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UFOs and NATO ... Human Mutilation

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posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: Tangerine

see my summary above, that's all the major points from Vid. The evidence is anecdotal, with the unverified testimony of the inside. I have seen enough from the evidence of repetitive patterns of mutilations around the world to be convinced that if you are in rural area by yourself and see a Ufo, then its wise to high tail it out of there, as challenging some testimony on here is one thing but being by yourself and testing your own theory/biases/views against reality, that's another level all together.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: AthlonSavage
a reply to: Tangerine

see my summary above, that's all the major points from Vid. The evidence is anecdotal, with the unverified testimony of the inside. I have seen enough from the evidence of repetitive patterns of mutilations around the world to be convinced that if you are in rural area by yourself and see a Ufo, then its wise to high tail it out of there, as challenging some testimony on here is one thing but being by yourself and testing your own theory/biases/views against reality, that's another level all together.

Anecdotes aren't evidence at all. They're simply claims. I'm familiar with cattle mutilations but I'm unaware of a pattern of similar human mutilations and no one has been forthcoming with facts about a pattern of human mutilations. One person?? I'm unaware that cattle mutilations have been absolutely linked to UFOs. Considering that we don't even know for sure what UFOs are, the link is purely speculative. I'm not convinced that we're being visited by ET. I'd be more inclined to believe that humans are mutilating cattle and humans. I don't know why you think UFOs, whatever they are, pose more of a threat to your life than your neighbors. We already know what people are capable of.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: artistpoet

And yet ... My mind is not resolved as to who or what is behind Human and Animal Mutilation

The question that always bothered me back when I believed mutilations may have been ET experiments is why put the animal back to be discovered , animal mutilations have been occurring since the 70s so why is it that if they're so unconcerned about the evidence being discovered we have no more evidence indicating Aliens now than we did back when it started.

The same argument goes for Human mutilations , why not dispose of the evidence , if you've traveled here from a different star system surely it's no problem to drop it in the middle of the ocean or into space to be lost or burned up.

I'm not trying to convince you , you will find the truth for yourself but I would recommend checking out the work of Gabe Valdez.

edit on 21-12-2014 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: gortex

I agree gortex if it was Aliens why leave the carcasses lying around. We keep hearing about how the Aliens want to hide their existence from us, well, leaving mutilated animals lying around everywhere just doesn't make sense. It's pretty dumb in fact. I have come to the conclusion that it is a Psyop. Part of the agenda by the Elite to make us afraid of an alien invasion. An invasion that will be faked by them at some point to finally gain complete control over us. As far as i can tell, if there are Alien Greys out there then they have been here for a long time and i have yet to be convinced they pose any threat. The Elite may be trying to convince us otherwise.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 01:55 PM
Firstly I can't see other humans mutilating other humans. Yes they are capable of heinious crimes ie. psychopaths and such, but to do it, even for a psy- op, for the fear factor is taking it too far. You still don't get my post. What if it is aliens and they just don't care whether we see their aftermath or not? Think on before the rage against litter took hold, you would half eat a sandwich and throw the rest on the floor without a thought, eat a chocolate bar and throw the wrapper on the floor. What if they are just like that, they really don't care because they look on us as nothings so they are just discarding their waste. It just so happens their waste is mutilated bodies.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

Humans are capable of anything my friend. For an example see the Catholic Church and the Inquisition.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Tangerine

Please understand that we've gone through this before, many times. Someone makes extraordinary claims and urges people to watch a linked video, promising answers in the video. It turns out that the video contains nothing but unsubtantiated wild claims. We're probably all familiar with cattle mutilations and they've been heavily documented (perpetrators uncertain). Please substantiate your claim about human mutilations with some evidence (claims are not evidence) and explain what evidence leads you to believe what or whom the perpetrators are and why.

With due respect and in answer to your post ...

I am not urging anyone to watch the vid ... I posted it for those who might be interested in watching it ... and already someone who is interested has thanked for posting it ...

Secondly ... I have never made any claims (so far) regarding animal mutulations ... mereley stating this is a world wide phenomena ... this as you say is well documented ... and I agree the perpetrators are uncertain ...

Thirdly ... I have not made any claims or stated any belief as to whom the perpetrators are or why

I posted the vid in order to glean other peoples thoughts on this subject

I did state I thought the perpetrators were of Black Ops but also stated that I was open minded to other options and opinions ... as I said in my opening post ... I am mystified

My desire was to create a discussion around the film or subject ... and indeed many have been forthcoming with their ideas

Of course there is evidence if one looks ... re Human Mutilation ... if you do not wish to watch the film then fine ...

