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Quantum Teleportation Reaches Farthest Distance Yet

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posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Being able to initiate irregularities allows binary code. Which means we can transfer binary codes by changing the *spinning* or rather. Our detection will be based on polar opposites. It works because we can have 1. Which is On. What ever frequency they use for that. And 0. Off, what ever frequency they use to make the particle irregular to detect differences to establish a pattern for such a computer to work.

They are trying to figure out how to entangle particles without havin't to collide them. Because it takes massive ammounts of energy to do so.

They need to beable to somehow reroute energy from particles into a type of storage unit? or a couple different storage units that can generate the specific frequencies needed and then send out the properly tuned particles to quntum entangle. Because what they are doing right now is hoping to get these harmonizing particles from colliding a bunch. Since the channeled energy contained by the individual particles themselves that are sent out are irregular from each other and so they are not all harmonizing, only occasionally do 2 particles come out with the same level of energy buzzing at the right hums to entangle with each other.

They need some way to create mini powerboxs that can focus rerouted energy into these particles within storage blocks.

Otherwise i'm not sure how they plan on using this for a computer unless they can manage to find a really stable particle, Also the method of aquiring the energy is important as well. How explosive the energy is. Is the energy level dependent upon number of particles? or the individual power of the particles themselves?

Do we need 1000 electrons when we could utilize 100 protons instead? How can we expect to understand physics at this level.

If scentists think in terms of. 1000 electrons will have as much energy as another 1000 electrons.
How fresh are these electrons? Was the source fresh or did it come from a depleted particle? How was the depleted particle disassembled? Did it decay from lack of energy? or seperated by enviromental causes? These are all very important factors in reducing the *randomness* of it all because it really isn't random. Each individual particle has a minium and maximum energy level output before it either seperates into many things or absorbs many things to become something else.

Eitherway, Energy transfers from particle to particle because of these things. And every time that happens, a little bit of energy is permenantly lost. IF for instance we are utilizing a power source that feeds off decaying particles. We would need more of them in order to supply our energy demands.

However if you can limit the ammount of particles needed, Then more energy can be produced. Since the traffic is lower. There would be higher outpowers of energy.

With this studying in entanglement. It will make this property of matter more apparent. I'm just guessing tho.
Good morning everyone and afternoon to those on the east coast and evenin to those on the other side of the world.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: stormbringer1701
The trek version of teleportation is incredibly improbable needlessly complex and highly destructive. It involved things like death ofthe original article; enough computer power to record every bit of data of every atom down to the quantum level, ultra precision control of energy and matter beams over a distance of up to 60K kilometers, adjusting this feat to compensate for several types of hidden motions such as solar precession, galactic precession and universal motions such as expansion, ability to reassemble atoms of inert matter into a living biological pattern with the detail so fine a complete living personae is reconstructed on the other end. all extremely unlikely....

Plus, it needs to reconstruct you at exactly the right height above the ground.

Say, for example, that a 1 cm discrepancy occurs due to planet movement or ship movement, and you are reconstructed 1 cm lower than intended. If that happened, then your shoes would be molecularly bound to the pavement. If the discrepancy is 2 cm, then your feet would be molecularly bound to that pavement.

It might be a good idea not to destroy the "original you" on the ship until you are sure that the duplicate you doesn't have their feet intertwined with the atoms of the planet's surface...

...I can see it now:

Spock: [on communicator] "Captain Kirk -- did you and the rest of the landing party beam down safely?"

Kirk: "Yes we did, Spock. Feel free to destroy our 'original selves' standing on the transporter pad."

edit on 12/10/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 02:17 PM
but if you open a wormhole and you take a tumble at least your intestines won't be assembled on the outside of your body:

Synopsis: Two Crewman beaming aboard U.S.S. Enterprise 1701A die horribly as they are reassembled improperly.

there were occasional transporter mishaps through outthe startrek series; the mildest of which was kirk and a woman exchanging bodies.

there was one where Mr Scott (in shock and horror) said what made it through was no longer human. i think he may have even dispersed the results into space in order to mercifully end it's suffering. at least he said mercifully it was not alive for long or words to that effect

edit on 10-12-2014 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-12-2014 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: stormbringer1701
there were occasional transporter mishaps through outthe startrek series; the mildest of which was kirk and a woman exchanging bodies.

Close...but not exactly.

In the episode where Kirk changed bodies (minds?) with a woman, the woman used some sort of mind-switching device to do so, not a transporter.

