anybody that thinks al-qaeda is responsable is severly mistaken. Anybody who methodically goes through the events can see the huge gaping holes in the
It's a well known fact that when talking about 9/11 nothing can be proved 100% correct, things can only be proved wrong.
this link proves the Bush version of events to be false.
Osama Bin Laden is the most mysterious person in the world, some see him as a spiritual leader, others see him as the leader of the biggest terrorist
network in the world, and then there are those of us who think something entirely different, that Bin Laden is a pawn in the game and is being
exploited by our Governments and intelligence agencies.
"Osama Bin Laden first came to the attention of his future masters through their earlier deployment of his cousin and mentor, Sheikh Salim Bin Laden,
one of four Saudis allowed entry into Britain's Prince Philip's exclusive 1001 Club, the financial conduit of his World Wildlife Fund. The Bin Laden
family is the wealthiest non-royal family in the Saudi kingdom; Sheikh Salim was considered excessively Anglophilic, even by Saudi standards.
Sheikh Salim also found U.S. patrons. By 1979, he had become a business partner of George Bush's son, current Texas Governor George W. Bush, in the
family's Zapata Oil and Arbusto Ltd."
You see the connection now, the pieces are starting to fit together.
there was an interview in pakistani newspaper where he denied it all, i can't seem to find the link now
The bottom line about all of this, is that if you look at the scale of the attacks and the amount of planning and skill involved in the plot, it is
impossible to imagine this was the work of 19 arabs (seven of which are still alive)
Imagine for one second that you were on one of the flights that crashed into the WTC, can you honestly imagine an aircraft full of Americans allowing
between 3-5 people, armed with box cutters to take control of the plane?
i don't think so, and that is why we were fed the other story about the hero's who stopped the attackers on route to Washington, this incident never
took place.
Although we believe it because it makes sense, and because it is exactly what would have happened in that situation, on every one of those planes, the
hijackers would have been defeated.
This backs up my claim
I actually have thousands of articles discrediting the official 9/11 story, and they don't all tell the same story by any means, this is because we
haven't been allowed access to the facts, we can only see that their story is fabricated, we will never know how (if at all) close it is the truth.
Just incase your still not sure, remember the phone call that was allowed to be made from one of the aircrafts, remember that this is the ONLY proof
that the planes were hijacked, the only piece of evidence, it was a lie