posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 12:24 PM
So here is something I been meditating on for awhile and the best name I could come up with is "Los Angeles Nebula".
Obviously it's where STARS are born, made, and sold!
The main color for me had to be unique and not done over a trillion times. You never see P!nk in any sport unless it's for Breast Cancer awareness.
Antu I got to thinking about Nebula's they generally have blue pink and purple in them no matter which ones you look at. Atleast that is the general
consensus for me.
So it makes since to have the colors represent that which it states it is. And why not have P!nk be the main color? Followed by a Deep Purple and
The logo is the Universe zoomed out to the point of which you can see it in it's entirety in this case here it's shaped like a football. The six
stars shining that are in place of laces are representing the carbon universe.
The Star of David represents the 6 senses and of course the dreamer in which we all reside. All in all I think this is done pretty well.
To top it off you have to also think this Lost Angels "Nebula" Hello how can you not star?