posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 04:20 AM
Oh dear - this is how the true satanists get a bad name. Before going in to this you should be clear on what branch of satanism yuo are referring to
(as there are many types as with most religions).
To start with i'm assuming you are referring to traditional satanists (those who believe in the existence of satan) - they are known as
Modern Satanists (such as i, i'm proud to admit) do not accept the existence of satan but follow a philosophy. It is modern satanists who have set up
the official church of satan online.
Now i cant comment on Luciferians as i have not really examined their beliefs/ideology, however, as for modern satanists being :
"Lier "
Modern satanism promotes knowledge, and truth. Self deciet is a satanic sin, and one of the 21 satanic points is to reject all illusion and lies.
Modern satanism teaches responsibility,self advancement and hard work in order to achieve your goals ....
"Blackmailer "
I have never blackmailed anyone before. Blackmailing would depend on the type of personyou are, not the religion. But as far as modern satanism is
concerned, it does not advocate blackmailing.
Again a trait that is not particular to religion, but the person. But since satanism is against deciet and lies, then i can assume it frowns upon
see above statement.
I've never known a modern satanist involved in murder - only devil worshippers or those who embrace 'evil'. Ofcourse, they get confused with
satanists, giving the rest a bad reputation.
Yes, satanism does promote self knowledge and self advancement, but also respect and empathy for others.
Satanists are never alike, each path is different, and sataism supports being true to your self, therefore no one claims to be infallible or that
their way is the only way, but remains open minded. It looks down upon 'counterproductive pride'.
"Slave Drivers / owners "
I'm not quite sure in what sense you mean this but satanism does not support controling others by any means. It does state however 'respect not pity
or weakness" ....if that is what you mean.
"Must create a scape goat"
Actually, as mentioned above, one of the core beliefs of satanism is "responsibility to the responsible". And in fact i would argue that it is
frequently satanists who are the scape goats.....
Now if these traits are meant to be regarding the Christian concept of satan - they are quite correct. But i doubt very much that many satanists (even
the traditional ones) embrace the christian idea of 'evil' and 'deciet'. And i know that i'm being very nit-picky and critical, but to be honest,
i think its best to question unwarranted stigmas (like that surrounding satanists), and this post was only fuelling one.
In future please be more specific as to who you are insulting ..... or find out a little more about what you hold an opinion on. I dont meant to be