posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 03:40 PM
Ok my dog has serious allergies, mostly with his skin. I've posted on here about him many time. Well I've never had tests because they are at least
$700 minimum upfront. Over two years we have spent more than that in vet bills, meds, tests and shots but allergy testing requires a specialist an
hour away. I have a Gofundme account for him even!! I hate asking for help or money but with Rosco I am desperate. I've raised $190 out of the $1200 I
want to raise. Well I posted an update of his out break with pics and they deleted the pics calling them graphic!!!! I was so upset because it's far
from graphic and it's reality. THIS is why I am asking for help and his arms and other parts of his body get like this. I want people to see how bad
it really is. It brought me to tears when I saw that. It wasn't bloody it was just his reaction to whatever his allergies truly are.
I spent an hour plus this afternoon calling and looking online for places that might be able to help. I either don't qualify or they don't help with
testing for allergies. It's been so frustrating I broke out in tears. I know it sounds silly to some because he is a dog but Rosco was my rock while
pregnant. I was alone, literally. No family near me and my husband was overseas. Rosco was by my side every day all day and he still is! He goes where
I go. He made me feel happy when I was miserable. It hurts my heart I can't help him because I can sense his pain and can see it in his eyes. I'm
empathic so being around him is overwhelming but I do all I can to help him.
This isn't really a rant it's more of a vent. How can I get people to help or even consider if I can't show his condition? I see people asking for
boob jobs, iphones and honeymoons on there. I want to help my family member of the furry kind. I'm desperate and I'm going to continue my search
tomorrow for possible organizations that can help. I may make a video and make it viral my own way. The two years and three months I've had him were
not always easy and I tried to get rid of him in the beginning but deep down I couldn't. I knew nobody would help him like I could or would want to
and try. He was in a shelter and probably always was because of his issues. His medical issues are nothing because his personality is the best and my
son loves him. He looks for him first thing in the morning and gets excited when he sees him.....
I don't know I just want to help him. Sometimes I wish I had millions so I could help the needy of the human and animal kind. I called the specialist
and they don't take payment options and suggested a CREDIT CARD for pets. I was denied of course but I tried. I remember when doctors did do payments
because it was about the patient be it human or not. Now a days it's about the money because before any doctor asks me what's wrong it's "I need your
insurance and co payment." I don't get that with Rosco obviously but it's all docs it seems. Rosco's regular vet is amazing and so nice. He has done
more for Rosco than any vet he's been to. He is so helpful and we have tried everything within his capability. This specialist has access to treatment
our vet does not that our vet thinks would be very helpful for Rosco.
I just want to get him tested so badly so he can be a dog. He doesn't play anymore like he use to. He always has to stop and itch or chew. He tries to
play. He will grab his toy and we try and play but he ends up in my lap warm and wanting me to soothe this pain. He is in a cone right now and has an
aloe spray on his problems spots. I have ointment I put on multiple times a day that relives some of the discomfort but that's it. I have been up
three nights well mornings in a row at 4am attending to Rosco. I tried putting baby socks on his back paws so he couldn't scratch his underbelly so
badly. I had my ice pack for my neck from my chiropractor on him to cool him down. It helps and he just sits there with it but it's not a fox or even
a remedy.
Anyways sorry so long I'm just emotional because I feel helpless.
arm pits
We are giving im a shot tomorrow and I'm not happy with it but right now he needs something until he gets to go to the specialist. It works but when
it's out of his system it makes him worse, it's like withdrawl. I've been in years a lot the last week over him because it's just getting worse
Thanks for listening to me cry ramble about my dog.
edit on 12/30/2014 by mblahnikluver because: Pics