posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 12:58 AM
I was just reading about Obama's strong condemnation of Sony cancelling
The Interview and started to think about the recent news that Sony was
contacted again and
instructed not to release the film at all and remove all trailers etc etc.
I've considered that perhaps Sony actually concocted this whole hack thing themselves actually in order to make an insurance claim because the final
screenings of the film were total crap and they thought it was going to be a total flop.
While considering that I also remembered that Sony has been one of the biggest forces in pushing draconian methods to curb online Piracy. In fact
they themselves probably had a a major hand in the recent takedown of thePirateBay which conveniently happened just after the Sony hack.
Did the Sony hackers leak Sony
movies to PirateBay?
Along with both of those possibilities, Sony has long been the most vocal supporter within the MPAA for actual legislation on Cybersecurity:
Sony has lobbied for cybersecurity
since 2011
I find it a bit strange how such a strong proponent of cybersecurity had such weak security of their own, and it's just a bit convenient that this
whole fiasco will likely end up with Sony getting exactly the legislation passed that they wanted, plus even more. There's the possibility that it
will take care of what could have been a box-office flop for them too, ultimately costing them little to no money while killing 3 birds with one
With all the connections Sony has in Washington, hell maybe CISPA and the end of Net Neutrality are linked to this too...