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North Korea officially denies any involvement in Sony Hack, wants joint investigation with US

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posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

what do you mean read between the lines? You are presenting your understanding of what he said as obvious which is wrong. You have no idea and are just guessing to what he knows or understands about the situation. Obama has so little power on the real issues he is probably just angry he got pulled away from his golfing session.

This hacking thing is a joke and as i called it earlier the US have came out saying they will not have a joint investigation and are 100% certain it was them. Show the world the proof to end all speculation.....oh thats right, these people are above the law and do not represent the public.

I think this is about the 700th joke situation this year. And just the way the human mind functions best is by forgetting and looking forward while we all take it up the a**.

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 09:20 PM
My suspicions say that this hack and it's peculiar threats is just a big P.R. stunt. All you have to do is get a botnet made of some vulnerable computers in whatever country to have an attack come from that country as traced back by IP. Doesn't necessarily mean it's official, but it can look that way if some govenrment computers there are pwn'd because of weak security and some exploit or other.

Hackers may be pretty good, but all it would take is one of the film's producers throwing enough money in front of the right people. As to who it is? Who knows.

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

It is better than believing the MSM, they are clearly corporate funded sources of information. At the very least whatever they are attempting to sell you should be analyzed for validity.

Propaganda has resulted in quite very unique form of psychological warfare being waged against the masses. They have been evolving the "benefits" of propaganda since Edward Bernays wrote the book on it in 1928. Manipulating the masses with their basic animal instincts, most notably fear.

TV is the #1 form of controlled information. The news outlets clearly have an agenda and all work together very discreetly. What is the basic method of brain washing? Repetition. If I hear of a story on the MSM for 24 hour news cycles hyping up whatever the latest fear is for sale, you can rest assured that at the least the facts have been manipulated, at worst it is straight up fabricated.

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: liteonit6969
a reply to: Subaeruginosa
This hacking thing is a joke and as i called it earlier the US have came out saying they will not have a joint investigation and are 100% certain it was them. Show the world the proof to end all speculation.....oh that's right, these people are above the law and do not represent the public.

Did you even bother reading my post, or did you just start foaming at the mouth in a fit of anger, when you saw the word Obama? Just try addressing what I actually said if your going to go to all the trouble of telling me I'm full of it, is all I'm saying.

If they have people in NK there getting there information from, do you seriously expect the government just to throw them under the bus and have them executed by the North Koreans. They'd have a hard time recruiting people for intelligence gathering in foreign countries if people thought that's how the US treat there informants, wouldn't they?

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

NK Denies Involvement in Sony Hack

Would you actually expect them to admit to it?

Of course what else would be the point?
Its almost as strange as when Osama denied having anything to do with 9/11.

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

NK Denies Involvement in Sony Hack

Would you actually expect them to admit to it?

Of course what else would be the point?
Its almost as strange as when Osama denied having anything to do with 9/11.

It's propaganda at it's best. It makes them look like they are a country run by a bunch irrational madman, so the world powers will more likely be like, just leave that boy alone. They know as well as anyone that there nowhere near powerful enough to take on the outside world, so the 'that boy is crazy' appearance is vital for them to be able to stand there own on the world stage.

But also, it works as a propaganda tool for the NK people, since it looks like there being victimized by aggressive outsiders who want to come in and do horrible things to them. There by justifying why they are a impoverished people who are starving. Because obviously they must put everything they have into the military to keep these barbaric thugs from invading there country.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

This is the dumbest attempt at distracting us ever. LOL. Really? This is in the news...and it actually changed Sony's policy...HA HA HA HA HA! The government is getting dumber ..not us! Lately they are sticking their own feet, in their own show us it does indeed work. Our government and those corporations that are funded by them are just like children.
edit on 21-12-2014 by IlluminatiTechnician because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 07:33 AM
This is obviously linked to internet censorship. Another incident to call upon when making the proposal.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 09:09 AM
I think NK didn't do it.