You may be thinking of the episode where Kirk was split into two Kirks -- one was his aggressive animalistic side, and the other was his way-too-mild-mannered side. It turns out that Kirk needs both sides to be an effective leader, because his mild-mannered side was just way to passive to be able to make command decisions. So, they had to catch the anamalistic side (who got away and was hiding out on the ship) so the two Kirks could be put back together.

there was one where Mr Scott (in shock and horror) said what made it through was no longer human. i think he may have even dispersed the results into space in order to mercifully end it's suffering. at least he said mercifully it was not alive for long or words to that effect

That reminds me of this (video below). It's not Star Trek, but it's still a classic scene from a classic film, nonetheless:

edit on 12/10/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: lonesomerimbaud

I imagine the problem so far remains with maintaining parity over a distance, like you said through measurement influences and quite possibly determines state. Its like you move, we move, just like that, magic eh? Then again any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:16 PM
Talk to me when we have warp drives

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: lonesomerimbaud
a reply to: tothetenthpower

From the OP's source;

"Quantum entanglement happens when two subatomic particles stay connected no matter how far apart they are. When one particle is disturbed, it instantly affects the entangled partner. It's impossible to tell the state of either particle until one is directly measured, but measuring one particle instantly determines the state of its partner."

How strange that this should be so. It is a mind boggling discovery. There is a secret being cracked here. The consequences of this discovery of entanglement is for me the most important discovery in modern physics. I am a complete novice, but very interested.

Most of the research seems to be related to the polarization of the two particles. Two photons can be entangled and sent on their own different paths. But if the polarization of one photon changes (the planes in which the sinusoidal wave packet oscillates) the polarization of the other photon changes too. It's strange why that should happen. If the direction traveled by one photon changes, the direction of the other doesn't, just the polarization. Almost as if it were designed for that purpose, or there is something fundamental about space time that allows it to happen.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: lostbook

Article said they used an optical fiber so it might have been like a single very long wave.
They say problems like decoherence are less of a problem in space.
And they have undoubtedly been using quantum cryptography in space for decades.
Instant communication would require a carrier beam of these entangled photons that could be shuttered for synchronization.

I'll believe it when its been declassified.

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

There working on the concept, although to be fair the technology is in its infancy. Might not be necessary to use exotic matter after all if they can meet the power requirements and generate and sustain a strong enough magnetic field.
edit on 11-12-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 06:04 AM

originally posted by: Korg Trinity
With robust quantum teleportation data transmission would be instantaneous and secure.

Secure, yes. Not really any data transmission instantaneously, because you have no control over what is transmitted. It's more like the instantaneous transmission of random stuff, since the particle states you discover at one end are random. The particle states at the other end are correlated to those random states, so, great for cryptography, but useless for transmitting any meaningful kind of data. So far.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: lostbook

Thanks - missed this. F&S&

....On a side note, doesn't matter start as "just" information? [Sincere - I could be wrong.]

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: Bedlam

SO the other day a me and a friend are out at sea at night fishing, slaying the sand and calico bass, when in between time we start talking about communications and the future. He says that we are all screwed when the next war happens because of nuclear fall out, and devices that generate too much noise to allow aircraft and home base to communicate. The fog of war would be worse than it ever has been in history.

I firmly disagreed. Tried to explain quantum entanglement and communicating via that method. Said some stuff about how you could create a communication network that's nearly fool proof using entangled photons between sender and receiver. Tried to explain how there is no delay anywhere in the communication. He argued that because we can only communicate at the speed of light that we would never be able to relay a signal say from earth to space (or vice versa) fast enough to react. I repeated how quantum entanglement works. He's one of those guys who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Guess what. guess not. Because from 9pm to 2am I tried to get him to wrap his head around this sort of tech. He just doesn't get it, thinks i'm crazy and making things up to sound as smart as he actually is. Go ahead and wrap your head around that logic. Told him to google it. He said thats a convenient cop out. Because I can't show him a real world working system.

In the end I gave up and let him thin he won some intellectual victor over me. Probably better that way.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

Now to figure out how I'm going to eat 9 pounds of sea bass before it spoils. (using a mini fridge at the moment so I can't freeze it well) Should probably just bread them and fry them like chicken fingers and store them. But that requires more work than I'm willing to do.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: lonesomerimbaud

The reason one particle can be affected by measuring(harvesting) the partner particle is because all sub -atomic particles carry onboard info, Every atom is disintegrating and reforming so fast they cant measure the frequency.Sub -atomic particles are speeding in faster than light and forming all atoms and then speeding off again.Since they are going faster than light they are not restricted by time space .In other words we are in a giant quantum computer and we are blinking on and off, NOTHING IS SOLID.
Thats why it is hilarious to me that they trying to build a quantum computer wile they are in one.
edit on 13-12-2014 by supergravity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: Soylent Green Is People

YA! The day you would be able to teleport like that would open a whole lot of possibilities and doors. What they so casually show on the show would literally take the computing powers and prowess by today's standards of literally a whole galaxy. So ya you would literally have to have a computer as big as a galaxy to calculate and do all that instantaneously, and all just to beam kirk up onto a moving ship but it would be best and easier if the ship and everything else were standing still.

