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originally posted by: Hanslune
a reply to: borntowatch
So what in the paper do you find wrong? Or is your response a standard knee jerk reaction based on your being a creationist and not liking something that talks about Neanderthals as humans, or are you a YEC and Neanderthals in your world view didn't exist in the time frames talked about?
originally posted by: borntowatch
I dont need to read the whole paper to see its unscientific, that it is assumption and conjecture.
The onus is not on me, I am not faking science or making a comment based on the size of anything, I am just demanding evidence
You know the formula of science as opposed to religion, or as you would say,just making stuff up.
The paper states nothing but assumption and opinion, its baseless, its valuless. It has no evidence to support it, show me the evidence, the experiment the conclusion, it has nothing to do with me proving it wrong, if its science the onus is on evidence, just call it what it is, religion, faith, belief
I cant prove nothing of substance wrong, there is nothing to prove wrong because there is nothing there to argue.
Neanderthals had bigger eyes so they are dumber than mankind.
Go read Hansalunes comment about dwarves, look at Pygmy brain sizes
I dont fully comprehend how I should argue against nothing, no experiment, no evidence, how do you argue a vacuum, a belief a religion.
Neanderthals had big eyes so we think we are smarter than them.
Hey look drink the cool aid I dont really mind what floats your boat, its dishonest to call it science
originally posted by: borntowatch
Yes its a hypothesis, baseless and stupid.
For all we know Neanderthals had a higher spectrum of colour vision because we see evidence in the area of the brain suggesting superior development , that made them more perceptive, hence smarter.
See I can do baseless evidenceless conjecture as well. My statement is substanceless, there is nothing to validate what I say to argue it, nothing
I just wont call it science
For all we know, Neanderthals had insect like perception, the evidence is in their brains significantly larger visual systems. They may have even had a social structure like bees, seeing they had eyes like bees why not a bee like social structure.
I can make silly hypothesis up as well
originally posted by: borntowatch
So can you support the papers claim in any scientific way
Jarcoal I have taken a position that is baseless and stupid, Take each point f my position and explain where I have erred or may minimize my error margin.
originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: Hanslune
Neanderthals are always fascinating and this paper makes intriguing reading.
Firstly, I was reminded of my psychology days at uni - especially biological psychology. We have sensory body maps where some of our senses are heavy users of brain resources. These sensory maps differ across species so we might find rodents dedicating plenty of their brains to sense of smell and whisker sensitivity.
The textbook imagery was better than this, but it's as close as I could find:
A conception of the human sensory body map looks like The Neanderthal's cognitive map would have shown a larger area for the eyes. That made me wonder if there's a similar study in sense of scent? If there was greater use of visual cortex might there not also be a proportionate increase in olfactory senses? This would further reduce the amount of 'real estate' available for social cohesion etc.
As it turns out, there are studies that suggest Neanderthal olfactory senses were weaker than AMH. I say 'suggest' as there are always questions about sample sizes and variety across populations.
Considering that a minimum odorant detection threshold must be met to detect a smell in modern humans [3], in conjuncture with the effect of cold temperatures limiting odor volatility [20], it is possible that the loss of 10 Neanderthal and 8 Denisovan ORs may have had an affect on odorant perception for these hominin species. The loss of 10 ORs may be related to the decreased size of the olfactory bulb in Neanderthals, however inferring how gene loss may affect phenotype in extinct species remains challenging.
Loss of Olfactory Receptor Function in Hominim Evolution; Graham M. Hughes, Emma C. Teeling, Desmond G. Higgins
Obviously it's a discussion for those who are more informed. However, I wonder if Neanderthals' enhanced vision wasn't balanced by weaker senses of smell. If that were the case, they might well be losing some 200cc of brain to the stronger visual cortex and yet gain more 'real estate' from other areas.
originally posted by: Jarocal
originally posted by: borntowatch
So can you support the papers claim in any scientific way
Jarcoal I have taken a position that is baseless and stupid, Take each point f my position and explain where I have erred or may minimize my error margin.
The orbital volume is comparatively larger than in amh. The paper itself concludes higher visual acuity than contemporary AMH. Higher visual paucity could entail a wider spectrum that is where you started out plausible. Where you ended up at ridicu... .er implausible was at the insect eye comment even if you meant it sarcastic.
originally posted by: kayej1188
A message to "borntowatch." We are discussing a paper here. I'm sorry, but you have no grounds to be labeling it as unscientific. If you actually took the 15 minutes to read the paper, as the rest of us have, you'd quickly realize that it is indeed anything but unscientific. Nobody is arguing that assumptions are not being made. If you have an issue with the methods used, or the specific assumptions made, then you are encouraged to raise them. Other than that, there's no use in calling the headline a lie, or calling the paper unscientific without backing your claim up with any evidence. If that's all you plan on doing, then we get it, but we'd ask you politely to please discontinue posting on this thread.
originally posted by: borntowatch
I am a YEC, its logical to bring my pov in to an issue.
Whats illogical is assuming that my comments pertaining to this thread and the science assumed is based on YEC beliefs
Show me the evidence and I will reconsider my position on YEC
Me personally, I think your beliefs are clouded by your views on evolution
Why did I use a stupid article to answer another stupid article that neither offers evidence.
i will let you work that out for yourself
Remember the acronym ROT ,not that I think its rotten
science is repeatable observable and testable
As for the age of Neanderthals, lets see how many evolutionist sites conflict on their age, yet you are going to show me conclusive evidence, I think not.
Want to play a game?
I know I could be wrong about this, I have been wrong so many times in the past
Mind you I know the headline is a blatant lie by a institution calling themselves science based.
Deny ignorance is different to deny stupidity
the Smithsonian are liars, do you argue that statement?