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Like a Flash of Lightning, I get it! Yahweh as Adam's Higher Nature - Satan the Lower Nature (ONE

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posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 09:20 PM
I'll keep this short. The dweller on the threshold is the person making the choice between the higher or lower nature. Earth is the weigh station between. I have known this for some time, but failed to connect the characters. Keep in mind, I am speculation and trying to figure this out properly.

Imagine it this way.

YAHWEH ------------------------> (Who Was)
Adam --------Dweller-------------------> Jesus (Who Is)
Satan ------------------------------------------------>Defeated Lower Nature

Once Satan is defeated on the Cross and Jesus returns, he is the one that comes again (God Almighty). He has fully overcome.

In this speculation, see Adam as the dweller on the threshold. Yahweh is the mind of Adam as he transitions from Adam below to the right hand of God (Eolhim / Ruach Elohim). When Yahweh prepares Joshua, I believe that it was at that point he made the connection himself. As the Lord of Adam, he is guiding Adam as the Shepherd. The same can be said of the Word of God reflecting the same struggles to rise above the trials of living below as the dweller. We each have a similar higher nature to meet in the middle and overcome. How do we overcome and meet our higher nature? In the same process shown by Adam, the Lord and Son of God.

As Adam is the bride of Christ, so to are we all awaiting the union with our own higher natures. By overcoming the accuser (Satan), we negate the possibility of his accusation. I think this is when Yahweh silenced Satan.

Zachariah 3

3 Then he showed me Joshua, the chief priest, standing in front of the Messenger of Yahweh. Satan the Accuser was standing at Joshua’s right side to accuse him. 2 Yahweh said to Satan, “I, Yahweh, silence you, Satan! I, Yahweh, who has chosen Jerusalem, silence you! Isn’t this man like a burning log snatched from a fire?”

3 Joshua was wearing filthy clothes and was standing in front of the Messenger. 4 The Messenger said to those who were standing in front of him, “Remove Joshua’s filthy clothes.” Then he said to Joshua, “See, I have taken your sin away from you, and I will dress you in fine clothing.”

5 So I said, “Put a clean turban on his head.” They put a clean turban on his head and dressed him while the Messenger of Yahweh was standing there.

6 The Messenger of Yahweh advised Joshua, 7 “This is what Yahweh Tsebaoth says: If you live according to my ways and follow my requirements, you will govern my temple and watch over my courtyards. Then I will give you free access to walk among those standing here.

8 “Listen, Chief Priest Joshua and your friends sitting with you. These men are a sign of things to come: I’m going to bring my servant, the Branch.

9 “Look at the stone I have set in front of Joshua. That one stone has seven eyes.[a] I am engraving an inscription on it,” declares Yahweh Tsebaoth. “I will remove this land’s sin in a single day. 10 On that day,” declares Yahweh Tsebaoth, “each of you will invite your neighbor to sit under your vine and fig tree.”

Joshua was being prepared for new clothes (body). Is it possible he hung on the cross as the Last Adam and High Priest of Israel? If so, eh paid the debt of Genesis 9 and bloodshed. By doing this, he paid for humanity, but ALSO for Yahweh. Do you get this now. If Yahweh and Adam are one at the end, this means each were rising together toward the Cross.

Genesis 9

6 Whoever sheds human blood,
by humans his blood will be shed,
because in his image, Elohim made humans.

By both giving of themselves, all of humanity is born, raised and free. Those who willingly choose their lower natures perish along with Satan. Up or Down by choice. Adam pays for our sin willingly. The gift can be rejected.

I think I am closer than ever to getting this straight.

edit on 10-12-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-12-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: AlephBet


posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 09:43 PM
I feel like I may need to summarize this. If Yahweh is Adam's higher nature, then Adam can be seen as the Dweller, or the one unaware that he is being guided by himself above (like a guardian angel). As Lambs here below, we are unaware of our origin. Like Adam, we were being guided by the higher mind. At Adam's death, the flood happens. As you know from 1 Peter 3 (Reality Spoiler - Flood of Noah / Baptism), the flood is symbolism for involution, or being baptized back into the water. Adam is then a new character in the story until you get to Joshua, the high priest. At each stage, Yahweh is seen as the guiding force. Do we each have this same guiding force above, or our own personal higher Angelic being?

If you have not read my threads to this point, then you have missed my attempt to delineate the various named characters in Genesis. Using the Names of God Bible on BibleGateway, you read a vastly different story than the one we have been taught. The key is to know the names and the character of each name.

