posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 09:55 PM
I have finally signed up after many years of visiting multiple times a day. I kind of in a way know alot of people on here from all the threads I've
read. This is definately the best source of alot of different topics I like on top of getting news from all over.
I dont know how long I've been lurking because its been so long but It was maybe shortly before one of the two members did a terrible thing. One was
typing sentences the strangest way ever saying the same words from a sentence in different ways. Or maybe the boy who made a cartoonish video about
killing and actually carried it out.
Those may not even be when it could be ealier but its been a long time. I hate to bring up dark moments but that stuck with me.
So far my favorite thread is a very well done JFK thread. And I like Slayers ancient civilizations threads alot also.
Cheers ands thanks for the good reads and debates.