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Police Outraged by ‘NYPD KILLS’ Graffiti On Manhattan Bridge

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posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 02:51 AM


The New York City Police Department is furious about graffiti tagged along the Manhattan Bridge. The words spray painted read: “NYPD KILLS.” The police were notified of the white-lettered graffiti Friday morning. The tagging runs along the support beams under the walkway which is on the south side of the Manhattan Bridge. “Of course this is just a slap in the face. We have enough going on already,” the New York Police Department spokes person talking to local reporters said. Annelien Ornie, 26, a resident who lives nearby the graffiti said “Not all police kill.” The NYPD said that they are investigating the incident and are working to catch the “culprit” who painted the politically-charged graffiti.

Here we go. Yet more hatred aimed toward the Cops. I fear that this is just the beginning and this whole "Anti-Cop" mentality will become a huge trend going forward and its going to get ugly. Its a sad reality, but it is what it is. I fear that we'll see Militia's vs Cops becoming the norm in America in the very near future. All Cops will be seen as bad guys in other words and have a target on their back. When this happens, then it'll be the beginning of the end of Society structure here in America as we know it.

You can condemn Police Brutality and still appreciate Police Officers. I just don't understand this mentality of lumping every Cop into the bad apple cart.
edit on 23-12-2014 by Bloodydagger because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 02:59 AM
Every cop is not bad. Everyone needs to stop grouping a certain "person". It only spreads the hate. Any person can be good, any person can be bad. Show love to others and hopefully they will spread it. If not, you had the the heart to show love. Namaste

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

but this prophecy has been fortold.

Should we addin raining frogs to make it seem more biblical?

For some reason. Even tho this is current events. This is giving me a doom porn chubby.
That's for posting

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: AnuTyr

Yeah, I agree. There is a very foreboding feeling over this whole "Cop Situation" here in America. I feel like its something that will pick up momentum as we go forward and get a lot worse.

....You can't help but get the feeling that something bad is coming.

edit on 23-12-2014 by Bloodydagger because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

But... NYPD does kill. Some of the officers in the department are less willing to do so and would be willing to go against their training, but you can't claim that they wouldn't if they had to. They are trained to kill, they go to work every day knowing they might have to kill someone. This is not an issue so much about individual cops, but about the NYPD and police departments across the country.

The training has become more like the military each and every year. They are taught to kill first and ask questions later. It is a systemic issue that affects the entire department, so the statement "NYPD Kills" is factually correct.

The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one. It seem to me that many are unwilling to face the fact that there is a problem, a very serious and deadly problem for all involved.

+13 more 
posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: 024nona
Every cop is not bad. Everyone needs to stop grouping a certain "person". It only spreads the hate. Any person can be good, any person can be bad. Show love to others and hopefully they will spread it. If not, you had the the heart to show love. Namaste

The cops that are bad ..... are bad.

The cops that protect the bad cops ..... are bad.

The cops that look the other way and do nothing ..... are bad.

Now, how many Police are there left.

I would love to agree with your sentiments ..... but sadly, I can't.

It is very true ..... the bad apples are tainting the whole barrel.

Now, they have declared war!

People die in wars. It is their declaration, not the peoples.

Just what does it take for people to wake up. We hear of so much abuse where other Police are watching it happen. There are no longer any excuses. They act like military, they kill innocents, they get off free as a bird. There is only one group that can stop them and that group is We The People.

I know there are Police on ATS. The excuse, I would lose my job if I reported another officer, is getting old.

It is a sad world. By the way, the sign just tells it like it is. So the truth hurts.


edit on 23/12/2014 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 03:40 AM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

Sometimes a spade is just that a spade.....there have been way too man cop shootings in the recent past...there is a line being drawn in the sand....i really hope in my heart of hearts that this current trend stops and people on both sides find some common ground before this spirals out of control

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 04:30 AM
I think it will get bad enough that we could see martial law declared. If not just in particular cities, depending on the spread of the problems, nationwide. It would be the perfect ending to the divisive rhetoric bantered about over racism, etc. and give Obama the cause he needs to declare said martial law and suspend congress, and elections.