The Father and Mother of this process is Elohim and Ruach Elohim (Holy Spirit). They rested in Genesis 2, then left creation to Adam / Yahweh / Satan. The story is so clever in its disguise. It's an allegory of our own three persons below. AMAZING!

I get it now. Rather than being three separate beings, Moses is telling us how our own mind works. Creation has a scientific twist. The brain has Spirit (Consciousness) and a lower and upper mind.

Yahweh (Higher mind struggling to be God / find God)
Adam (HUMAN with Amnesia)
Satan (Lower Mind as Accuser / Adversary)

Note that the story suggests that the lower mind informs the higher mind, somewhat bypassing the Dweller on the Threshold.

What do you think? Plausible?

If true, then our lower nature will die off as the higher nature rises. We all see salvation.

WOW! Curse Yahweh / God / Satan and you are simply examining your own image. It's not them possible to Blaspheme God. You are merely working it out on your own.

edit on 10-12-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 09:50 PM
So why is Yahweh ordering armies to attack and conquer cities and villages if he is the higher nature? That doesn't seem like a very high natured thing to do.

Earth is not the weigh station, it is what is being weighed. You are the dweller on the threshold, the medium through which the unseen sees what is seen.

What is seen? Earth. What is unseen? The one seeing it. We are the dweller on the threshold because we are both body and unseen, we are the Son (image) of God. Both male (unseen) and female (seen).

You are so close. Keep seeking brother.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 10:02 PM
Zacheriah 3:1 Then he showed me Joshua, the chief priest, standing in front of the Messenger of Yahweh. Satan the Accuser was standing at Joshua’s right side to accuse him. 2 Yahweh said to Satan, “I, Yahweh, silence you, Satan! I, Yahweh, who has chosen Jerusalem, silence you! Isn’t this man like a burning log snatched from a fire?”

---Joshuah (Adam later in another life) would be seen here as the branch being prepared for the first century. Yahweh tells Adam's lower nature to shut it up. He is now no longer able to accuse the Branch.

3 Joshua was wearing filthy clothes and was standing in front of the Messenger. 4 The Messenger said to those who were standing in front of him, “Remove Joshua’s filthy clothes.” Then he said to Joshua, “See, I have taken your sin away from you, and I will dress you in fine clothing.”

---Filthy clothes is a reference to the body of sin. The messenger is the Angel delivering the message from Adam's higher nature Yahweh. His sin is removed and a new union takes place. Higher nature and man being joined. Satan silences and removed.

5 So I said, “Put a clean turban on his head.” They put a clean turban on his head and dressed him while the Messenger of Yahweh was standing there.

---The turban is the crown, or mind. We now have the new robe and crown.

6 The Messenger of Yahweh advised Joshua, 7 “This is what Yahweh Tsebaoth says: If you live according to my ways and follow my requirements, you will govern my temple and watch over my courtyards. Then I will give you free access to walk among those standing here.

---He comes back in freedom, but must follow the higher mind.

8 “Listen, Chief Priest Joshua and your friends sitting with you. These men are a sign of things to come: I’m going to bring my servant, the Branch.

---This was Yahweh telling the men that the Messiah would them come later (400 years later).

9 “Look at the stone I have set in front of Joshua. That one stone has seven eyes.[a] I am engraving an inscription on it,” declares Yahweh Tsebaoth. “I will remove this land’s sin in a single day. 10 On that day,” declares Yahweh Tsebaoth, “each of you will invite your neighbor to sit under your vine and fig tree.”

---The cross removed the sin in a single day. Keep in mind that Satan is still very much alive in the rest of humanity. Each person has a vine and fig tree to bear fruit for later incarnation. Today, all 7 billion are here to see Adam return as God Almighty. The Mother and Father were hidden in Adam all along. He has been with us all along. Still today, here among us. We are Adam's seed. Each of us has a higher nature to choose. Satan will perish. Make the right choice.

Amazing! Like I said, a flash and I get it. Let the light shine!

edit on 10-12-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 10:07 PM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
So why is Yahweh ordering armies to attack and conquer cities and villages if he is the higher nature? That doesn't seem like a very high natured thing to do.

Earth is not the weigh station, it is what is being weighed. You are the dweller on the threshold, the medium through which the unseen sees what is seen.

What is seen? Earth. What is unseen? The one seeing it. We are the dweller on the threshold because we are both body and unseen, we are the Son (image) of God. Both male (unseen) and female (seen).

You are so close. Keep seeking brother.

