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Why isn't there a Nationalist Party?

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posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 02:10 AM
I don't get it why isn't there a Nationalist Party?

When our country was invaded with illegal Mexicans/Central Americans did the Democrats or Republicans say anything & Obama legalized millions of them - did anyone say anything?

When US manufacturing jobs where shipped to China via Walmart/Nafta - did anyone say anything?

When Bush invaded Iraq & killed thousands of our boys - did anyone say anything ?

When a NSA police state was implemented in our country - did anyone say anything ?

When the government lies to us about unemployment & inflation reports - how many people are struggling - out of work 10 millions 12 million - 15 million & did anyone say anything?

When the scumbag media lies to us & stirs race riots - did anyone say anything?

I believed that 9/11 happened but i ain't buying all this other police state crap & i didn't start all these wars in the mid-east and I'm not for cops being dickheads and i don't want our country invaded by illegal aliens.

That"s all i"m saying - sick of all this backdoor political bull#.

Democrat or Republican - they are garbage!

We need to respect our countries past - present & future - sure there have been mistakes but not tearing this country apart for well intention mistakes.

I will no longer be lead by the idiots in Congress or a Muslim figurehead cause they are tearing us asunder!

We need to restore America 1st!

Peace out

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: BABYBULL24

Sounds a lot like the Tea Party, but I don't like the sound of the term national party. Sounds kind of Naziish to me...

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 02:27 AM
Yah - I'm a Nazi ...would just like to restore this country to what it was & is!

A shining light on the hill that people can emigrate LEGALLY & not led by some radical progressive cabal!

Dont want to invade anyone, persecute anyone but i also don't want to sign some BS trade deal like Nafta that will bring our workers standard of living on par with a 3rd world country like Clinton did when he signed NAFTA but all these Presidents have been against us recently!

Remember the AlGore vs Ross Perot debates? That giant sucking sound - turns out the crazy guy was right !
edit on 14-12-2014 by BABYBULL24 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 02:48 AM
There is a nationalist Party, here is their F B page...

There are many parties here, most just don't have the money or support to make a difference because most people do not care. Below is a list of the many different parties to choose from...only two exist in most people's minds.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: BABYBULL24

To outsiders, "both" of your political parties are pretty much already highly nationalist.

I think that anyone who tried to wave that flag more and shout more american exceptionalist bull would look so ridiculous and sound like such an idiot that even the stupidest US citizen would have trouble voting for them.

Plus, it's unamerican to make a new party, what are you? Some sort of freedom hating sonofabitch?

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 03:10 AM
No - I'm saying small foot print US + bring all our troops home & no US bases outside the US.

No invasions - anymore!
Screw em - no CIA no NSA

No more trade deals - it's fortress American....

I think we have the best people in the world & we will prove it ...imo

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 03:14 AM
Germany had a big nationalist party in the 30s and 40s, didn't work out too well for people that didn't fit in their ideology.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: BABYBULL24
No - I'm saying small foot print US + bring all our troops home & no US bases outside the US.

No invasions - anymore!
Screw em - no CIA no NSA

No more trade deals - it's fortress American....

I think we have the best people in the world & we will prove it ...imo

The thing that gets me about when some folk in the US react to being told that they meddle too much abroad is encapsulated in your reaction here.

"We will turn our nation into an isolated fortress and we are naturally better than all of you and seeing as you dont want us to invade you, we refuse to have anything positive to do with you. Go f-youselves and USA, USA, USA!"

Why cant your nation as a whole just stop acting like a spoilt child and learn to play nice with the other kids?

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: BABYBULL24

Problem is, which nation to pick as Das Referenz. "American" really is the hardest thing to define if race and nationality should be the defining factor.

Native Americans are no doubt the rightful owners of the land, and everyone else carrying anything but red skin should haul their buttocks off from the sacred homeland. If this might not however be the reich-clean arian version, then you really should consider the Spanish-Portuguese version, who were the second a-holes to land their stinky feets on this sacred land. Now, if even this does not clear high on the list, then consider the Irish-British stock landing the shores in hope of finding and founding the New Jerusalem. And if even this does not sound like one of your bearing, then consider Dutch and finally the German heritage.

And that is just the initial start of it. You can easily add another 100 or so additional nationalities added to the soup, before the real mass invation began.

So, talking about Nationalistic America is a darn difficult task and most of times, would require going against any historic and rational factoids. Its a soup, and best let it that way. Nationalism is best exercised in Europe.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: BABYBULL24
No - I'm saying small foot print US + bring all our troops home & no US bases outside the US.

No invasions - anymore!
Screw em - no CIA no NSA

No more trade deals - it's fortress American....

I think we have the best people in the world & we will prove it ...imo

The party you describe already exists. Libertarian.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: skalla

Because,where your playing "king of the Hill" the object is to keep others off of it,not let them up with you. This is the mentality we have going on now with our government. They are so corrupt and greedy,that they have become paranoid and ultra war hawkish. Its not that they want what they want,they want what others have AND for others not to have it.I have been hearing for the last 20 years that the next world war will be a war of resources.That America WOULD go down and that in desperation they would do anything to try to stay on top for as long as they can. Looks pretty much like what we have here now.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Dimithae

Well yep, all I can do is agree and give you a star.

