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Confusion After Threat Made to Police

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posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:08 AM
Confusion Surrounds Origion of Memo Warning of Threat to Police

In Western Pennsylvania and especially Pittsburgh police have been on a heightened state of alert since Sunday evening. Apparently a memo from the FBI stated that they had information about some people planning to come to Pittsburgh to shoot police officers and Caucasian civilians.
The problem is that the FBI denies sending the memo. The FBI says that it has traced the memo to the New York City Police through the Pennsylvania State Police.

Why the confusion? Why would the NYC police be sending a memo in the FBI's name? I understand the NYC Police's concerns after the murder of two of their officers, but, what is going on here? As far as anybody knows, the man who killed the NYC Police officers was acting alone.

Is there a threat or not? If there isn't then why send the memo? In my opinion all this has done is to put the cops in Western Pennsylvania on edge. If there is actually a threat, this is a good thing. If there isn't a threat, then this increases the risk of innocent people getting hurt or killed.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: JIMC5499

The police lie every single day.

To us, to each other.

They are not to be trusted, and this is yet another example.

Don't trust the police.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: JIMC5499

OK... so now the FBI didn't send the memo?? The article mentions Twitter as well. I hope more comes out about this soon. Watch your six JIMC5499 just in case this is credible.


posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:24 AM
Maybe the police now feels how the people feel. Living in fear never knowing when a psycho is gonna kill you. Cops should be ashamed protecting the very people who keep f$#king this planet up. Let em all burn and out of the ashes we shall rise

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: DrJunk

Don't trust the police.

Yes, let's trust the thugs that shoot at them.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Greenblaz

I'm not worried. I carry and have no problem with using it.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: mikeone718

originally posted by: DrJunk

Don't trust the police.

Yes, let's trust the thugs that shoot at them.

That's pretty stupid advice, and I wouldn't suggest following it.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: DrJunk

You must've missed the sarcasm directed at your "don't trust the police" statement.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: mikeone718
a reply to: DrJunk

You must've missed the sarcasm directed at your "don't trust the police" statement.

I always miss the sarcasm.

"Sarcasm is the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded." - Dostoyevsky

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: JIMC5499

The FBI are the guards of the racial chasm. They are my first suspects in malicious acts such as these.

They have rooms full of material on various propaganda programs and domestic assassinations all with a single goal.
To institute a virtual Jim Crow control structure for black population in the US. Are they really afraid or are they using it to lever people further into Fascism. That's debatable.

The word genocide is reserved for genuine and systematic attempts to exterminate a population. IMO it's reasonable given the mass murder and general oppression of blacks in the US.

edit on 23-12-2014 by InverseLookingGlass because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: mikeone718

originally posted by: DrJunk

Don't trust the police.

Yes, let's trust the thugs that shoot at them.

Not the implication; I don't believe... 'Thugs' as you have dubbed them ( I think 'law breakers' is more appropriate... ) probably shouldn't be trusted in most cases - but that doesn't mean that all police should be trusted either. At first sight, you would probably call me a 'Thug' and expect that I'm here to rob the place; when really I'd stop a robbery before it really started.

Moral: Stereotyping isn't the answer.


My general approach when I have a confrontation with police ( and I've been 'confronted' 37 times now... ), is to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. It's gone both ways. I've gotten away with things I shouldn't have ( 140 uphill in traffic and I drive away... WOW. Faith - Restored @_@ ), but I've gotten the long hard stick of the law when I shouldn't have as well.

I have family in law enforcement that I feel can be trusted - but they're among the 'few and far between'. Sometimes you get lucky; but in general, I feel 'trusting' police is generally shortsighted. 80% of police are probably legitimate in most respects - as in won't shoot you for taking your wallet out of your pocket - but that 20% that will shoot you for taking your wallet out, is something to always be aware of.

ETA: I don't frequently drive like I used to anymore. For the record. I know it's coming.
edit on 23-12-2014 by DigitalJedi805 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: DrJunk
a reply to: JIMC5499

The police lie every single day.

To us, to each other.

They are not to be trusted, and this is yet another example.