I had in mind to watch the film for a third time noting down names places etc but unfortunately a serious Family crisis has arisen ... I do not have the will or inclination to do so now ... and thinking about it if you can not be bothered to watch the film then I can not see how you are interested anyway ... apart from wanting to be critical of my style of posting ...

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: gortex

Thanks once again gortex ... for posting the vid by Gabe Valdez ... Never heard of this guy before but I am watching it now.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 02:37 PM
OK I am going to cave and watch the the film I posted for a third time this time using the pause button to write down relevent information ... will take my mind off other matters also ...

It may take some time but I will get back to you with names places etc

I realise I should have done this originally before posting to make a more coherent thread

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: artistpoet

Could you cite the information regarding human mutilation? What form does it take? Where has it occurred and when?

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 05:51 PM
Ok getting late and I have a full on day at the hospital tomorrow including a lot of driving ...

But so as not to keep any who may interested but have not watched the film ...

Here is the first 19 minutes of it that I transcribed / edited into an intro to this
Though I am only covering the first 19 mins it has taken much much longer as you might imagine ... pausing to make notes ... I hope this enough for those genuinly interested for now as I can not promise to transcribe the whole film as my life is sorta full on at the moment.

Richard D Hall states he has been investigating animal mutilation since 2009 and has made another film at that time called "Silent Killers" covering that subject.

In begining of this film he interviews David Cayton of the Animal Pathology Field Unit ... David Cayton has been following the ..."Bizzare cases of animal mutilation" he also features later in the film giving details of such cases and where they found and how they were covered up.

Here are some of the common Injuries that occur ...

Ears removed ... sometimes to the scalp or half way across

Eyes removed ... sometimes one or both

Lips exised ... Just showing teeth or sometimes a more extensive jaw strip ... sometimes just one side (mostly left) or sometimes both sides

Tongue removed from back throat or half way down or sometimes just a few milimeters fom tip
He adds ... Again no bleeding IE ... No cut ... IE If animal alive the tongue would be an area where a lot of bleeding would occur

Orhand removed from Neck / throat

Small holes in body where internal organs had been removed.

If female say in a cow or goat ... Udders removed or even just some of the teats

Genitals Removed expertly

Sometimes in Male ... can be just scrotum leaving penis
In Female ... Vulva

Rectal Area ... A neat hole so dis conecting from stomach

Often limbs removed or partly removed ...

Later in the film he goes on to talk about other cases of Human Mutilation where All the hair had removed from an unfortunate young couple

He also claims this subject is down played to keep public ignorant ...

David Cayton then goes on to talk about and show photographs of a Russian Human Mutulation case in 1959 which is the around the time of "The Cold War".....
2 Females and 7 Males ... all hikers and mountaineers who were camping in tempretures of minus 40 ... He points out the classic signs of Animal/Human Mutilations in some of the victims ... Mandable strip, eyes removed, Internal Organs removed ...and also the strange circumstances they were found in ...
Though though the Russian Authority's carried out autopsy's ... they were not forthcoming with the results (Cold War)

Richard D Hall then goes on to talk about the Brazilian case in 1988 of a Human Mutilation which clearly shows the classic signs found in animal mutilation ... Though this was so called debunked he goes on to debunk that debunker ... She ... Linda Moultan Howe being an award winning journalist in the USA who has extensively covered Animal Mutulation more than any ... She had claimed it was the effect of Agent Orange yet it clearly was not ... after phoning her it was clear she had been"Got at"

Richard D Hall then goes on to talk about a response/post he recieved on a UFO forum which has prompted his resarch of 4 years on and off ... I have copied word for word from Richard's original post that he recieved ...

"You mention Linda Moultan Howe in your film Silent Killers so my question is
why do you not ask her about human mutilation in the UK and USA or is she as I suspect living of a more mundane story of anomal mutilation, she sits in the comfort zone which I find so disgusting that other humanbeings know that other human beings know that there are human mutilations going on yet do nothing about it.

Subsequently Richard contacted the writer of this post (Derek Gough) exchanging several emails and telephone calls ...

Derek Gough worked as the correspondent for South Wales for a UFO mag called Global ... He explained that he had meetings with a military man in January 1997 and was shocked by what he was told.
He had been approached and met and held discussions with this military man after putting up laminated A4 Posters around the are of asking for new witnesses of UFOs from the public or Farmers to come forward with any info which he said he would use in the strictest confidence ... An original poster is shown in the film.

