originally posted by: CirqueDeTruth
a reply to: TechUnique
The exact passage in the bible is Isiah 14: 11-13
"11 Thy pride is brought down to hell, thy carcass is fallen down: under thee shall the moth be strewed, and worms shall be thy covering.
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations?
13 And thou said in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant,
in the sides of the north."
Due to an error in Septuagint translator ''Morning Star'' was translated to Εωςφορος = Lucifer
Eosforos is a Greek divinity related to the morning star, referred to in Greek scripts from at least 8th ce BC.
But this passage from Isaiah is clearly referring to the king of Babylon Nabucodonosor.
When Jerome translated translated the vulgate, he did not adopt the original Hebrew text, but the Septuagint text, and when he found Eosforos he
translated it to Lucifer.
“How you have fallen from heaven,
O morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!”
– Isaiah 14:12
There was an ancient myth in the Babylonian literature that Heylel the morning star Venus scaled to great heights to make himself like a king in the
heavens but was quickly driven back down. That is what the king of Babylon will be like…one who rises to great heights and then is toppled from his
high position.
That's how Isaiah used the term morning star.
And that's were the Hebrew views of the fallen angel relate with Lucifer.
Lets see exactly who Isaiah 14:12 is referring to and it is not Jesus or the Devil. Look back at Isa 13:1 – “An oracle concerning Babylon that
Isaiah son of Amoz saw.” (NIV). Isaiah 13 speaks of the destruction of Babylon (see especially 13:19). Chapter 14 continues this message. 14:1-3 is
about the return from exile back to Israel. Then notice 14:4 (just 8 verses before the verse in question) – “You will take up this taunt against
the king of Babylon:” The taunt seems to go from 14:4b-8. Then 14:9 talks about the grave meeting them at their coming. Meeting who? The same people
the taunt was against – Babylon. It is a curse referring back to the object of their taunt…not Jesus or Satan but the King of Babylon.
Eosforos and Hesperos were Pagan (Greek, Roman) gods of Venus and often the term Eosforos or Lucifer was used as an epithet to various Gods or wise
men, meaning those who bring wisdom (light) to others.
It had nothing at all to do with the Devil, except from the fact the church demonized all pagan beliefs and thus Lucifer became Satan in the eyes of
With that in mind morning star was also used in an entirely different meaning by John to describe Jesus in revelations.
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
– Revelation 22:16
John lived and wrote the revelations in the Greek Island of Patmos which was a strong pagan society at that time. Thus his use of the word morning
star refers to the Greek meaning of Eosforos and means literally the bringer of light (wisdom).
morning star was the one meaning Eosforos
Satan coveted the role that Christ was to play in his time to come. But he never was the light bringer or morning star. He was false, a fake, a
charlatan, an imposter.
No! Satan never had any relation with the Morning Star or Lucifer or Eosforos or Hesperos or Fosforos that Idea was brought by christians because
they despised all pagan beliefs, and thought of them as satanic, demonizing every aspect of polytheism, and wrongfully accusing them for idol
Jesus Christ was always the true light bringer - the Morning Star.
That's a believers subjective opinion and I respect it, but Jesus or Satan had nothing to do with this term's origin, that was used way before
Jesus, to describe other Gods and before it became an epithet it referred to Heylel or Eosforos or Lucifer, or literally to the planet Venus which
brought the sun, so they are the true original light bringers.