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Police turn backs on New York mayor outside funeral for slain officer

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posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: TorqueyThePigedit on 28-12-2014 by TorqueyThePig because: Forget it. People are scumbags and my time is more important.

Exactly the attitude we the people are coming to expect from an LEO. (Notice I didn't say a policeman. That is someone totally different.)

If there is this level of disconnect between the LEO ranks and their superiors, some one needs to step in and find a solution. I am sure there are reasons and excuses on both sides, but we should all be very wary of giving blind support to anyone.

I hope a reasonable solution is found quickly.
edit on 12/28/2014 by Montana because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: Montana

Yes I do think a person that takes joy in the execution of any innocent human being a scumbag.

If that makes me a bad person and/or cop so be it.

I truly don't care anymore...
edit on 28-12-2014 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-12-2014 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Our law enforcement deserve better leadership, better supervision, and better guidance... in other words, better marching orders from the top -- including De Blasio and any/all mayors, as well as better laws worthy of enforcement and the personal risks they take every day.

Sounds like a perfect world.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: Britguy

Sad that people have to die, but when they cover up for wrongful deaths at the hands of police officers, something has to give and people are going to hit back. Were the 2 officers that died involved in crime and questionable actions against others? Who cares, it's irrelevant, when innocent people suffer at the hands of their fellow officers all the time.

Yes LOL, this f'in nut....a real "Catcher in the Rye". Yep look unto the psychotic for your deliverance then. Justice and truth always irrelevant and contextually shift able to the nuts. Two innocent men....sacrificial lambs in the sh*t mix.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 06:25 PM
I guess police officers are not allowed to protest??


posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: thesaneone

They can, and people can call their protest stupid just like they have been calling the ones about them.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: thesaneone

They can, and people can call their protest stupid just like they have been calling the ones about them.

i wonder if they will send in some undercover agents to start some looting

edit on 28-12-2014 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 07:30 PM

I guess police officers are not allowed to protest??

I can't, for the life of me, figure out exactly what they're protesting. Free speech?

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: Logarock
He went overboard when he talked about warning his son about the NYPD for starters. Man sounds like he's got Stockholm Syndrome or something.

Overboard? His son is mixed race - black enough to be warned of the dangers of the police.

Would a dad not warn his daughter to stay away from men in dark alleys? Who are they to critique what he thinks as a parent might help get his son home at the end of the day?

For some (not all) NYPD to make this 'statement' at a funeral is flat-out childish and disrespectful to the family of the deceased - no better than the Westboro wackos.

Incidentally, NYPD arrested the mayor before he was elected:
De Blasio Arrested, Just as He Wanted
edit on 19Sun, 28 Dec 2014 19:45:50 -0600America/ChicagovAmerica/Chicago12 by Greven because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: Greven

originally posted by: Logarock
He went overboard when he talked about warning his son about the NYPD for starters. Man sounds like he's got Stockholm Syndrome or something.

Overboard? His son is mixed race - black enough to be warned of the dangers of the police.

Would a dad not warn his daughter to stay away from men in dark alleys? Who are they to critique what he thinks as a parent might help get his son home at the end of the day?

Get his son home at the end of the day? As if his son is walking home through the hood? If he is then the cops should not be at the top of the fear list. But the mayor wouldn't say that. Mommy might get mad at him for planting negative seeds about....well mom and the in-laws. No just let the boy ride in the back of the limo and drive through the hood like he's on a national geographic special on location special called "Seeing the occupation through tinted glass".

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: Logarock

This isn't about the mayor's son. It's about his empathy with the families that lost loved ones through unwarranted police violence and those that are protesting the violence.

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: thesaneone
I guess police officers are not allowed to protest??


They can, but unless this is an official protest from the NYPD meaning it's coming from those at the top (which is indicative of another issue), they shouldn't be doing this in uniform. They can head over to one of those free speech zones they created, pay for a permit, and protest while off duty.

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: TorqueyThePig
a reply to: Montana

Yes I do think a person that takes joy in the execution of any innocent human being a scumbag.

Does that include the people who actually killed a man and then proceeded to smile and wave to the camera? Are they scumbags too?

Or just the civilians who are disgusted by that show of inhumanity?

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: Boadicea

Our law enforcement deserve better leadership, better supervision, and better guidance... in other words, better marching orders from the top -- including De Blasio and any/all mayors, as well as better laws worthy of enforcement and the personal risks they take every day.

Sounds like a perfect world.

Nah... In a perfect world, we wouldn't need any laws at all and therefore no law enforcement. But we don't live in a perfect world, so this would simply be the minimum expected of a moral people muddling through an immoral world.

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
So where the cops who turned their back in the good cop catagoury?..Im thinking meh not really. Doesn't seem like they have concern for the community, the only thing guys like this want to protect is their job.. To my understanding they turned their backs because the mayor told his son to be wary of the police?
wait wait wait... so let me get this straight. douche bags can burn down stores and overturn cars and block traffic and call for the deaths of others and that's fine- that's free speech and expression. but Cops silently and symbolically turn thier backs and oh noooooes! Thats horrible! oh the humanity! oh those terrible animals! aaaaargh! the poutrage! the butthurtz! oh alas and alack! woe to the house Desmond and all of that... where's the sack cloth! where's the ashes? the police dared express themselves. the bast*rds!

so... hows that free speech thing going; anyway?
edit on 29-12-2014 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: stormbringer1701

I actually think the real problem is the subject matter, you see
protestors were protesting something that is plain and simple
a horrible thing, police violence against civilians.