My money is on Dennis Rodman as the person pulling the strings. He was just looking out for his friend, the dictator.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 11:33 PM
It was trolls that hacked Sony. I KNEW ON DAY ONE. Why ? By the lingo, and ending it with "the Sony" I laughed my ass off. People were saying it had to be professional hackers from some government I laughed at them too. Rumour is it was LizardSquad. Hard to say but it was power moves done for the lulz. You gotta have insight in to the subculture of trolls and black hatters to get the gist of why they do these things. Its really about a power trip and a high they get from it. And Sony bent over for them. Just lol.
edit on 21-12-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 12:37 AM
I smell false flag getting public to be okay with having an Enemy that's trying to alter our way of life. Time to invade north Korea for our glorious commander in chief.

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff

I dont recall anything similar happening when Team America or the James Bond film about NK came out so I cant see them having an issue now.

Check out the article
NK Denies Involvement in Sony Hack

what say you ATS?

Well with Team American and the James Bond film, it was Kim Jong-ill and not Un, so maybe daddy didn't care as much as lil Kim does. Lil Kim might have taken it more personally too.

Either way though, I personally believe NK is involved in some way. Maybe they paid the group to do the hacking...? Plenty of possibilities.


posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 11:12 PM
They wont the US to help them?
LOL! the US DID it!

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 01:34 AM
What I've had a problem with is Obama saying that Sony shouldn't have given in... that kinda pissed me off. It seemed like the Govm't ignored Sony's request until it became front-page news AFTER they pulled the movie. So, let's say that Sony doesn't pull the movie and the Govm't still did nothing to help. The movie airs as planned and 2 dozen movie theaters are suicide-bombed killing 100's of people. Wouldn't this open up the class action lawsuit against Sony for profiting from the potential dangers that were ignored?!? Seems to me that Sony acted in their best interest and dumped a movie that THEY spent millions on.... not a taxpayer, not Obama, no one else but Sony. While I'm not one to give into threats, its kinda hard not to give into a schoolyard bully when the teacher isn't looking and doesn't care~

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

lol, I don't know why you guys are so hard on the old Obama. Whatever they did or didn't do before it blew over in the MSM is kind of irrelevant.

Fact is , once it did become huge news, he had to to something and imo he played it as cool as a summer breeze, but at the same time as stern as they come. I was actually really impressed with how he played it.

He's actually an awesome bloke and a really good person to be the leader of the free world. Always calm and intelligent in his rhetoric, but hard at the same time and as charismatic as they come.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 03:01 PM
I can't help but chuckle that people think North Korea could be directly responsible for this. Myself and many friends and colleagues in IT and net security almost immediately texted or emailed each other postulating it wasn't North Korea, and generally getting a cheap laugh out of some of the assumptions flying around. Who knows, you might get a laugh out of ours, which goes as roughly follows:

North Korea just doesn't have the technical expertise to directly institute a real penetration attack with data extraction. You seriously think a country that only has a handful of people allowed to view the internet, let alone an uncensored one, secretly has a cyber attack team? You don't create good hackers from a censored internet. Definitely at least not as heavily censored as North Korea's. They wouldn't let that group have unfettered access to the internet, it would undo their control regime. Sure they could be under threat of death, but even then they would be leagues behind the games of interwebz from the get go.

Politically North Korea has nothing to gain from stopping The Interview's premiere. Oh, yes absolutely Kim Jong Un would not like to see a movie about him being assassinated come out. It's definitely an insult to him and his country, and worse yet it's for the sake of comedy. However - North Korea spends a large amount of it's time twisting American media and reporting and showing it to their countrymen as indications of Imperialist attacks on their country's honor. Now a movie comes out that plays perfectly into their media spin? A movie they can claim 100% real and, somewhat, understandable international outrage to? Why would they squelch that, even if they could? It be the first real leg they had to stand on for a long time.