Because of the same reason you/I choose sin. Adam's higher nature was unaware of his station in the order of creation. He didn't realize that the Mother and Father were in him, guiding him. He was the image of the Mother and Father, not the real thing. He is the Son. He needed to rise on his own. Don't you get it?

Yahweh was as fallen as Adam, yet trying to rise. He knew he was commander of creation, yet unaware of his place in the creation until rejoining the Father. He is at the right hand of the Father today until ALL creation enters the promised land. We are all trailing behind. Moses could not enter the promised land. Why? His sin.

Same with Adam as our Father / Shepherd. We must all overcome, yet Adam already has. This means we will. How? By placing ourselves in that name. Joshua / Yeshua.

We must choose the higher nature, then bear fruit.

edit on 10-12-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Do you remember when I struggled to find Yahweh as the Son of God? I knew there was a connection. I then tried to find Adam as the Son. It didn't even occur to me that All three were the Son.

Yahweh is the higher nature, Adam the lower and Satan made by the fall. Satan is an accuser and adversary to both until they overcome two things? Wickedness and Self-Righteousness. Both are the same thing. One has a false foundation and the other has no foundation. Today, all Adams below have a unique name. 7 billion of us. We are all struggling to overcome the Satan and Hell we create for ourselves. When we find that we can't overcome, Adam returns to heal the nations and send our lower nature to an abyss for 1000 years.

Amazing! I get it. All things revealed in our day and age.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 10:14 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Do you see what this may mean? When Adam died, the flood took place. This is baptism. In other words, once Adam died, death entered in. The process for all life after that point was to then avenge the death of Abel, allowing all souls, both wicked and righteous, to enter the refining river of the Jordan. 5000 years later, here we are. In the waters of baptism--all of us. Resurrected from the dead to see the return of the Son.

There is still a great deal to this story, but I now have the presuppositions to get through the rest of the mystery. This is what I have been looking for as a key to see the rest.
edit on 10-12-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 10:25 PM
Imagine the scene in Heaven. A new life on earth is born and a new Angel in Heaven is also born. As the Bride below is adorned, the Groom above grows and prepares the home. Each does the work. Read this in relation to that thought.

Hebrews 9

23 The copies of the things in heaven had to be cleansed by these sacrifices. But the heavenly things themselves had to be cleansed by better sacrifices. 24 Christ didn’t go into a holy place made by human hands. He didn’t go into a model of the real thing. Instead, he went into heaven to appear in God’s presence on our behalf. 25 Every year the chief priest went into the holy place to make a sacrifice with blood that isn’t his own. However, Christ didn’t go into heaven to sacrifice himself again and again. 26 Otherwise, he would have had to suffer many times since the world was created. But now, at the end of the ages, he has appeared once to remove sin by his sacrifice. 27 People die once, and after that they are judged. 28 Likewise, Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of humanity, and after that he will appear a second time. This time he will not deal with sin, but he will save those who eagerly wait for him.

---MAN! If you get what I am saying here, these verses just pop.

John 14

My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

Matthew 22

At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

Matthew 18

10 “Be careful not to despise these little ones. I can guarantee that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father, who is in heaven.

The little ones are the children below (Dwellers). The Angel facing the Father is the Groom for the bride (child) below. What question proceeded this answer?

18 At that time the disciples came to Yeshua and asked, “Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”

2 He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3 Then he said to them, “I can guarantee this truth: Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever becomes like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes a child like this in my name welcomes me.


I would not want to be an ISIS member today. They are beheading their own heads. The irony.

edit on 10-12-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 10:34 PM
I see the "end" as a reference to death itself, something we must all go through. Death is new life and "death" does not exist, it is an illusion left behind by the body. When we die, our lower nature (body) is cast off for a time, our sins from this world are cleansed and we are given a new robe (body) and a new mind (fresh start) when we are reincarnated away from this evil world. The way you treat others in this life determines your next stop; whether you are part of a benevolent species and peaceful planet, or malevolent species and wartorn planet like ours on Earth.

The grand design and "plan" unfolds every moment of every day of our lives. There is no "endgame" other than death, which is only an illusion and a new start.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: Psynic

Typed that one slightly fast.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Earth is not the weigh station, it is what is being weighed. You are the dweller on the threshold, the medium through which the unseen sees what is seen.

What is seen? Earth. What is unseen? The one seeing it. We are the dweller on the threshold because we are both body and unseen, we are the Son (image) of God. Both male (unseen) and female (seen).

I understand what you are saying in this, but it is much more than this. God is after individuation for fellowship with himself. There comes a day when we meet the Mother and Father. We are made to live with, not as.

