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Watch What This Homeless Man Does With $100

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posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 06:18 AM
Great vid. Reminds me of this one...posted here before, I'm sure. A little bit can make a big difference in ways we can never even dream of.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

And people say Santa doesn't exist?

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 08:23 AM
Not all homeless are hidden angles. Not all the rich are demon spawn. Neither one deserves all of what they have.

The job I set for myself is to help create a world where as many as possible are given the best chance possible to live a happy fulfilling live.

Damn that sounds like a long way from where we are some times.

Well, finish my coffee and get at it. Might need a second cup.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 08:43 AM
I like the message of the video and I like that the guy has set up a fund for Thomas... but I'm also a little suspicious.
Something doesn't seem genuine to me, maybe it's the way it's edited or maybe it's because the youtuber generally does stupid pranks and was probably going to film the "bum" getting wasted for and put it on youtube for sh*ts and giggles.

I dunno.... if it's real and as it appears then it's beautiful but something just doesn't sit right with me.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 08:55 AM
That was gosh darn heart warming. Thank you for sharing that.
Have a Merry Christmas!!

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 10:06 AM
Some people are a victim of circumstance and if I was born into they life they were, I'd probably be the same. When I lived in Houston I routinely gave money to a guy that was missing a leg and most of his teeth. Tell me how that guy is supposed to clean up and get a job? That question is not directed at anyone here, but you have heard this from people. These are the people that actually need help. Unfortunately, so many people take advantage of the social system that it makes it harder for them got get the assistance they need.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 10:34 AM
There are a lot of good homeless people out there. Only about twenty percent will blow the money on alcohol.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

People seem to be quick to judge others, but we never know what battles they are personally fighting and enduring

I agree... Everyone has there own personal battle to fight in life..


posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: Dabrazzo
"victim of circumstance"

Pretty much spot on, there are so many things in life that are simply beyond our control, how anyone can judge people for this is beyond me.

Not to sound like a Scrooge for the holidays, but while there are genuinely good people who simply happen to find themselves in bad circumstances, there are also a fairly large percentage (hard to be specific) who are in those circumstances because they have burned through their social network and have no friends or family who can (or are willing to help them).

Nobody is born into this world alone, and we don't live in it alone. So we have a chance to do good and make friends and develop networks to help us through tough times. These people didn't do that. Maybe they had an attitude. The most common one I know of is, "You can't tell me what to do!" And armed with this attitude, they proceed to not listen to anyone with sound advice, can't hold a steady job or think that a particular job is beneath them somehow, get addicted to all kinds of stupid things, and generally use up whatever goodwill they might have otherwise had.

I feel genuinely sorry for the people who through no fault of their own find themselves in bad circumstances. But my sorriness runs out for people who knowingly (however stupidly) do it to themselves and drag others into their mess with them.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 12:25 PM
Thank you Josh for reminding me that being altruistic has a great reward that money cannot buy. Well he did give money in order to see the true intentions of that homeless man, so in a way he did buy this reward. However, it is money well spent to my eyes.

Seeing such actions are not only inspiring, it truly defines what we are here to do.

Thank you for making this thread, I pray that you will have happy holidays and good health to you and those you love.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: 3u40r15m
Homeless folks take care of each other... With the other hundred he got I'll bet he got dope and booze.... But that's his business

I starred this not because I think he may not have gotten himself something. He may have already had a cheap 6 pack in his bag, no one knows. He may have balanced out what he bought, and still gave himself his mild tranquilizer against trauma. I starred because of the, that's his business. When you assist someone out they use their own need assessment to decide what is clamouring most for attention. Alot of people need something to stop the trauma and stress, I don't judge them if they do.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: 727Sky

If all the homeless were like him it would be a better world...

If all people were like that, have no problem with the homeless.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
Give the poor a windfall they'll help the fellow poor, Give a Banker/wall street trader a windfall/Bonus they'll buy Cocaine and prostitutes like their was no tomorrow.

