beast another XES (Royal Family) though this one appears to be an O-. In this manner do they hope to drop the net on all the blood types.

XES in the greek is Zeus and his number is 666.

And οG3588 αριθμοςG706 αυτουG846 Its Number "is" χξς G5516 Six Hundred "and" Sixty - Six.

Can you see it? THE NAME not the number. It is XES - Zeus

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 10:59 AM
Wow, this thread is extreme...but not in any rational way.
If you strip it down, humans don't need an Antichrist, they are doing pretty nasty things without.
No talking, or number games, or bible quotes will make an Antichrist real.
However if you believe in the bible, then you should be scared. You deserve to be scared.
Because if you can believe something 'just like that', you deserve being scared by something you believe 'just like that'.
Neither I nor anyone else can tell you otherwise.
So good luck with your circle-scare amongst yourselves.
I am out because I neither believe in an Antichrist nor in the bible and really I couldn't care less.
My soul is safe [if I even have a soul].
Seriously, there are real issues to be worried about. The coming of an Antichrist isn't one of them.

P.S: Even if there was one and he'd come and take over the world, how do you know it won't be great? All you can go by is the one sided biblical propaganda that paints him as evil. But then why would god tell you otherwise? For all I know it could be that the so called Antichrist is really a saviour! The proof is in the pudding.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

Yes there are 2 redeemers one for Heaven the other for the Pit. Notice all the underground cities. Arkansas is a great example of that where the whole state has an underground. Many will scurry there. That redeemer and his minions will present himself 1st. Even now they evangelize for their master, XES. Oh they are real but somehow I think you know that.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: spy66

Actually there many but the big 3 are the worst all the others are evangelizers of these. Let us call them the Trinity of Evil. The False prophet, the Beast King and the Dragon.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: TheoFieldsGardener

It's Χ-Ξ-Σ not X-E-S and it reads HE - KSEE - SIGMA

It also wasn't a prophecy, it was about things that would happen in their short-time and it referred to Nero, with lots and lots of eschatology and doomporn imagination.
It has nothing to do with Zeus

Although I am not so sure about the last one, because christians hated the Olympian Gods with so much passion.
No wonder they blasphemously related them with their Satan...

The Dragon is from the planet XES- Zeus so this is a good way to Indentify him.

From Jupiter? where did you read that?

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