We are as unique as a snowflake, which is the point of that crystallized water.

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 03:44 AM
Your interpretation is interesting but I don't think this "dweller on the threshold" is commonly seen as the same thing as what you talk about. Unless you refer to something I don't know about.

The dweller/guardian on the threshold in mystical/spiritual/magical tradition is usually the presence that welcomes the student/shaman/searcher before he enters the spiritual/magical realms, and protect this realm from the intrusion of unauthorized wanderers. In a sense, it's some kind of censor in us that prevents us from seeing and roaming the spiritual realms 24/7. You have to go past that censor to see behind the veil, behind day-to-day physical reality.

originally posted by: AlephBet
If true, then our lower nature will die off as the higher nature rises. We all see salvation.

It's not a question of defeating your lower nature. It's about accepting it as a part of you, forgiving it for the bad things it did, and then living life with it as an ally instead of an enemy. What you call "lower nature" is simply the very ancient survival instinct that wants to put your survival and reproduction above all. It's not a bad force, without it there is no life. It's only a bad force when uncontrolled.

Both your lower nature (survival instinct) and higher nature (love, intellect, reason) are part of you, of your nature, of the divine paradigm. Thinking it's one versus the other is being stuck in dualism. It's about reconciling them.

originally posted by: AlephBet
WOW! Curse Yahweh / God / Satan and you are simply examining your own image.

Yep. Actually, curse anything and you are often projecting about yourself. What we hate in others is what we hate in ourselves first.
edit on 11-12-2014 by JUhrman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 06:34 AM
From Wikipedia: Dweller on the Threshold

Keep in mind the source of this information. There were also trying to describe this from their own search. The version the Bible describes nearly matches this concept. As speculation is all we have, we can draw from other sources of speculation. Use this as a reference only.

"Another explanation is that provided by Alice Bailey on Esoteric astrology, "From ancient recesses of the memory, from a deeply rooted past, which is definitely recalled, and from the racial and the individual subconscious (or founded and established thought reservoirs and desires, inherited and inherent) there emerges from individual past lives and experience, that which is the sumtotal of all instinctual tendencies, of all inherited glamours, and of all phases of wrong mental attitudes; to these, (as they constitute a blended whole) we give the name of the Dweller on the Threshold. This Dweller is the sumtotal of all the personality characteristics which have remained unconquered and unsubtle, and which must be finally overcome before initiation can be taken. Each life sees some progress made; some personality defects straightened out, and some real advance effected. But the unconquered residue, and the ancient liabilities are numerous, and excessively potent, and - when the soul contact's adequately established - there eventuates a life wherein the highly developed and powerful personality becomes, in itself, the Dweller on the Threshold. Then the Angel of the Presence and the Dweller stand face to face, and something must then be done. Eventually, the light of the personal self fades out and wanes in the blaze of glory which emanates from the Angel. Then the greater glory obliterates the lesser. "

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: JUhrman

The dweller/guardian on the threshold in mystical/spiritual/magical tradition is usually the presence that welcomes the student/shaman/searcher before he enters the spiritual/magical realms, and protect this realm from the intrusion of unauthorized wanderers. In a sense, it's some kind of censor in us that prevents us from seeing and roaming the spiritual realms 24/7. You have to go past that censor to see behind the veil, behind day-to-day physical reality.

Yes. Consider what Yahweh and Satan represent. They are the adversary and accuser in the process. They judge the person / nation and confirm destiny accordingly. As we find from Adam to Jesus, the process unfolds over many incarnations. For Jesus to be fully human, rebirth from Aleph to Tav was necessary. Tav is the plowman's mark.

Tav - Plowman's Mark

As Jesus warned the Priests who hid this information:

Luke 11:52

"Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering."

Truth that is hidden is a lie. The lie is known as truth is then seen. Who are the liars taking away the keys to knowledge?

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: JUhrman

On your chart, I would be in the transformation and atonement phase. Interesting.

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: AlephBet

Well, as it states it's "another" interpretation among many, and coming from infamous Bailey to boot.

Here is another one.

"This Dweller of the Threshold meets us in many shapes. It is the Cerberus guarding the entrance to Hades; the Dragon which St. Michael (spiritual will-power) is going to kill; the Snake which tempted Eve, and whose head will be crushed by the heel of the woman; the Hobgoblin watching the place where the treasure is buried, etc. He is the king of evil, who will not permit that within his kingdom a child should grow up, which might surpass him in power; the Herod before whose wrath the divine child Christ has to flee into a foreign country, and is not permitted to return to his home (the soul) until the king (Ambition, Pride, Vanity, Self-righteousness, etc.) is dethroned or dead."