Hey you act like that's a bad things. Coke and hookers go together like milk and cookies!

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: blupblup
I like the message of the video and I like that the guy has set up a fund for Thomas... but I'm also a little suspicious.
Something doesn't seem genuine to me, maybe it's the way it's edited or maybe it's because the youtuber generally does stupid pranks and was probably going to film the "bum" getting wasted for and put it on youtube for sh*ts and giggles.

I dunno.... if it's real and as it appears then it's beautiful but something just doesn't sit right with me.

Yep same feeling. The Youtube host gives me a bad feeling right away. Something about the dialogue seems contrived as well. Then there's the "twist" of it. Why'd he buy these gifts or whatever at a liquor store anyway? The point of him going into the liquor store seems entirely to be to imply for a moment that he's buying himself liquor. Then the odd response when the host informs the man he's been following him with a camera. Some surprise but imo not a genuine amount.

In general I just get a "bad acting" vibe from the whole thing.
And this video HAS gone viral as heck, we all know what that ad money is worth.
And now I heard there's a fund set up for this guy worth 5 figures already?
Definitely raises my eyebrows.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: TheBlackTiger

Indeed, people are SUPER EASY to jump on something they feel is real.

$82,500 last I checked, sure hope this is legit.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

That's a legitimate reason. I lost my little brother 8 years ago now. My parents are workaholics, but shut down the same. They were still on job, but ... might as well not have showed up. The decisions they made for a few years after he passed cost us a fortune. We were much more fortunate than many others, in that there was a built in financial cushion, but if that wasn't the case, we could have easily been broke and... out on the streets.

I have no doubt that many homeless are "victim's of circumstance". I don't know how many truly would like to live that lifestyle, and wouldn't take a job if offered. Maybe it's a significant chunk, and maybe not. I'm just not sure.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 04:28 AM

originally posted by: 3u40r15m
Homeless folks take care of each other... With the other hundred he got I'll bet he got dope and booze.... But that's his business

Yeah, if more people had to see what it was like to actually be homeless, I think they would be a lot more understanding about that. I'm not much of a drinker. I won't turn down a drink, and I'll have a few on special occassions if theres alcohol around. But when I was homeless for 4 days, I drank a 24oz can of malt liquor each night to help me sleep.

(its what the other homeless guys were drinking in the area I found to camp out in so i wanted to fit in, plus i didnt want to have to drink a ton of liquid to achieve the desired effect and have to urinate all night long when i was trying to get some rest so i could get to work the next day. yes i had a job while homeless, 2 jobs in fact)

There was also an herbal "sleep aid" that was used in tandem with the alcohol. An herb I cannot mention here although it is legal in 2 states that I know of in the US. I've always handed out money to panhandlers, but now I have a different perspective that I share with those people who say "he's probably just going to spend it on booze".

I'll hand them money not caring what they spend it on. Being homeless SUCKS! They need something to take the edge off, especially when they are trying to sleep in the freezing cold. Sure there may be some who have a serious problem (out of the 8 to 10 or so homeless people i was hanging out with while I myself was homeless, there was just one guy who consistently got too drunk) but there are plenty of people who are not homeless who have problems with alcoholism who are even more of a danger to society because a non-homeless person generally has a greater chance of having access to a vehicle while intoxicated.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

Thank you~!

It's deeply appreciated~! "victim of Circumstance" true that is today ..

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: 3n19m470

You're abso lutely correct!

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 08:10 AM
Wow that really touched my heart .. I know there are many people in the world now who due to unforeseeable circumstances are getting into trouble. Mostly by the high costs of health-care insurances, taxes and rental problems. because the loss of jobs and not getting any jobs either because they live from the streets and have no credible background.

Its sad how the world has become what it is now and that there's so much difference in living standards in the world. I pledge for this basic income for every world citizen so everyone can live a better life as most have to fight hard to survive this harsh life.


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