After all, who has been stoking the race fires in the country? MSM, Al Sharpton, Obama, Holder, and the usual suspects that take advantage of any bad situation to inflame it and cause the problems to grow. After that was not working well enough, they have finally found the issue that threatens a total breakdown in society. The question is why now? And what transpires over the course of the next 2 years.

Don't get me wrong, I think the police state is out of control and the militarized training and rhetoric has been a root cause of the problem. Train an Army for war and turn them loose and that is exactly what you will get in the end. Now the NYPD has stated they are a "Wartime Police Department"! However, I also think there are other factors at work here causing the whole thing to go hot at this time. I am sure it was all thought up in some think tank somewhere. After everything that has happened in this Administration and Justice Department nothing would surprise me any more.

ETA: Not to mention the self-fulfilling prophecy of DHS and every American being a terrorist. Now terrorists are attacking the police. How do you think that is going to roll out. Right into their hands and there are many people that will fall for it and make it all a reality. I don't think the people have done what the DHS had hoped for until now. They are probably prepping all the war plans as we speak.

edit on 23/12/14 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 04:42 AM
Either the US Police Officers clean up themselves and become something to appreciate or they are the problem that need to be solved. I do not understand how the US people stand that corruption in US legal system where cops are more like thieves (thru cash seizures) and kill people instead of someone who is helping other people out.

Too bad that the good ones in police seems too weak to organize themselves and clean up the corruption serving the people and going after criminals everywhere not allowing criminals to hide behind a badge.

edit on 23-12-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 04:43 AM
The NYPD will blame the mayor but we don't hear them admit to bad cops. They seem to be in denial of the real problem. It isn't going to work.
edit on 12/23/2014 by roadgravel because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

You truly have no idea just how bad the corruption is at all levels. It was off the chain back when I was involved with a unit targeting corruption and I got out in 94! It is all swirling the drain now. There will be a reckoning, that is for sure. But, what the result will be is the big question. And we have a heck of a lot of very experienced war vets back in the population being wronged by the same authorities. That makes this time we live in the US even more crazy in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 04:48 AM

good or bad luck, viewed as resulting from one's actions.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 04:50 AM
Just how wide spread are "Corrupt Cops" do some of you think?

What are the chances that an entire precinct is corrupt somewhere right now in America?
edit on 23-12-2014 by Bloodydagger because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

I don't think entire precincts nor entire federal agencies are corrupt. The problem is that once something happens and they knew about it and did nothing it is hard, if not impossible to come forward years later. I will be the first to say there are a lot of very dedicated, very good people in all of these agencies. However, the good ones either can't or haven't done anything.

One of the biggest problems I saw go down was when the level of corruption and downright lawbreaking was uncovered. There are powers that be that don't want them arrested and brought in. Why? Because every case they were involved in could be compromised. And we are talking just about every level of case and criminal would be getting lawyers and trying to get out of prison, etc.. There was a new method that was brought in to address the worst of them and that is why I got out. Not easy, and still highly classified. Government can't just wholesale round these people up as it could begin the collapse of said government because the people would be irate like you can't imagine.

I doubt it would ever happen, but the only way I can see the system being corrected is if the military was brought in and did it themselves. Maybe, again maybe, the people would deal with it and the government would survive. However, the damage would be unbelievable for everyone involved. I think we are seeing symptoms of that realization in the federal governments actions and preparations in recent years. One thing everyone must realize is the government isn't stupid, neither are the military industrial complex. They knew that eventually the citizens would become aware of much, much more and there would be resisters. Now, self fulfilling prophecy or not, attacking the police is falling right into the trap laid out over these years by the system and DHS.

Well, that is the way I see it anyway. I wish I could elaborate more, but I simply can not. I think you are seeing symptoms of a very sick, wounded, and now dangerous animal.

edit on 23/12/14 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: spirit_horse

If it gets worse gun confiscation is sure to follow.. Speaking of which N.Y. is supposedly a gun free zone, No?

