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Russian Courts Find 99% guilty

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posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 10:19 AM
Many people don't fully understand the level of Corruption in Russia. It isn't simply slipping the traffic cop a 20 and not getting a ticket. Under the Putin regime the entire justice system has been completely taken over.

Less than 1% of criminal cases that get to a judge result in acquittals. Either Russian police are the most efficient and effective law enforcement agency man and woman has ever created on Earth or there really is no justice system but simply a punishment system. As always you must decide for yourself if you believe Russian police are superhuman and 'always get their man'.

In reality, even in the height of the Stalin Purges, the Russian legal system has never been so effective.
Stalin, a name synonymous with brutal efficiency, never achieved the success of Putin's Russia.

The legal system is a foundational pillar for democracy. Without a free and fair judicial process there simply can not be anything called democracy. What Russia has now is a hollowed out core of a previous infant democracy. The government is run by one man, Putin. He has selected people to run various government functions as well as various government businesses. If the police charge someone with a crime the government has already internally reviewed this 'crime' and allowed the prosecution to proceed. The judge understands this and is required to find the defendant guilty.

When you talk about Russia you need to understand what is going on in this country. The power has been so tightly wound up in one leader today as to make even Stalin jealous.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 10:31 AM
But yet Putin has the respect from a very large majority of it's citizens and by many western people .If we were to use statics ,it could be shown that US has one rather large problem with crime .But may not be surprised because of the corruption at the top . It could be that Russia is suffering the same ills .Better to clean up our own back yard first though . a reply to: noeltrotsky

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 10:47 AM
Sounds like the Cardassians, though im pretty sure they're prison industrial complex ain't sh/t compared to our good Ol USA.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:00 AM

a reply to: noeltrotsky

Either Russian police are the most efficient and effective law enforcement agency man and woman has ever created on Earth or there really is no justice system but simply a punishment system.


The criminals there are that dumb.

But in all seriousness, the Russian system is full blown authoritarian.

The have lots of laws that make lots of things illegal.

Who benefits the most from this?

Where do the Green Lines (money) connect?

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:02 AM
So Russia's legal system works? and their judges don't have their time wasted by nerdy prosecutors who get outwitted by fork tongue defence lawyers?

Russians are not as introvert as Americans. A lot of charges that get laid in America are based on what kind of mood the officer was in and if his bowels are cooperating. If the officer hasn't had a dump in 36 hours due to his antidepressant medication he/she might be inclined to show little patience and press charges without a strong case.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: the2ofusr1
But yet Putin has the respect from a very large majority of it's citizens and by many western people .

That proves...

1. If you control the media, you control the message - both internal and external. Putin's use of State media is clever.
2. Putin's nationalist policies work to divert people's attentions
3. Some people are gullible, especially those who rely on

To the OP. It has well been recognised that Russia is a very corrupt society. The corruption starts at the top with the Putin's kleptocractic government. The police are renown for their corruption. It's a complete mess and the Russian people are being conned by their so called "leaders".

Transparency International 2014
Guardian article
Corruption in Putin's Russia


posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: noeltrotsky

And yet the Russians respect their leader and the US has no respect for their puppe.... I mean leader.

Americans sure love to smear Russia. It is almost painfully obvious how intimidated they are by a much stronger and more intelligent population.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: the2ofusr1
But yet Putin has the respect from a very large majority of it's citizens and by many western people .If we were to use statics ,it could be shown that US has one rather large problem with crime .But may not be surprised because of the corruption at the top . It could be that Russia is suffering the same ills .Better to clean up our own back yard first though . a reply to: noeltrotsky

Apples and Oranges comparing the US and Russian justice system.

Nice try at deflection thou

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
So Russia's legal system works?

I guess so! I knew someone would believe Russian police are incredible!

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:15 AM
Isn't the op a kind of finger pointing at them compared to ???? What is the point of the op ? Is he saying that Russia have a very efficient system compared to the Wests and if so ,shouldn't the question be why ? a reply to: noeltrotsky

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: the2ofusr1
What is the point of the op ?

Let me repost the last paragraph of my original post, as it didn't seem to appear on your screen.

"When you talk about Russia you need to understand what is going on in this country. The power has been so tightly wound up in one leader today as to make even Stalin jealous."

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
And yet the Russians respect their leader and the US has no respect for their puppe.... I mean leader.

The problem is that in Russia if you are an activist that attempts to expose corruption in office, you may find yourself intimidated and imprisoned. Several journalists have been murdered when they have got too close. With so few people able to contradict the State media's outpourings, the opinion poll just becomes another way to reinforce the message.

The fact you can call Obama a puppet, and get away with it, perhaps shows the difference.


posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:27 AM
Stalin is dead ,so what is your point .Come on ,out with it ,don't pussy foot around , say what you mean . a reply to: noeltrotsky

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

That proves...

