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posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 06:26 AM
What a thing to wake up to this morning,I hate when one of our members leave us.

The fact he has 3 kids hurts the most.
RIP David.

Blessings and condolences to his family.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:27 AM
Seems we are losing too many great members. We can at least be thankful that we were graced with their presence here, and know that they made a difference.
So sorry he is gone, and my thoughts are with his family.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 08:20 AM
I always thought FortAnthem was young rip bud

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 08:44 AM
Jesus Christi did a truck full of onions just explode or what?

FortAnthem you will be missed brother.

An upstanding member by all accounts.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: BestinShow

I didn't know this guy personally but saw some of His posts. They seemed insightful.
You have done a great write up on Him. I am sure He would be pleased with it.
My Condolences To His Family and Friends.
And to You, just remember the good Memories.
Make New ones of good times, for Your Family and Friends to remember You by.
Sincerely, Syx.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 10:43 AM
What a moving tribute BestinShow. You are a brilliant friend to David in honouring his memory in so eloquent a manner. He was blessed to know you too. FortAnthem/David sounds like a member that I would have been privileged and honoured to encounter. My deepest condolences to his friends and family.

R.I.P. David, your beautiful spirit will live on in the words you left behind and the lives you touched.

May we all embrace the chance to leave behind a legacy of true loving kindness, not only to those we know, but to all we encounter in this journey of life.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 10:58 AM
Well this sucks.

Gonna be missed.

Rest in peace, and condolences to his loved ones.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: BestinShow
I'm sorry to hear about this.

My condolences.

Rebel 5

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: BestinShow
I too wonder to what happened to him. Sounds to me like he won and the cancer lost if you get what I mean. My condolences.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: BestinShow

All I can say is, I'm as cryushed as I could be by this news.
I'll leave the appropriate typo and take a look back at some
of his great posts. And additions to my pub pro. I'm all to
proud to say both I got to know you and liked you immensely.
Fort Anthem everybody.

Tears for a battle lost, hope for a war to be won. Love to you FORT!

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 11:28 AM
bumping for the weekend crowd.....

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 12:00 PM
Oh no. It has only been in the last day or two, I've wondered where he was. So sorry to hear this. As is the case with many others, I didn't know he was sick. He never mentioned it that I'm aware of.

Damn. : (

You'll be missed, Dear FA.

ETA: I was looking at my friends list, of which there are five now passed away.

The River Goddess
Fort Anthem

It really does hurt.

edit on 12/13/2014 by ladyinwaiting because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: BestinShow

A special thanks to BestinShow. You are among the best of members here.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: BestinShow

My condolences to his family. I pray they find strength in this difficult time.

May he rest in peace now.. he was a good person!

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: LiveForever8
Nothing lasts.

NOTHING lasts.

This was my reply to a recent thread that asked the question; What have you learned on ATS?

This sad news serves as a sobering reminder.

A much respected member who shall be missed.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 03:05 PM
Really sad to hear this news.

Lovely soul, he'll be sorely missed, of course not just by us here online.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 03:30 PM
May David rest in peace, and may he from now on watch over his loved ones with his angels.

RIP David

Your journey has just begun.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 01:49 PM
Sorry to hear that. I liked his posts. He seemed like a good guy.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 07:33 PM
WOW, Just, WOW, I'll Miss David, What a Great Guy, Sorry for his Family and the Pain and Hole in Their Lives They are Feeling Now.
R.I.P My Dear Friend, We'll all Join You Soon Enough, Save those funny pictures for us,,,,,,,

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 08:29 PM
I was wondering where he'd gone in the Funny Pics Thread, I'm saddened. Almost asked in there a few days ago.

Loved his funny pics, always starred them, he mine. His avatars were cool too. Never knew he was sick. He has and will be missed.

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