These police are in turn saying that if public officials support
that cause they will turn their back on them, at least that's
what i take from it. We need police to be in support that don't
see cutting back on the violence against citizens as a bad thing,
because right now that looks like what they are supporting to me.

Oh they wont turn their back on their brother who murdered someone
and then laughed about it in front of cameras but yeah a guy who
wants to help stop the killing, sure hes the bad guy.... wow.

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: bloodreviara
a reply to: stormbringer1701

I actually think the real problem is the subject matter, you see
protestors were protesting something that is plain and simple
a horrible thing, police violence against civilians.

These police are in turn saying that if public officials support
that cause they will turn their back on them, at least that's
what i take from it. We need police to be in support that don't
see cutting back on the violence against citizens as a bad thing,
because right now that looks like what they are supporting to me.

Oh they wont turn their back on their brother who murdered someone
and then laughed about it in front of cameras but yeah a guy who
wants to help stop the killing, sure hes the bad guy.... wow.

"murdered" someone? oh i can tell you are an impartial observer and a great judge of character to boot. so none of these "murder" victims did anything at all to precipitate their fate? the mean ol' evil nasty cops were laying in wait and with premeditation went out to kill themselves some innocent saintly victims?

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: Logarock
Get his son home at the end of the day? As if his son is walking home through the hood? If he is then the cops should not be at the top of the fear list. But the mayor wouldn't say that. Mommy might get mad at him for planting negative seeds about....well mom and the in-laws. No just let the boy ride in the back of the limo and drive through the hood like he's on a national geographic special on location special called "Seeing the occupation through tinted glass".

Simply put, here's what de Blasio said:

"This is profoundly personal to me. I was at the White House the other day, and the president of the United States turned to me, and he met Dante a few months ago, and he said that Dante reminded him of what he looked like as a teenager. And he said I know you see this crisis through a very personal lens. And I said to him, I did.

Because Chirlane and I have had to talk to Dante for years about the dangers that he may face. A good young man, law-abiding young man who would never think to do anything wrong. And yet, because of a history that still hangs over us, the dangers he may face, we've had to literally train him—as families have all over this city for decades—in how to take special care in any encounter he has with the police officers who are there to protect him.

And that painful sense of contradiction that our young people see first, that our police are here to protect us, and we honor that, and at the same time, there's a history we have to overcome, because for so many of our young people, there's a fear. And for so many of our families, there's a fear.

So I've had to worry over the years. Chirlane's had to worry. Is Dante safe each night? There are so many families in this city who feel that each and every night. Is my child safe? And not just from some of the painful realities—crime and violence in some of our neighborhoods—but is safe from the very people they want to have faith in as their protectors.

That's the reality."

And here's what Mr. Lynch, head of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, said in reply:

“He spoke about, ‘we have to teach our children that their interaction with the police and that they should be afraid of New York City police officers.’ That’s not true. We have to teach our children, our sons and our daughters, no matter what they look like, to respect New York City police officers, teach them to comply with New York City police officers even if they think it’s unjust.

The mayor is talking to the people - he approached the situation from an egalitarian perspective. This rather clashes with the PBA president's authoritarian perspective. You might also note that what Mr. Lynch paraphrased is not actually what de Blasio was saying.
edit on 11Mon, 29 Dec 2014 11:21:21 -0600America/ChicagovAmerica/Chicago12 by Greven because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: stormbringer1701

originally posted by: bloodreviara
a reply to: stormbringer1701

I actually think the real problem is the subject matter, you see
protestors were protesting something that is plain and simple
a horrible thing, police violence against civilians.

These police are in turn saying that if public officials support
that cause they will turn their back on them, at least that's
what i take from it. We need police to be in support that don't
see cutting back on the violence against citizens as a bad thing,
because right now that looks like what they are supporting to me.

Oh they wont turn their back on their brother who murdered someone
and then laughed about it in front of cameras but yeah a guy who
wants to help stop the killing, sure hes the bad guy.... wow.

"murdered" someone? oh i can tell you are an impartial observer and a great judge of character to boot. so none of these "murder" victims did anything at all to precipitate their fate? the mean ol' evil nasty cops were laying in wait and with premeditation went out to kill themselves some innocent saintly victims?

Well, when you hear statements like this...

“New York City Mayor and the entire New York City Council sided with criminal of 31 prior arrests Eric Garner,” one commenter wrote.

its seems you are not alone. There are others out their that believe like you do, that once you have been arrested by police, you no longer have the right to complain about police brutality because you are a "criminal" for life.

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: Hoosierdaddy71

Or just keep letting them do as they please. ELO never make mistakes, do they? While we are at it, lets never hold politicians or bankers accountable for their actions, nor presidents. only peasants that dare speak their mind or get pissed off at all the oppression they are having to suffer. Sounds like bliss to me.

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