posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 01:09 PM
Hi Everyone,
This is my first post into this website and I would like to share an odd sighting I have witnessed in 2008 in Central Italy.
The phenomena occurred for about 20 nights between 23:00hr and 00:15hr between July and August.
I had a NIKON COOLPIX L10 compact camera and took several pictures of the object, which was apparently hovering over the mountains surrounding the
town of Amelia (Terni).
The object caught my attention because of his spinning-around-its-core movement, that caused a particular chromatic effect.
I also took three videos but unfortunately none of them came out right.
While transfering the pictures from my camera into my laptop, however, I saw that the object separated into different parts and performed in various
patterns (circular, oscillatory, and one pattern which I have called "Lambda effect").
A study on the day I took most of the pictures (August 12-13, 2008) showed that in the direction the object was (W, NW) on that night no planets were
there (Jupiter and the Moon were in the opposite direction), although I still think it's unlikely I could ever capture a celestial body with a compact
I have chosen some of the original pictures among those that were more clear, and would like to know your opinion on what this object could actually
Feel free to ask me anything you may need and I will try to answer to the best of my knowledge.
Thank you!
edit on 12/27/2014 by WilliamWAS because: I hit the enter button by mistake before completing the thread. Sorry about that.