OH I see the mistake a mada
reply to: FlyersFan
Nah Peter Capaldi IS Excellent as the Doctor an unlike the recent incarnations since the reboot is a genuine fan
Eclestone simply used it as a vechicle to try an revive his flagging career,
Sorrry this made you think that I considered D Tennant as a non fan..
To me there are people whom like something archery or skiing ect they may indulge when they can on vacation.
Then there are fanatic /fans whom use all there efforts to indulgein said activites.
There are people whom enjoy pc gameing to passs an hour or two.
Then theres fanatics a Japanease teenager found dead slumped on a key board bcos he has just played World of Warcraft 79 hours non stop forgot to
sleep eat or drink he was so engrossed an mesmerised by the tech he was in the thrall of.
He was a fan an extreme on but still a fanatic.a
Same with comics I like Batman Avengers ect but I was a fanatic for 2000 thousand AD a british comic .Im a Scot was also fanatic of an Americ Comic
about metel men
Anywone remember them?
THre were a mr gold mr tin lead an silver I think
Anyway I digress P Capaldi doest like Dr Who he is fanatic mildly fanatic about the show as is poss to be.
im pushing 60 an relative newcomer to this tech I like books but I finaly had to give in 10 years ago an discover what the hell a google was .
I knew it as a number
Had no idea what a search engine was.
Supose im on the cusp o a silver surfer .
Even though I discovered thr innerweb the initial novelty soon wore of I utilise it but still spend more time reading books than going on line or
watching tv
Radio 4 an books my cup o T
What im trying to say is I forget that on this new fangled medium people can misconstrue you words.
And there for your thoughts .
Because your not in the room with them to explain your self.
If you were converseing with me In real time as oppose cyber blog disjointed time.
An I said Ah Ha P Capaldis a huge fanatical Dr Who buff an loves the Show.
You turn to me an say David Tennant likes the Show also.To wich I reply .
Im not surprised it gave him his biggest break ever in his acting career It would be any actors dream job to land the role of Dr Who especialy as he
was the youngest at that time to play the Doctor.
P Capaldi how ever Is a Fan and I think you get my drift on what I perceive as the differing frames of mindset.... ie FAN ...like...
wISH I could remember them metal men super hero comics?.
ps I googled them I was right metal men an a metal lady
if you in2 c0omics thease are awsume.
edit on 28-12-2014 by ecossiepossie because: (no reason given)