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Tutkimuksen tekijät huomauttavat, että laihdutuksen vuoksi ilmaan päästellyt hiilidioksidit eivät ole sellaisia hiilidioksidipäästöjä, jotka aiheuttavat kasvihuoneilmiöitä. Kasvihuonekaasujen lähde, joka nyt on ilmaston lämpiämisen vuoksi avattu, on toinen.
Authors of the study makes a note that carbon emissions caused by losing weight are not the type of emissions which cause Greenhouse Effects. (really, in multiples) The source of greenhouse gasses, which has been opened because of global warming, is another one.
The second most frequently asked question is whether weight loss can cause global warming.
"This reveals troubling misconceptions about global warming which is caused by unlocking the ancient carbon atoms trapped underground in fossilised organisms. The carbon atoms human beings exhale are returning to the atmosphere after just a few months or years trapped in food that was made by a plant," says Mr Meerman…
originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
a reply to: Biigs
How can 1 atom carbon and 2 atoms oxygen be somehow heavier than 1 atom carbon and 2 atoms oxygen?
I still don't understand how CO2 from a forest fire is different than CO2 from breathing - maybe if it was C2O2 if that is possible. They must be talking about the volume of out put or maybe the presence of some other elements creating a CO2 compound of some kind.
It sounds like double talk, like some kind of a flim-flam spin for some agenda.