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The seemingly unfair demonisation of Jezebel

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posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: YahweisLord

Listen to yourself. You are using the Law and the Gospel to justify the killings of prophets and the Son of God (!).

Besides, the part of Genesis when God changes his mind and spares Isaac was added quite a few hundred years after the story itself was written. Guess we'll never know.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: lonesomerimbaud
I wanted to take the time to go this deep with you because you are very intelligent and your thread deserves it. I apologise for my Christian take on it all, but it is the only way I can rationally make any sense of this warped Creation.

No need for apologising, normally people who spot intelligence are quite intelligent themselves
I normally respect Christians and normally I can agree to much of their often fantastic claims as long as they stick to what the Word says, or usually until they start claiming Jesus had to die so we can live and if I don't believe that I go to Hell.

As for me, I was forged in Hell. Hell is from Gr. Helios and a cognate of Norse Hel, name of the goddess Hel and found in Hel-heim, her domain, her Hel-veter (Helvete in Norwegian is Hell in English. Hel-veter were special alarm fires that were lit to warn people of dangers) and her Hel-ljos (the Sun). Every atom in my body was once forged inside the nuclei of fiery stars. Stars like my burning soul, Helios. One day we will travel straight through it. Homer and the Illiad and Hades, straight through the Eye of Ra. It's true if we are to believe the Book of Revelation.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim
I think that your premise that prophecy is written after the fact is BS. Explain the Daniel prophecy of the coming of Christ in the 70 weeks down to the very day Christ entered Jerusalem which was written centuries before the fact. .

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 12:44 AM
a reply to: guitarplayer

Sorry, you lost me there. Where do you get the impression that the prophecy was written after the fact? And what on Earth does this have to do with Daniel?

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