posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 08:49 PM
originally posted by: rickymouse
But isn't the internet full of viruses? I'd hate to catch a cold or the flu from the food.
When we are all computer programs...
Viruses are one thing...
And then you get deleted when you no longer have a purpose.
To OP:
As for food.
I'm only comfortable ordering food online if it is one of 4 distinctions..
1) High quality food delivered fast (frozen mostly) This would be lasagnas, steaks $15 Full beef pot pies in wine sauce..
2) canned or dried or sauces.. Stuff like jerky, herbs, spices, Barbeque sauce...
3) cheap food... Bulk type stuff or just good deals... Not something you can probably make money at.
4) chocolate.
Client base.. Do you have a name? Will I be able to remember it? Does this name have a following? As in do you have a restaurant that could have the
same name?
What sorts of things do you Love cooking for other people?
Another option to look into.. You know Uber? however you spell it. An ap that calls a car to you and then you go somewhere. Like a taxi but better.
Well research into are there any aps for food delivery.. Maybe people in an area are "drivers" and you can connect them with your customers to ship
out fresh foods.
I made money on the internet. A product that people knew what it was already. Free shipping. Good pricing (the same pricing as someone like a
walmart).. And then I built a following.
My issue. I never had capital. I couldn't order more product fast enough. So I lost all the customers. The product took months to get to me and sold
in 2 days.. So I would have needed thousands of dollars to keep up.
It was really fun and freeing though. As technology speeds up more and more of us will not have jobs we can put on job descriptions. This is a
wonderful thing.
edit on 23-12-2014 by KnightLight because: (no reason given)