Don't trust the police.

On top of that, people lie every day. Since there's way more "regular" people than there are police, don't trust people. Ever. In fact, don't even trust the post I quoted, or my own post.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
On top of that, people lie every day. Since there's way more "regular" people than there are police, don't trust people. Ever. In fact, don't even trust the post I quoted, or my own post.

The average person doesn't have the legal authority to imprison or kill you.

The cops do, and they often lie to make that happen.

If you want to take that further into your life and become paranoid, that's on you.
edit on 23-12-2014 by DrJunk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:07 AM
Keeping biting the bait the MSM is towing. It's just the story of the season, drummed up to boost ratings.

And we're eating it up like ravenous dogs. Bad cops have been around since cops were a thing. The media is taking the VERY FEW. (yes, very few.) incidents of bad cops and whip the public into a frenzy. What's the result? A growing racial divide that would have MLK turning over in his grave, and an uptick in violence that's creating a vicious cycle of mistrust and hate.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: DrJunk

originally posted by: Shamrock6
On top of that, people lie every day. Since there's way more "regular" people than there are police, don't trust people. Ever. In fact, don't even trust the post I quoted, or my own post.

The average person doesn't have the legal authority to imprison or kill you.

The cops do, and they often lie to make that happen.

If you want to take that further into your life and become paranoid, that's on you.

The average person can still kill you, kidnap you, decide you want to play the knockout game, etc. Ergo, if you're not going to trust an entire group of people, you shouldn't trust all people every where.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
The average person can still kill you, kidnap you, decide you want to play the knockout game, etc. Ergo, if you're not going to trust an entire group of people, you shouldn't trust all people every where.

The average person has something to risk when they engage in those behaviors. Cops are legally authorized to kill or imprison you. It's in their job description.

Ah, reading some of your others posts I see that you're a cop.

No wonder you think all people are untrustworthy.
edit on 23-12-2014 by DrJunk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: DrJunk

originally posted by: Shamrock6
The average person can still kill you, kidnap you, decide you want to play the knockout game, etc. Ergo, if you're not going to trust an entire group of people, you shouldn't trust all people every where.

The average person has something to risk when they engage in those behaviors. Cops are legally authorized to kill or imprison you. It's in their job description.

Ah, reading some of your others posts I see that you're a cop.

No wonder you think all people are untrustworthy.
There seems to be a misconception here. Upon graduating police academy, it's not like there's guy handing out slips of paper and saying "Here is your license to kill, have a great day!" Police are AUTHORIZED to use deadly force only when their personal safety is threatened. Yeah, there might be some cops out there that take that authorization as cart blanche to commit MURDER, but no sane person would see it that way.
edit on 23-12-2014 by ScientificRailgun because: grammar

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: DrJunk

I find it utterly hysterical, and hypocritical to the extreme, that in one breath you're telling people to not trust any cops, ever, for any reason, but then whining about how cops don't trust all people.

But no, I don't think all people are untrustworthy. I was just expanding your idea into it's logical next stage. If one is going to distrust an entire group of people, the overwhelming majority of whom one has never met, soon one will find reasons to not trust anybody at all.

Unlike many here, I don't apply the broad brush to my daily life

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
There seems to be a misconception here. Upon graduating police academy, it's not like there's guy handing out slips of paper and saying "Here is your license to kill, have a great day!" Police are AUTHORIZED to use deadly force only when their personal safety is threatened. Yeah, there might be some cops out there that take that authorization as cart blanche to commit MURDER, but no sane person would see it that way.

You aren't actually contradicting anything I have said. Police have the authority to imprison and kill. Why should anyone trust an organization that has a legally protected authority to deceive you on behalf of the government and the ability to imprison or kill you?

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: DrJunk

By that logic, why should I trust ANYONE who prepares food for me? They may have poisoned it. Why should I trust ANYONE who has done work on my vehicle, they may have tampered with it. Why should I trust ANYONE that works for my electric company? They can turn off my lights.

Shamrock makes an excellent point, when you distrust the ENTIRETY of one group, the very next logical step would be to distrust EVERYONE.

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