posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 11:47 AM
Well, I have no idea why you started a new thread but okay then, who's going to be driving by her house? Its my understanding that you can't see
her house from a highway and God help you if you try getting a back view with anything else but a plane or chopper. Do maniacs who would give a damn
about her have access to planes and chppers? I doubt it. Besides, you never answered my question about NASA's mission or any private GIS photgrammy
company that take digital ortho photos including her house in those too. Do we find every map made and just pull Bab's house out?
Plus, isn't this an effort she should get behind considering this erosion problems stands to take her home eventually? How dumb do you have to be to
go against one of your supporting organizations trying to stop something thats going to eventually be detrimental to your own good?
Now, if want to keep persuing this as if someone jumped through her bathroom window and snapped a photo of her taking a huge dump, we can but we need
to realize there have been no laws broken except by the industry illegally destroying Cali's natural environment. Do you intend to say that what
they do should be kept private as well because they own the property they are doing it from? Keep trying. Say anything to defend her. Go ahead. No
one's noticing the contradictions. really. they're not.
For anyone whom , like me doesn't understand the new thread and wants the link on the original thread, here it is.