The military man was stationed at MOD St Athan in Clwyd (Wales) but had become unhappy with his mission which started in the 1980s
He claims he was one of 11 volunteers for a top secret NATO Fast Find and Secure response team on 24/7 alert with planes and helicopters at their disposal ... Their task being to secure remains, vehicles and even sometimes landed UFO craft ...Until the clean up team (USA) arrived .. this could take days and the response team would be left fend for themselves until then ... they were the forst to arrive and the last to leave

He claims the USA was in overall charge and that the Russians knew but were happy to leave clean up ops to the USA as they had better technology which he later goes on to describe. Later in the film he goes on to say that this teamwas set up with Margaret Thathers knowledge after a request from Ronald Reagan

He claims to have witnessed 30 to 40 mutilated humans in countrys such as England Ireland Scotland USA Spain Germany Alaska Australia Yugoslavia and Russia and later in the film goes on to desribe hostile devilish Aliens he had witnessed
Derek Gough claims he had shown him a NATO card (example shown in film)

The body's recovered all had the classic signs of animal/human mutulation with nearly always bloodless remains

After much perseverance Richard independtly meet this military man by then ex military man
This military man is real and I have met him and know where he lives and have film footage of him says Richard

Well that is the jist of the first 19 minutes of this film and much more follows but I am worn out now but hope this may go some way to satisfy those who want to know more of what the film is about ... of course you can always watch the film as it has taken me hours just to transcribe and then post this

By the way Hope you all have a great festive time ... Peace and Love

edit on 21-12-2014 by artistpoet because: t

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: artistpoet

Are you referring to the Dyatlov Pass incident? I'm familiar with that and, to the best of my knowledge, there were no mutilations involved apart from one person who had been chewed on by animals after dying with his companions in the cold on a winter hiking trip .

Other than that, you cited one case of human mutilation in Brazil and the claim of a single individual supported by zero evidence that he witnessed 30 to 40 additional human mutilations in various countries.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: Tangerine

Yes I was referring to the Dyatlov Pass Incident ...

In the film ... David Cayton of the Animal Pathology Field Unit talks about this ... examiming rather poor quality balck and white photos that exist. however ...

It points out the classic wounds of animal mutulation on 4 of the unfortunate 11 ... Not all were mutulated ... But all suffered fatal injuries ... Also the strange circumstance in which the bodys were discovered is discussed and specualted upon ...

Of course this incident is a Mystery ... And much specualtion as to what occured has given rise to all kinds of storys ... Such as it was a Yeti ...

As I stated David Cayton points out the classic signs of animal/human mutulation in the photos ... To say the bodys were were chewed on by animals does not really hold water in my opinion

Later in the film other strange incidents of human mutulation are discussed also

Like I have said al along in this thread ... it is a mystery to me also ... and my reason for posting this thread was for others thoughts on this ... which have been forthcoming ...

edit on 23-12-2014 by artistpoet because: typo

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: gortex

Having watched the short vid ... I get what you are saying re taking samples of body organs / parts for examination of radiation levels in that geographical area... This could be an explanation/answer and does have as much credence if not more than many other theorys ...

However I feel I would need to see/read more of Gabe Valdez's research ... which I will do when time permits ...

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:09 AM

Humans are capable of anything my friend. For an example see the Catholic Church and the Inquisition.
a reply to: DrunkYogi

What you say is correct ... I beleieve most people would be deeply shocked by some of what also must occur in secret

Yes Human Beings are capable of true evil yet the flip side being they are also capable of being divine by which I mean great caring or love if you ike ... thank you for your post

edit on 23-12-2014 by artistpoet because: typo

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
a reply to: Tangerine

Of course there is evidence if one looks ... re Human Mutilation ... if you do not wish to watch the film then fine ...

Am I correct in recalling that the video presents claims that someone witnessed multiple human mutilations around the world and someone claimed there was one mutilation in Brazil and someone, referring to the Dyatlov Incident in Russia incorrectly stated that 7 bodies were mutilated? Where is the EVIDENCE? These are all CLAIMS.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
a reply to: Tangerine

Yes I was referring to the Dyatlov Pass Incident ...

In the film ... David Cayton of the Animal Pathology Field Unit talks about this ... examiming rather poor quality balck and white photos that exist. however ...

It points out the classic wounds of animal mutulation on 4 of the unfortunate 11 ... Not all were mutulated ... But all suffered fatal injuries ... Also the strange circumstance in which the bodys were discovered is discussed and specualted upon ...