1. If you control the media, you control the message - both internal and external. Putin's use of State media is clever.

As apposed to corporate controlled media? Your talking nonsense. I would rather my elected state control my information rather than some grease ball corporation.

2. Putin's nationalist policies work to divert people's attentions

Oh yeah. And US media keeps their people on the ball eh?

3. Some people are gullible, especially those who rely on

At least RT reporters research and don't rely only on script. That is why every US channel reports the same national and international stories every night, because it is scripted to them daily.

To the OP. It has well been recognised that Russia is a very corrupt society. The corruption starts at the top with the Putin's kleptocractic government. The police are renown for their corruption. It's a complete mess and the Russian people are being conned by their so called "leaders".

You have to at least assume that not all of us are indoctrinated by your imperialist propaganda. Russians are good people and they respect their leader for his strength and ability to not be influenced or intimidated by the West who's lifestyle, Russians want nothing to do with.

He told his people straight up, they are going to have to accept recession that may last a couple years to avoid bending to the west. And his people accepted that. They would rather be poor than be another b=%ch for the west. An admirable trait in my books.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:31 AM
The same could be said for what happens with whistle blowers in the west as well .There are good records to imagine that killing off a journalist is not beyond the pale of the US if they get too close to the truth ,so same old same old . a reply to: paraphi

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
And yet the Russians respect their leader and the US has no respect for their puppe.... I mean leader.

The problem is that in Russia if you are an activist that attempts to expose corruption in office, you may find yourself intimidated and imprisoned. Several journalists have been murdered when they have got too close. With so few people able to contradict the State media's outpourings, the opinion poll just becomes another way to reinforce the message.

The fact you can call Obama a puppet, and get away with it, perhaps shows the difference.


I would rather be in prison and know where I stand with my country than scratching my head wondering why I can't get a good job, the bank never returns my calls, the police never come when I want to report a crime and the tax collectors want receipts for everything. It may SOUND worse to be in Russia but the truth is the results are the same. I would rather be in prison than asked to leave a coffee shop because my construction work clothes were to close akin to a homeless man. That happened.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:42 AM
Even if 1/2 of what Stalin was supposed to have done was true ,it would take many years for Putin to catch up .So far it seems to be more of a suggestion by the west as to how bad he is then any prof that he is . a reply to: noeltrotsky

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: noeltrotsky

Interesting article, but it's false to say "Under the Putin regime, the entire juducial system has been taken over."

He inherited a very corrupt system which is still mostly controlled by a large number of oligarchs. The article says that it wasn't so bad under Soviet control which is an absurd statement. Especially regarding Russia/Putin, anything coming out of the US or EU should be taken with a grain of salt, IMO.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: Son of Will
a reply to: noeltrotsky
Interesting article, but it's false to say "Under the Putin regime, the entire juducial system has been taken over."
He inherited a very corrupt system which is still mostly controlled by a large number of oligarchs. The article says that it wasn't so bad under Soviet control which is an absurd statement. Especially regarding Russia/Putin, anything coming out of the US or EU should be taken with a grain of salt, IMO.

I quoted stats to support the statement 'Under the Putin regime, the entire judicial system has been taken over.'
I don't see your supporting information to make that false.

Further, the stats quoted by me show that even under Stalin the Russian judiciary failed to convict just over 10% of people accused of crimes. Since Stalin's times were one of the most controlled in Russian history I suggest that Putin's stats are more controlling than any Soviet stats. Again you haven't provided any information to show this is 'an absurd statement'.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: noeltrotsky

Speaking of 99% rate, why don't you criticize Japan for the same statistic figure of 99 % ?
Japan has traditionally had conviction rates higher than 99 per cent, though the cases are almost always based on confessions rather than thorough investigations.

So, what is understandable and excusable for Japan due to "tradition" is not permitted to Russia, double standards ?

In the article you linked there is also a short reminder about so called political cases against people like Chodorkovsky and Navalny etc.

When Mr. Madoff goes to jail for committed financial crimes it is justice, but when some Russian thief goes to jail for 10 years (mind you Madoff is going to spent rest of his life in jail) it is called political case.

It is funny to watch video from the last hearing of Navalny case. The man supposedly was given the "last word" to defend himself in case of embezzlement of about 500k US$ from his shady operations with Yves Rocher firm.
In his defense speech you may think he is on the podium of some Western NGO speaking about corruption in Russia, just like this Trotsky

Chodorkovsky, another darling of Western media is compared to Lenin now ( I was thinking Lenin is a big No, well always there are exeptions when the time is right), sitting in Switzerland and waiting to be appointed as a Reichs Gaulatter of Russia.

edit on 21-12-2014 by kitzik because: (no reason given)

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