The knowledge used to initiate the hack was also something gained in ways that North Korea does not, and has not ever, shown the capacity to have: inside sources and/or agents of some kind in the outside corporate world. Could they have bought it? Yes, sure - but it would have cost a fair bit; and this is from a country with a yearly output of less than two billion dollars.

Multiple security experts, far smarter than myself and more experienced than most of our group, are also bringing up the unlikeliness of North Korea initiating this. From artificial Konglish to source of the vulnerability exploited there isn't anything that is really been seen as something North Korea has.

So who could it be then? Honestly I'd suspect a group from the U.S. or Europe if anything. If you -really- wanted to point a finger on an actual government - China is most likely, as they employ censorship at home and I could imagine would love knowing they secretly forced America to (temporarily now) censor itself. They also have ties to North Korea politically and economically, so there's your joint reason; but I still don't think it was actually a government initiated hack.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

I don't understand why the news is focusing so
much on the "cyber attack" and not on the issue
of N. Korea threatening a "9-11 style terrorist
attack on American soil"

I don't see N. Korea denying THAT CLAIM!

Great thread, thanks for posting.

Rebel 5

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: rebelv

There are several articles about NK's threats to us. However there is a certain amount of journalistic apathy too, I think. After all North Korea makes threats similar and worse than this on a quarterly basis.

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: IkNOwSTuff

I have a feeling this battle is much bigger than we expect. Someone in the government wants humanity to go to war.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: UnmitigatedDisaster
I can't help but chuckle that people think North Korea could be directly responsible for this. Myself and many friends and colleagues in IT and net security almost immediately texted or emailed each other postulating it wasn't North Korea, and generally getting a cheap laugh out of some of the assumptions flying around. Who knows, you might get a laugh out of ours, which goes as roughly follows:

North Korea just doesn't have the technical expertise to directly institute a real penetration attack with data extraction. You seriously think a country that only has a handful of people allowed to view the internet, let alone an uncensored one, secretly has a cyber attack team? You don't create good hackers from a censored internet. Definitely at least not as heavily censored as North Korea's. They wouldn't let that group have unfettered access to the internet, it would undo their control regime. Sure they could be under threat of death, but even then they would be leagues behind the games of interwebz from the get go.

Politically North Korea has nothing to gain from stopping The Interview's premiere. Oh, yes absolutely Kim Jong Un would not like to see a movie about him being assassinated come out. It's definitely an insult to him and his country, and worse yet it's for the sake of comedy. However - North Korea spends a large amount of it's time twisting American media and reporting and showing it to their countrymen as indications of Imperialist attacks on their country's honor. Now a movie comes out that plays perfectly into their media spin? A movie they can claim 100% real and, somewhat, understandable international outrage to? Why would they squelch that, even if they could? It be the first real leg they had to stand on for a long time.

The knowledge used to initiate the hack was also something gained in ways that North Korea does not, and has not ever, shown the capacity to have: inside sources and/or agents of some kind in the outside corporate world. Could they have bought it? Yes, sure - but it would have cost a fair bit; and this is from a country with a yearly output of less than two billion dollars.

Multiple security experts, far smarter than myself and more experienced than most of our group, are also bringing up the unlikeliness of North Korea initiating this. From artificial Konglish to source of the vulnerability exploited there isn't anything that is really been seen as something North Korea has.

So who could it be then? Honestly I'd suspect a group from the U.S. or Europe if anything. If you -really- wanted to point a finger on an actual government - China is most likely, as they employ censorship at home and I could imagine would love knowing they secretly forced America to (temporarily now) censor itself. They also have ties to North Korea politically and economically, so there's your joint reason; but I still don't think it was actually a government initiated hack.

Don't you find it amazing how quickly Obama jumps onboard these breaking news stories?

Whether it's KJU not having the right to tell USA what movies they can watch, Ukraine accusing Russia of shooting down an airliner or fuzzy video beheadings, the POTUS doesn't bother waiting for conclusive proof, but instead, is on the evening news endorsing outrageous propaganda stories, one after the other.

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