Our society cannot exist without police. Do away with the police and you get gangs running stuff and not nice, hahaha just like certain areas of big cities already..

There have been a few threads and articles speaking to the perceived circle of violence on both sides, cops and pedestrians..

The circle needs to be broken; bowing up and acting all tough will just bring the same thing from the other side..

As a society we better hope it does not escalate for nothing good will come of it ! Cops and Judges breaking a moral law ( u know the kind where you just know it is wrong).. Kick backs from prisons for profit to judges or cops killing/beating people like Kelly Thompson ) and getting away with it will be stopped one way or the other I have no doubt.. It would appear there are all kinds of factions that want to start something dreadful on both sides..

I assume getting the guns from the population is right up there with the grand plan with several in this regime and probably those who will follow, History repeats..

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: 727Sky
That would definitely be in the play book.

Let me just throw something out there to think about. Drug deals gone bad for just one thing. How do you think society would or should deal with it, if it were revealed that a certain federal agency's agents routinely did this when they couldn't legally get their target suspect(s)? And consider that this could be just the beginning of what could be revealed. It is not known by many outside law enforcement that if someone is ruled a drug deal gone bad, and are found by local agencies that there isn't a huge effort put into solving the crime. There are way too many underworld contacts associated with such a person. All you have to do is put drugs on the body and leave it for the locals to find.

That is why I say that these are symptoms of a very sick, wounded, and dangerous animal. How does government deal with it quietly? Publicly it could be disastrous. And how would you react if that were just the tip of the iceberg? Think about the sheer number of people that go missing each year never to be seen again.

ETA: What most people don't realize in urban areas is that for every marked patrol car that you see, there are 8-10 unmarked units of varying agencies and departments out there. There are a whole lot more involved than what the typical person considers police presence to be. That includes, state, federal, law enforcement, intelligence, etc, etc.

edit on 23/12/14 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: Bloodydagger
a reply to: AnuTyr

Yeah, I agree. There is a very foreboding feeling over this whole "Cop Situation" here in America. I feel like its something that will pick up momentum as we go forward and get a lot worse.

....You can't help but get the feeling that something bad is coming.

Completely agree..

Not exactly sure how it's going to come about, but, for nearly a week, my thoughts have been reminiscing of human history and our affinity to kill, steal and destroy one another...and I don't have a good feeling in the pit of my stomach..

If hasn't been obvious to what has been coming down the river for nearly 13 years, time to take our heads out of the sane and wake up....

in a word.....Serpico

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: spirit_horse

You are preaching to the Choir my friend.. I am slightly aware of the drug running that has been done by this government since before Ollie North... Makes you lose faith in the system no? Kiki Camarena was one who believed in the system.. For his belief he was hideously tortured for three days before finally being mercifully killed.. All recorded by a the letter outfit that did not like him busting a large portion of the drug trade out of Mexico..

WASHINGTON (Proceso)(apro).-- Three former U.S. federal agents decided to end a 28-year silence and simultaneously entrusted this journal and the U.S. Fox news services with an information "bomb": Enrique Kiki Camarena was not murdered by Rafael Caro Quintero -- the capo that served a sentence for that crime -- but by an agent of the CIA. The reason: the DEA agent discovered that his own government was collaborating with the Mexican narco in his illegal business.

In interviews with Proceso, Phil Jordan, former director of the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC); Hector Berrellez, former DEA agent, and Tosh Plumlee, a former CIA pilot, claim that they have evidence that the U.S. government itself ordered the murder of Kiki Camarena in 1985. In addition, they point to a sinister Cuban character, Felix Ismael Rodriguez, as the murderer.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 05:46 AM
Once the race issue gets pushed aside and all the people of the lower classes unite under this cause there will be a reckoning.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 05:50 AM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

I do not understand how the US people stand that corruption in US legal system where cops are more like thieves (thru cash seizures) and kill people instead of someone who is helping other people out.

a little insight to how long & deep the 'rabbit hole' goes..

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