Of course this incident is a Mystery ... And much specualtion as to what occured has given rise to all kinds of storys ... Such as it was a Yeti ...

As I stated David Cayton points out the classic signs of animal/human mutulation in the photos ... To say the bodys were were chewed on by animals does not really hold water in my opinion

Later in the film other strange incidents of human mutulation are discussed also

Like I have said al along in this thread ... it is a mystery to me also ... and my reason for posting this thread was for others thoughts on this ... which have been forthcoming ...

I have read a fair amount about the Dyatlov Pass incident. If I recall correctly, there were 7 not 11 hikers. I recall nothing in the books and a long online account I read about the incident about multiple bodies being mutilated except for one or two showing evidence of small animals having gnawed extremities. Absolutely nothing suggested surgical wounds and removal of organs or blood as occurs in the well-known cattle mutilations. No one knows exactly what happened that led the people to leave their tent and die in the cold some distance away. It's important to point out for those who don't know that they were hiking in the snow in the mountains in Russia in the winter and it was very cold.

Have you seen the photos of the actual bodies? Or are you relying on someone's word for what the photos revealed? Certainly the people who saw the actual bodies said absolutely nothing about suspicious mutilation.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 10:18 PM
The Dyatlov Pass Incidentwas actually involved the death of 9 hikers but there was never any suggestion of any kind of mutilation. The most likely culprit was an avalanche, I know that's seen as a boring, mundane and to some very unlikely cause but it does explain what happened and is highly probable compared to alien mutilation of a yeti attack.
The only 'mutilation' as such being one of the girls had half her tongue missing but that can be explained by animals eating it or she could have bitten off herself under the force of the blow if caught in an avalanche.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 10:18 PM

edit on 28/12/14 by fastbob72 because: double post lol

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 01:41 AM
Not one case of cattle mutilation has ever been prosecuted because no human has ever been caught, but UFO's have been reported the day before, or other such incidents or similar linked sightings.

I do not know of any criminal that could get away with all of these crimes related to mutilations and felonies to boot.
Usually law enforcement would have at least one suspect in 50 years with thousands of felonies being committed, but never anyone caught.
The military is made up of lots of humans, many of which work for a living and abide by the law and defend the constitution. If my commanding officer ordered me to go grab someone's 2000 dollar beef so our little brigade of whopper kings can do some Charles Manson to it along with thousands of others, which is several felony counts and worth quite a lot of prison time, we would be having a real knock down drag out ove5r it.

My point is, but not just based on the above alone, that this is not (in my opinion), being done by humans, although my friends in the military have told me there are humans that work with the culprits of these ongoing crimes.

MUFON has several very credible and expert people who know a LOT about cattle mutilation, and human mutilations as well, and there are some well documented cases of human mutilation that don't give the impression of being done by humans because of evidence left behind, and how it is left behind..

Zigmund Adamski case
A policeman named Alan Godfrey whom some here will remember, was the one who found Zigmund, and 6 months later had a UFO experience and was abducted himself.

A substance found on Zigmunds' body could not be identified by forensic scientists, and that little tidbit right there is quite revealing.

There is a good reason why people are told that these things aren't aliens by all the authority types, because if they said that mean aliens are coming here all the time and doing all these things, but we cant save you from them because they will kick our asses so you are on your own, I would bet that people would remove them as authority types for being liars and incompetent, but we already know that part.

While I think our military are very good and very smart people, I do not think they are responsible for the longest running felony crime spree covering many decades, to go unpunished, even if they have some troops who assist the actual criminals, or run their own black ops as cover for the criminals.

There are so many people who have backgrounds in the FBI, and other professionals who have investigated this situation, and there is lots of documentation and other evidence that point to this being done by some other intelligence in my opinion. I have seen a cattle mutilation close up, and the grass would not grow, nor would anything grow where the body was found to this day, and when this particular cow was dead on the ground, there were no insects or fly's swarming around it, but it was definitely decomposing, which was a bit odd. It also had some internal organs taken out, but no exit point or pathway out of the body was evident. If it is the military, they must have some technology that is at least 1000 years in advance of the usual commercially available medical equipment, but I just don't see the military doing this kind of an operation simply because human beings make mistakes all the time, and whoever has been killing cows for 50 years or so, has not been caught or even charged with a crime.

That plus whoever it is doing human mutilations is far more cruel and heartless than Hitler's most sadistic mad scientist type. People in the US military do not do that kind of sh*t. Maybe North Korea and China, but they don't even like beef that much so I doubt it is them.

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