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Sickening Racist Song At Charity Held By LAPD Cop, Celebrates the Death of Mike Brown

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posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

I agree with what you say.
when they covered up the shooting they were not thinking clearly because it has cost millions and several lives.
There are certain rules of the game that must be followed.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: Entreri06

I disagree about the brown situation. I think he definatly was a garbage person and definitely hit the police officer. However I think all the shots but the shot in the car came as the kid was running away, then trying to surrender.

My personal theory is that the cop did try to grab him through the window to arrest/question him. At that point the officer didn't have browns identification. So brown figured if he could punch him a couple times and escape he was golden. However as the cop started shooting he tried to turn around and surrender but the officer never stopped shooting. No issue of racism, just a possibly good cop who was scared and angry (from being punched) with a body full of adrenalin. That said the citizenry is held accountable for our actions adrenaline or not.

I might agree except for the cop looks a little on the soft/wimpy side (not sure how to describe him better), and Brown was a 6'5" 280 pound thug. You really think the cop tried to grab him though his window... I'm 6'5" 285, and muscular. Most of my dealings have cops backing away to create space almost unconsciously. I really do not think this cop was the aggressor, but adrenalin got the best of him.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Entreri06

I disagree about the brown situation. I think he definatly was a garbage person and definitely hit the police officer. However I think all the shots but the shot in the car came as the kid was running away, then trying to surrender.

My personal theory is that the cop did try to grab him through the window to arrest/question him. At that point the officer didn't have browns identification. So brown figured if he could punch him a couple times and escape he was golden. However as the cop started shooting he tried to turn around and surrender but the officer never stopped shooting. No issue of racism, just a possibly good cop who was scared and angry (from being punched) with a body full of adrenalin. That said the citizenry is held accountable for our actions adrenaline or not.

I might agree except for the cop looks a little on the soft/wimpy side (not sure how to describe him better), and Brown was a 6'5" 280 pound thug. You really think the cop tried to grab him though his window... I'm 6'5" 285, and muscular. Most of my dealings have cops backing away to create space almost unconsciously. I really do not think this cop was the aggressor, but adrenalin got the best of him.

If Wilson thought he was gonna run and Brown was within arm reach of the window I think he would. What doesn't make sense is brown just randomly deciding to attack an armed police officer with a radio while he was unarmed. Remember the shoplifting and intimidation at the store wasn't known by Wilson or brought up to Brown by Wilson. So if you believe the cops story, he politely asked them to move out of the street then Brown "randomly" attacked and went for his gun.... What sounds more logical? That or brown was trying to escape because , at that point, he wasn't identified?

I think Wilson was put in a crazy situation by Brown and chose wrong. Like you said he seems like a wimp. So when brown punched him a few times he was legitimately afraid and shocked so he started shooting. Brown
Got hit in the hand , realized the cop had let go of him and turns and runs. Wilson scared and pissed steps out of the car shooting. Brown gets hit in the back of the arm. Realizes he's shooting him and turns around to surrender, but Wilson never stopped fireing. Which is a pretty clear case of man slaughter. The second an unarmed brown started to flee Wilson should have stopped shooting. Police actions should be held to the highest standard. We pay, arm and train them to be above retaliation. A perfect example is where a hand cuffed 105lb chic in the back of a squad car kicked the arresting officer in the leg. He in no danger punched her like a man and broke her orbital socket. There's video.. Guess what? No charges for him either....
edit on 26-12-2014 by Entreri06 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-12-2014 by Entreri06 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: Entreri06

I think Wilson was put in a crazy situation by Brown and chose wrong. Like you said he seems like a wimp. So when brown punched him a few times he was legitimately afraid and shocked so he started shooting. Brown
Got hit in the hand , realized the cop had let go of him and turns and runs. Wilson scared and pissed steps out of the car shooting. Brown gets hit in the back of the arm. Realizes he's shooting him and turns around to surrender, but Wilson never stopped fireing.

A couple of other points...

Wilson missed fired like 3 times, this means that Brown had his hands on the gun to the point he was able to moved the slide back ever so slightly, so Wilson was already in the position he needed to fire, or felt the need to fire, and I can not Monday morning quarterback that.

The eye witnesses were the weakest link. Some said outrageous things like Wilson executed Brown while he was knelling, or shot him in the back... These didn't help at all and only help the grand jury to make their decision as they did.

Some eye witnesses and Wilson's account matched the bullet entries and this was the biggest point to all this in the grand jury's decision.