It's just a shame that so often the reaction to criticism, however constructive and friendly is a swing in the exact opposite direction - the uber defensive, total isolationist approach.

And nationalism really is not such a great thing, not when it defines a political movement at least.

Europe's history is a testament to that.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: BABYBULL24

Fortress America will look really great when we have no more trade partners and no idea of what's going on beyond our territorial waters

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 10:43 AM
here it is in a nutshell...whatever 3rd party people vote for, draws votes away from the 2 primary parties, enabling one to win, and the other not able to garner enough votes due to seepage into the 3rd party...look up Ross Perot on the right, and Ralph Nader on the left

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: skalla
a reply to: Dimithae

Well yep, all I can do is agree and give you a star.

It's just a shame that so often the reaction to criticism, however constructive and friendly is a swing in the exact opposite direction - the uber defensive, total isolationist approach.

And nationalism really is not such a great thing, not when it defines a political movement at least.

Europe's history is a testament to that.

Europes history also says Monarchs are murderous or benevolent depending on which you judge.

It says socialism is a massive failure, or a shining example of fairness for all, depending on which one you judge.

In fact, National Socialism as an ideology, not as practiced by the NSDAP (NAZI) party has a great deal of merits.

Nationalism get's a bad rap almost entirely because of Hitler, but fascism was the real problem under the NSDAP.

One country I've spent time in that is quite nationalist is Japan. And I was truly struck at how well it works when you have a homogenous population who don't waste time bickering about skin color or other petty things.

Japan also has many socialist values and systems. Japanese see it as good for Japan, because what's good for Japanese people, is good for Japan in general. The collective culture in Japan is what empowers them to achieve such heights and economic power from a medium size population, little land mass and even less natural resources. You have to go to Japan to truly feel it, it's amazing.

So in a way Japan is a Nationalist/Socialist state.

When I came back from Japan, I had a whole new perspective on the USA. I started to realize how much more we could achieve as a nation if we all saw ourselves as AMERICANS. No prefixes. Just "American" Not Scottish-American, Latin-American or African-American. to me that's Nationalism; coming together as a nation for the good of your people as a whole. Nationalism doesn't preclude trade with other nations. It doesn't require isolationism,
( though to maintain a healthy economy and working class we need to strictly regulate outsourcing, and overhaul the import tariff structure.)

Nationalism, the way I see it, is fine and in fact good as long as it doesn't become obnoxious gloating or a national superiority complex. If we ever got our sh*t together in the USA, I see no reason why Americans shouldn't be able to have some pride in their nation.

Again, not a chest-pounding F-U to the world, but just "We make some of the best products in the world, and do some really great things worldwide".

Currently we DO in fact make some of the best products in the world in many industries. I think we need to work on our efforts to do good in the world in general, but we do send BILLIONS all over the world every year helping others.

So I guess you could say I'm a little bit nationalist, a little bit socialist (I believe in help for those who deserve it). A little bit proud to be American, yet keenly aware of my nation's shortcomings...


edit on 14-12-2014 by 8675309jenny because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: BABYBULL24
I don't get it why isn't there a Nationalist Party?
Peace out

Our society is too competitive and free in nature for us to to have enough shared national traits to form such a party.

People hate each other. They do in other countries, I'm sure, but they truly hate each other here. Everyone puts up with the freedoms of everyone that they hate by finding strong selfish distractions (or legal means to combat what they despise in other people, if they can). Some can't keep it together, and that's when all the violent crime starts happening. Violent crime level is a sheer indicator of the amount of anger (among other things) in the population, and the United States takes the cake globally. I'd reference a link with the numbers for you but we could all find it and many of us have already seen it I'm sure.

So why would so many people that hate each other so much ever come together nationally? Everyone is free to champion almost anything, and wherever there's people representing a so-called cause, there will be people representing opposition to that cause, because it is in opposition to their cause ever coming to fruition. Bitter enemies are created and people end up devoting their lives to ruining certain other people's lives. There's professions available for people who excel at doing it.
edit on 12/14/2014 by r0xor because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Sure... but that is taking a little bit of everything ideologically speaking, which is a moderate approach and absolutely not what i was talking about.

When nationalism defines an approach to politics it is utterly different from a sense of pride in your homeland. And Godwin's Law

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 01:05 PM
Over 96% of our active duty military is always within the US along with the Reserves and National Guard. And if you end Amercias biggest economic driver, trade you pretty will end up getting those manufacturing jobs back from India and China because the US would be a third world country. That would also take care anyone coming here legal or illegal. And since we would not be able to afford a military you would not have to worry about wars except when Mexico decides to take back some the land we took form them or Canada decides they want that oil in Alaska.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 08:43 PM
Why isn't there a Nationalist Party?

Er the Nazi's were a 'nationalist' party.

I pass.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 10:13 PM
This country doesn't need any more extreme right-wing fringe groups.

The Nationalist Party would make the Tea-Potty seem like hippies.

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