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Traits of a Satanists

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posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 10:11 AM
Slave Drivers / owners
Must create a scape goat
Have I left any out?

[Edited on 5-6-2003 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 10:15 AM
Not necessarily. I have met many Satanists in me ole lifetime. Most are fakes, some are as you described, the others are pretty good people.

It's just a different way of thinking, and unless you are that particular person, you can't understand why...

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 10:15 AM
Well, those are traits of many other persons, not limited to satanists.

Nazis, Zionists, Mafia, Fabatic Christians, Democrats, republicans, Freemasons, ect.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 10:20 AM
Good point Skadi. A$$holes know no bounds...

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Well, those are traits of many other persons, not limited to satanists.

Nazis, Zionists, Mafia, Fabatic Christians, Democrats, republicans, Freemasons, ect.

I was speaking of just the traits, not where you find them. But, now that you mention it, sure, why not.

Yes, you find them in all the organizations you mentioned, and then some. Im not a religious person, nor do I pound the bible, but in the bible and Quran you see that mankind only has one enemy, Satan. But the sad fact of the matter is that we have forgotten this little tidbit from the past.

It is also written that Satan vowed to come at mankind from all directions. But what does this mean? Every thing!

You will find his influinces in every endevor mankind has taken on. Science, histyory, health care, religion, archiology, etc, etc, etc.

It isnt just a matter of some nuts running around in the woods chanting to a 50 ft tall idol of a owl. The afore mentioned are ramped in humanity because they have been "Trickeld down" from the top. I dont care if you belive Satan to be real or not, it just dosent matter. But what you better belive, there are those who do! And they are running things!

In my opinion the Bible isnt what everyone thinks it is. But there are some very valuable passages in it. One of wich is " Judge a man by what he does, not by what he says". A very wise bit of wisdom.

Well, for something that is suppose to be a myth, it sure does leave alot of footprints around.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 02:34 PM
And one more trait, they love to enslave. This can be the traditional way with chains, or the more modern approach, monitarilly.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 07:47 PM
I've known two in my lifetime. One is dead and one may be dying.

One lived for Satan and as he was being carried out of a car wreck where no one should have died, he asked Jesus to save him.

The other young man left his coven and was persecuted in different ways afterwards and contracted a skeletal/muscular ailment closely related to cancer.

As for traits, I think the whole idea is to not show any you know? One thing I do know, a TRUE satanist will never kill him/herself. They may be the cleanest people you meet.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 07:51 PM
Fair enough, all seeing eye. I suppose what do you mean by Satan. Whetehr an entity or an idea, regardless.

If you mean Satan as an idea held holy by people, whose golden rule is do whatever u can to rule the masses and dehumanize them, then yes, Satan exists. if satan is the embodiement of NWO, then, yes, i can see that as well.

I simply dont believe in a spook with red pajamas, horns, and a pitchfork, thats all.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 07:53 PM
A Traitor is the worst trait anyone can be labelled with. I'll kill myself before I ever become a traitor.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 07:54 PM
Weve all done some of these things. Admit it. Youve lied, youve cheated, weve all (at some point) put our own personal gain ahead of others. Do you see my point?

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 08:48 PM
Now, do you see mine? It trickels down from above. You were honest until you saw someone else doing it. Children must be taught.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 09:06 PM
Hey Freemasons are none of those things, please prove what you claim for the love of GOD!

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 01:42 AM
Humans are the proof. Where there's humans, there's gonna be corruption...

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 01:56 AM
Yeah Freemasonry tries to put a stop to that, more case to take offense of the above comments.

By the way Thorfin, while it's simple, and fairly pointless, I personally LOVE your sub title.

"Vengful, the 8th dwarf", sparks an imagination in my head like you wouldn't believe lol.

I'm a bit of a sadistic humorist heh.

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 05:37 AM
Satanist's can be pious like some christians or two faced liers like what the rest have said.

but, the true defining trait of a satanist is a surperb hedonistic nature. Only this type of person will enjoy the orgy waiting in hell.

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 06:38 AM
Let's not forget gullible/ malleable.