In the end Brown screwed up and the only thing he might have done to save himself was to just flop on the ground, arms out...anything else meant more bullets.

I mentioned this before but the vast majority of cops are trained, but not in a real situation that causes the fight or flight response. I'm what you would call a harden war vet because I do not get that reaction anymore. Real world events gets you over it after a time, but cops do not get real world events, just practice.

The same thing is seen with MMA/Boxers compared to studio Martial arts. All that training goes out the window when a studio Martial artist gets into a real fight, they end up throwing hey-makers and roundhouses...hehe.

I'm totally convince this is the same case with Wilson... No real right or wrong here though...

edit on 27-12-2014 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Entreri06

I think Wilson was put in a crazy situation by Brown and chose wrong. Like you said he seems like a wimp. So when brown punched him a few times he was legitimately afraid and shocked so he started shooting. Brown
Got hit in the hand , realized the cop had let go of him and turns and runs. Wilson scared and pissed steps out of the car shooting. Brown gets hit in the back of the arm. Realizes he's shooting him and turns around to surrender, but Wilson never stopped fireing.

A couple of other points...

Wilson missed fired like 3 times, this means that Brown had his hands on the gun to the point he was able to moved the slide back ever so slightly, so Wilson was already in the position he needed to fire, or felt the need to fire, and I can not Monday morning quarterback that.

The eye witnesses were the weakest link. Some said outrageous things like Wilson executed Brown while he was knelling, or shot him in the back... These didn't help at all and only help the grand jury to make their decision as they did.

Some eye witnesses and Wilson's account matched the bullet entries and this was the biggest point to all this in the grand jury's decision.

In the end Brown screwed up and the only thing he might have done to save himself was to just flop on the ground, arms out...anything else meant more bullets.

I mentioned this before but the vast majority of cops are trained, but not in a real situation that causes the fight or flight response. I'm what you would call a harden war vet because I do not get that reaction anymore. Real world events gets you over it after a time, but cops do not get real world events, just practice.

The same thing is seen with MMA/Boxers compared to studio Martial arts. All that training goes out the window when a studio Martial artist gets into a real fight, they end up throwing hey-makers and roundhouses...hehe.

I'm totally convince this is the same case with Wilson... No real right or wrong here though...

I disagree about Wilson's testimony matching the bullets. The bullet to the back of the arm was clearly a shot from behind. Which Wilson should not have been shooting with his back turned period. I'm not saying wilson executed him either. I think it was brow who instigated it and was probubally a completely garbage person. However we pay cops to be above the fray and retaliation. When a police officer doesn't they should be held accountable just like any other citizen should be.

Also the witness testomony was garbage and the prosecutor put people he knew was lying in front of the grand jury. He admitted to doing this on a local radio show.

If you attack me and I start shooting at you. The second you start to flee I'm commiting manslaughter and would be charged as such.

None of this has anything to do with racism or black people wanting to kill cops. It's about us being accountable for EVERY action, but police not being accountable for anything.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique
A video recorded on a cellphone can be viewed here. Something is seriously not right in your country at the moment guys.. I think it's gonna pop off very soon. Be prepared.

For those who can't watch the video the song goes like this.. "And He’s Dead, Dead, Michael Brown, Deadest man in the whole damn town. His whole life’s long gone, Deader than a roadkill dog"

I can't embed the video as I don't think it is on YouTube yet.
The Free Thought Project

I have a bad feeling about this.. the police and DHS are ready for a full scale war, so are a lot of the people it would seem.. I can feel it throbbing from across the pond.. Be safe guys.

This is making me feel sick..

"Michael Brown learned a lesson about a messin’
With a badass policeman

And he’s bad, bad Michael Brown
Baddest thug in the whole damn town
Badder than old King Kong
Meaner than a junkyard dog

Two men took to fightin’
And Michael punched in through the door
And Michael looked like some old Swiss cheese
His brain was splattered on the floor

And he’s dead, dead Michael Brown
Deadest man in the whole damn town
His whole life’s long gone
Deader than a roadkill dog"

The person who took the video of the incident gave it to TMZ because they were offended by the song and were upset that no one in the room was objecting. A trustee at the Elks Lodge told TMZ many of the hundreds of members of the Glendale Elks Lodge are upset about the song, saying, “It’s deplorable and inappropriate and the Lodge will take disciplinary action against [Fishell] and possibly the people who organized this event.” The trustee added, “We don’t stand for any racist things like this.”

Why is there so much outrage to it
in movies till about the late 70s you would hear people even the heroes, singing over a guitar about a fallen bad cowboy or evil sheriff.