The Dweller on the Threshold must be confronted by every aspirant—usually at an early stage of his progress into the unseen worlds—and is one of the main causes of obsession

The dweller is an inner adversary that has to be faced. In your posts you seem to indicate the dweller is a person who has to make a choice. It's clearly not the same concepts.

Your interpretation is thought-provoking, but I personally think you are trying too hard to relate things which are in fact not related. Usually it's not a good thing to try because it leads to confirmation bias.

If anything, according to your logic, the Dweller, being the remaining lower instincts in us, is in fact "Satan".
edit on 11-12-2014 by JUhrman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: JUhrman

It's not a question of defeating your lower nature. It's about accepting it as a part of you, forgiving it for the bad things it did, and then living life with it as an ally instead of an enemy. What you call "lower nature" is simply the very ancient survival instinct that wants to put your survival and reproduction above all. It's not a bad force, without it there is no life. It's only a bad force when uncontrolled.

Both your lower nature (survival instinct) and higher nature (love, intellect, reason) are part of you, of your nature, of the divine paradigm. Thinking it's one versus the other is being stuck in dualism. It's about reconciling them.

My view would not be dualism as much as what scripture states.

Matthew 20

8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard told the supervisor, ‘Call the workers, and give them their wages. Start with the last, and end with the first.’

9 “Those who started working about 5 p.m. came, and each received a day’s wages. 10 When those who had been hired first came, they expected to receive more. But each of them received a day’s wages. 11 Although they took it, they began to protest to the owner. 12 They said, ‘These last workers have worked only one hour. Yet, you’ve treated us all the same, even though we worked hard all day under a blazing sun.’

13 “The owner said to one of them, ‘Friend, I’m not treating you unfairly. Didn’t you agree with me on a day’s wages? 14 Take your money and go! I want to give this last worker as much as I gave you. 15 Can’t I do what I want with my own money? Or do you resent my generosity towards others?’

16 “In this way the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

---We are ranked in the end. Gifts / Reward is then an inheritance appropriate with our walk in life. All get paid equally, yet each works differently on the path. The wool / seed / honey / wine / milk that is gathered along the way becomes what we are in the end. All are clothed with the robe and crown mirrored by the suffering of the saints.

Clearly, there are some who destroy the bridge between the higher nature. They gain no inheritance, remaining poor at the end. They were not workers, but idle in the field. No harvest can be gained by them. The flaming sword protects the tree of life from those who destroy their branch. It withers and dies without fruit.

Consider what a Muslim is actually doing by cutting off the head of another human. They cut their own head off above. The connection is severed by the flaming sword. It's symbolic.

Revelation 20

I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

---The rulers of the Kingdom will be the righteous, while the others will serve. They may perish completely. Water puts out the coming fire. Baptism is the opportunity to repent.

Revelation 6 (ROBE / CROWN)

9 When the lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slaughtered because of God’s word and the testimony they had given about him. 10 They cried out in a loud voice, “Holy and true Master, how long before you judge and take revenge on those living on earth who shed our blood?” 11 Each of the souls was given a white robe. They were told to rest a little longer until all their coworkers, the other Christians, would be killed as they had been killed.

The process is one of water putting out fire. Fire then comes down on those who fail to reach for the water to cleanse the temple below.

19 Your dead will live.
Their corpses will rise.
Those who lie dead in the dust will wake up and shout for joy,
because your dew is a refreshing dew,
and the earth will revive the spirits of the dead.

20 My people, go to your rooms,
and shut the doors behind you.
Hide for a little while until his fury has ended.
21 Yahweh is going to come out from his dwelling place
to punish those who live on earth for their sins.
The earth will uncover the blood shed on it
and will no longer cover up its dead bodies.

Wrath comes against those who knew the truth, but kept it from others. They already have their reward here below and will keep it. The others will gain the true reward from the higher nature they embraced.

edit on 11-12-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: AlephBet
a reply to: JUhrman

On your chart, I would be in the transformation and atonement phase. Interesting.

Well that's cool! I hope you are coming back with gifts for us all

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: AlephBet

Saying that the lower nature must die is a little bit dualism. In fact it has to be subdued by the higher nature. If it was completely eliminated, apathy would result and apathy isn't a good thing either.

I find your posts interesting, but you should try to go straight to the point and keep Biblical quotes to the minimum because it's really hard to read you and follow your thoughts, they appear a bit disjointed.
edit on 11-12-2014 by JUhrman because: (no reason given)

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