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Fair enough, all seeing eye. I suppose what do you mean by Satan. Whetehr an entity or an idea, regardless.

If you mean Satan as an idea held holy by people, whose golden rule is do whatever u can to rule the masses and dehumanize them, then yes, Satan exists. if satan is the embodiement of NWO, then, yes, i can see that as well.

I simply dont believe in a spook with red pajamas, horns, and a pitchfork, thats all.

Evil Elf, for me, there is no questioning the reality of this entity. And I do agree with the part about red pajamas. The Bible and Quran have mislead us all to its physical nature, not to mention the motivation behind some movie producers.

Satan has been called many names, to name a few, Iblis, deoblo, devil, lucifer, Jinn. When studying these names one will find the whole story, or at least find enough information to draw some conclutions as to its reality.

Why so many names? Its like the old series "Dragnet". Except the names are not changed to protect the innocent, they are to protect the guilty! The innocent need no protection. And just like many corrupt companies. They do rotten buisness, file for bankruptsy, then open a new company under a new name. But I can assure you this practice is older than mankind.

Its true pysical attrubutes are hinted at in the discription of Lucifer, the shining one, the morning star. But the problem with this is, it is also a discription of Gods loyal angels, so you can see where we can be mislead. But there are ways to diferenciate between them.

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 09:42 AM
I think those traits manifest in each of us, no matter who, not just satanists. We would like to forget it but its true, we become reknowned for virtue once we are able to ignore the temptations. No one can say that they havent felt the grip of these emotions.


posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 09:52 AM
I think, that as long you don't hurt others, you can do anything you want. If you want to worship Satan, or sit at home and hate the world, does it really matter?

"You show me some lazy prick who's lying around all day, watching game shows and stroking his p*nis and I'll show you someone who's not caushing any f*cking trouble..." --George Carlin

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 04:20 AM
Oh dear - this is how the true satanists get a bad name. Before going in to this you should be clear on what branch of satanism yuo are referring to (as there are many types as with most religions).

To start with i'm assuming you are referring to traditional satanists (those who believe in the existence of satan) - they are known as 'luciferians'.
Modern Satanists (such as i, i'm proud to admit) do not accept the existence of satan but follow a philosophy. It is modern satanists who have set up the official church of satan online.
Now i cant comment on Luciferians as i have not really examined their beliefs/ideology, however, as for modern satanists being :

"Lier "
Modern satanism promotes knowledge, and truth. Self deciet is a satanic sin, and one of the 21 satanic points is to reject all illusion and lies.

Modern satanism teaches responsibility,self advancement and hard work in order to achieve your goals ....

"Blackmailer "
I have never blackmailed anyone before. Blackmailing would depend on the type of personyou are, not the religion. But as far as modern satanism is concerned, it does not advocate blackmailing.

Again a trait that is not particular to religion, but the person. But since satanism is against deciet and lies, then i can assume it frowns upon doublecrossing.

see above statement.

I've never known a modern satanist involved in murder - only devil worshippers or those who embrace 'evil'. Ofcourse, they get confused with satanists, giving the rest a bad reputation.


Yes, satanism does promote self knowledge and self advancement, but also respect and empathy for others.

Satanists are never alike, each path is different, and sataism supports being true to your self, therefore no one claims to be infallible or that their way is the only way, but remains open minded. It looks down upon 'counterproductive pride'.

"Slave Drivers / owners "
I'm not quite sure in what sense you mean this but satanism does not support controling others by any means. It does state however 'respect not pity or weakness" ....if that is what you mean.

"Must create a scape goat"
Actually, as mentioned above, one of the core beliefs of satanism is "responsibility to the responsible". And in fact i would argue that it is frequently satanists who are the scape goats.....

Now if these traits are meant to be regarding the Christian concept of satan - they are quite correct. But i doubt very much that many satanists (even the traditional ones) embrace the christian idea of 'evil' and 'deciet'. And i know that i'm being very nit-picky and critical, but to be honest, i think its best to question unwarranted stigmas (like that surrounding satanists), and this post was only fuelling one.

In future please be more specific as to who you are insulting ..... or find out a little more about what you hold an opinion on. I dont meant to be harsh.

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