Why are you guys so sensitive to this?
he is singing about a thug with a violent criminal record, not an angel who was murdered while helping an old lady cross the road.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: nachal

He didn't have a record.
The DA's office even said so.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: nachal

He didn't have a record.
The DA's office even said so.

Tho I'm strongly against the present day police state, I think it is fair for people to consider brown garbage. The gas station video ,which had no bearing on the shooting ,did give us insight into browns character. That said cops are armed, paid and trained by us to be professional in all cases. Which isn't happening.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 01:59 PM
Empathy and compassion is missing dear reader........If does not return the country is going to fail. The police state will continue to rise and and PTB will win.

Empathy and compassion are the key to fixing 90% of the problems facing this country. These are learned traits so please tech your children and loved ones. Mr. Brown I believe was criminal who by his actions caused his untimely death. That being said he was also a son and grandson and brother. He made a mistake and sadly..........Yes I said sadly paid a terrible price for it.
edit on 27-12-2014 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: SubTruth
Empathy and compassion is missing dear reader........If does not return the country is going to fail. The police state will continue to rise and and PTB will win.

Empathy and compassion are the key to fixing 90% of the problems facing this country. These are learned traits so please tech your children and loved ones. Mr. Brown I believe was criminal who by his actions caused his untimely death. That being said he was also a son and grandson and brother. He made a mistake and sadly..........Yes I said sadly paid a terrible price for it.

I think the police body cameras are the real fix for this stuff. I think the real problem is the left/right paradime where all protestors want to kill cops and all cops are executing blacks solely for being black. Every case is different, every person is different.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

Hard to judge a man on a 30 second clip.

I will agree it shows he could be a bully, but bullies prey on the weak and vulnerable.
An armed police officer is not a soft target like the clerk was.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: SubTruth
Empathy and compassion is missing dear reader........If does not return the country is going to fail. The police state will continue to rise and and PTB will win.
Empathy and compassion are the key to fixing 90% of the problems facing this country. These are learned traits so please tech your children and loved ones. Mr. Brown I believe was criminal who by his actions caused his untimely death. That being said he was also a son and grandson and brother. He made a mistake and sadly..........Yes I said sadly paid a terrible price for it.

The good thing is, you can make a change by following your advice..

If a criminal ever tries to steal from, murder, rape , hurt you or anyone you care about please make sure to disarm them with empathy and compassion.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

I agree and if you look at my past posts you will see I have called for 24/7 cameras while on duty. I also have called for police departments to not directly get the money they collect by tickets and seizures.

I would also stop the flow of military grade kit and stop no knock raids. Swat team use should be very rare and not a every day event.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: opethPA

originally posted by: SubTruth
Empathy and compassion is missing dear reader........If does not return the country is going to fail. The police state will continue to rise and and PTB will win.
Empathy and compassion are the key to fixing 90% of the problems facing this country. These are learned traits so please tech your children and loved ones. Mr. Brown I believe was criminal who by his actions caused his untimely death. That being said he was also a son and grandson and brother. He made a mistake and sadly..........Yes I said sadly paid a terrible price for it.

The good thing is, you can make a change by following your advice..

If a criminal ever tries to steal from, murder, rape , hurt you or anyone you care about please make sure to disarm them with empathy and compassion.

I think you missed my point and to be honest probably will never understand it. You see things in a very simplistic way and I know that is somewhat arrogant so please let me clarify.

Showing compassion and empathy towards even criminals does not mean they are not held accountable. If you notice I said Brown caused this to happen by his actions. It was tragic it ended with loss of life. How does this equate to I am OK with criminals doing whatever they want?

Like I said before I feel bad for his family and you have no idea the pain they are feeling.......Right. Empathy sadly is missing in many people it allows you to see things from other perspectives other than your own.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 03:13 PM
I agree one hundred percent! No one tries to intimidate a cop.... They call for back up!! That part of Wilson's story is garbage. However I think you can judge his character , at least at that time of his life, from that 30 sec clip. It takes a speacial type of person to intimidate the clerk rather then run. If you saw a 30 sec clip of child molestation or murder you could judge that person lol.

My theory is that Wilson stopped them for no real reason. They were acting squirrley from the shoplifting, strong armed robbery is different. Wilson picked up on that and decided to question them. Brown went to back away so wilson (rightfully) grabbed him through the window. At that point brown had not given any ID to Wilson. So if brown escapes he figures he's golden so he starts punching him through the window. Wilson ( right fully again) scared and shocked pulls his pistol and fires, hitting brown in the hand. At this point brown realizes wilson had let go and turns and runs. Wilson still scared and now pissed gets out of the car shooting (unlawful as hell). Hits Brown in the back of the arm. Now brown realizes the cops gonna shoot him down, turns around to surrender, but Wilson never stopped fireing....

No racism, no war against the cops, just an adrenaline fueled event where both parties kinda screwed up. However cops don't have the authority to shoot some one once they are no longer a threat.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: SubTruth
a reply to: Entreri06

I agree and if you look at my past posts you will see I have called for 24/7 cameras while on duty. I also have called for police departments to not directly get the money they collect by tickets and seizures.

I would also stop the flow of military grade kit and stop no knock raids. Swat team use should be very rare and not a every day event.

Agree on every point!!! However I would make the police videos sealed unless an event happens or complaint filed. There are great cops out there who might arrest some one or give a ticket they would have let slide because they are afraid the boss might see. I don't want to punish those who are making the world a better place.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique
A video recorded on a cellphone can be viewed here. Something is seriously not right in your country at the moment guys.. I think it's gonna pop off very soon. Be prepared.

For those who can't watch the video the song goes like this.. "And He’s Dead, Dead, Michael Brown, Deadest man in the whole damn town. His whole life’s long gone, Deader than a roadkill dog"

I can't embed the video as I don't think it is on YouTube yet.
The Free Thought Project

I have a bad feeling about this.. the police and DHS are ready for a full scale war, so are a lot of the people it would seem.. I can feel it throbbing from across the pond.. Be safe guys.

This is making me feel sick..

"Michael Brown learned a lesson about a messin’
With a badass policeman

And he’s bad, bad Michael Brown
Baddest thug in the whole damn town
Badder than old King Kong
Meaner than a junkyard dog

Two men took to fightin’
And Michael punched in through the door
And Michael looked like some old Swiss cheese
His brain was splattered on the floor

And he’s dead, dead Michael Brown
Deadest man in the whole damn town
His whole life’s long gone
Deader than a roadkill dog"

The person who took the video of the incident gave it to TMZ because they were offended by the song and were upset that no one in the room was objecting. A trustee at the Elks Lodge told TMZ many of the hundreds of members of the Glendale Elks Lodge are upset about the song, saying, “It’s deplorable and inappropriate and the Lodge will take disciplinary action against [Fishell] and possibly the people who organized this event.” The trustee added, “We don’t stand for any racist things like this.”

While I am clearly against the song, and the celebration of Brown's death, I also think that the word "racist" is not accurate when it comes to this song. Inappropriate, senseless, and brutal, yes. We can extrapolate based on the situation with the police that institutionalized racism exists, but that doesn't mean the song automatically becomes so.

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 03:07 PM
Why is this racist? Was anything in the song directed towards MB's skin color or is this another case of the boy who cried wolf. In poor taste maybe but nothing about this is racist. I have to assume the OP is racist and likes to whine and cry about nothing to get stars . Or they would have use a headline that was correct when they posted it. This event was not held by the LAPD.
edit on 29-12-2014 by mythots because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: mythots
Why is this racist? Was anything in the song directed towards MB's skin color or is this another case of the boy who cried wolf. In poor taste maybe but nothing about this is racist. I have to assume the OP is racist and likes to whine and cry about nothing to get stars . Or they would have use a headline that was correct when they posted it. This event was not held by the LAPD.
IMHO your right, is the song really crappy morally? Hell Yes!! Is it racist? No

And I don't buy Wilson's account of what happened...

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

So you do know that King Kong is part of the original song? Did you make any attempt to actually look into the song? People toss around "Racist" anymore like it has no meaning.

Bad Bad Leroy Brown
Song by Jim Croce
Bad, Bad Leroy Brown
Well the south side of Chicago
Is the baddest part of town
And if you go down there
You better just beware
Of a man name of Leroy Brown
Now Leroy more than trouble
You see he stand ‘bout six foot four
All those downtown ladies call him "Treetop Lover"
All the men just call him "Sir"
And he's bad, bad Leroy Brown
The baddest man in the whole damn town
Badder than old King Kong
And meaner than a junkyard dog
Now Leroy he a gambler
And he like his fancy clothes
And he like to wave his diamond rings
Under everybody's nose
He got a custom Continental
He got an Eldorado too
He got a 32 gun in his pocket full a fun
He got a razor in his shoe
And he's bad, bad Leroy Brown
The baddest man in the whole damn town
Badder than old King Kong
And meaner… Full lyrics on Google Play

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