If and when you can put the computing powers of today's supercomputers into the size of a cell, it may open up a whole host of possibilities in everything, but even then the teleportation like they show on star trek would still be considered magical, and not only that. By then by the time you would be even able to contemplate doing that, it would be impractical and there would be no point to it.

This experiment in data transfer can be used in practical applications if it is made feasible over time. But its far from teleportation, more like instantaneous communication across light years if you wanted to, but even then it still wouldn't be teleportation.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 09:59 PM
Well, if Kantor is right, if you had the magic way of changing the bit information in particles, you could relocate matter by simply altering the co-ordinates of location.

Of course, you could do a lot of other things, all of them bad, so maybe we'd better hope he was wrong.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: Soylent Green Is People

Ah the movie was entertaining in a cheesy sort of way. Though even that video says it, why teleportation is not something we believe it is. In effect its basically not even teleportation even on the show, its basically molecular building atom by atom molecule by molecule a person from one end no matter how far onto a platform on the ship.

That right there is basicaly what your doing is just creating another kirk on the ship, the one on the ground can still exist, and every time you do it, your not teleporting kirk around, your basically breaking down every single thing in his body muscle, bone, sinew, molecule, DNA, even the very pattern of thought in his head and then building it up or creating it again on the ship.

Basically in the show he got teleprted what thousands of times, that means each and every time that happened he was build or recreated again and again. In fact its basically a form of perfect instant cloning from the ground up, you dont even need to destroy the other kirk each and every time you beem him up. So what that means every time he got beemed up on the show all thouse thousand sand thousands of times, well there could have been thousands and thousands of kirks walking around still at the spot were he teleported from.

You could literally have them all walking around everywhere, and they would all be kirk and they would all be there own individual complete clone of and up to the moment each one got beamed up. So basically there copies, and there not beaming anywhere, they are created each and every time.

I have tought about this a lot. And that teleportation or molecular transportation is basically insanity, even if and when it could be done, it will likely eventually if there memories and thoughts have not bean tinkered with to sustain the illusion of themselves quite basically insane. And not only that its some real high magic hidden as regular magic, if you could beam kirk anywere and what equates to build him up Atom DNA molecule on up even to the thoughts in his head which would be basically imposible. But even if you could do the molecular side of it, you could basically make anything you wanted.

Look at it like this there basically making matter out of thin air. If you could make kirk, you can also make any other piece of matter even if its complicated. Basically you could make tons and tons of gold or silver or any other material in the known universe if you knew its schematic from what is basically thin air.

You see were I am going, its basically a magic box which can give you anything. Your hungry? Well you can also make a cheeseburger out of thin air. So lets forget teleportation, what if you had even a quarter of this technology, what if you could have a box or basically a microwave like box. You stick matter in it, basically anything dirt, garbage, old apple cores, junk metal or whatever. Then you program it like a computer to break down all that matter, and with the raw atoms and molecules build something else up.

Even if you could do that it would end hunger pretty much, and it would change the face of everything you know basically over night. And this is just a molecule builder. Now a actual teleporter like you see on the show, I am not joking when I say it would likely take a computer the size of a galaxy to beam kirk up like that at a whim. You would have to be able to first do that, but also be able to calculate the whole rotation of not only the ship and planet but the whole galaxy, and all just so kirk wont end up beamed inside the walls of the ship squashed flat like a bug.

The magic box microwave molecule builder would be much much more easier to build and much more feasible to do then teleportation like they show on the Star Trek show would. I have been thinking on this on and off a while, I mean you could technically do, if you could make like I said before the equivalent of today's supercomputer and micro it down to the size of a cell you could do something like the magic molecule microwave box. But dam, even that dont know if you would want to be able to do it. Its basically Pandora's box.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 12:55 AM
If I remember correctly in the later Start Trek series the food replicators basically used the same tech as the transporters.
But they had to have a reserve of real raw materials to work with.
oddly enough everyone complained that replicated food did not quite taste right.
That's why having a real cook on board was such a big deal.

The one aspect everyone seems to overlook, if you had a transporter you wouldn't need bombers or Missiles any more.
Transport the bomb to your enemies living room, boom end of problem.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 03:58 AM

Quantum teleportation is not matter or information teleportation as known from sci-fi.

Sometimes I wish the scientists would stop calling it teleportation, given how confusing it is to laymen as demonstrated by this thread.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 06:04 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Shamrock6

There working on the concept, although to be fair the technology is in its infancy. Might not be necessary to use exotic matter after all if they can meet the power requirements and generate and sustain a strong enough magnetic field.
its a little better than that even. it turns out that what often gets called negative mass or energy is not necessarily exotic matter. It's a term used for a certain class of distortion or expansion of york time. in other words strictly speaking exotic matter is not necessary for warp drive to work. So Dr White was correct when he said he thought he could do away with the requirement for exotic matter.

also even if exotic matter with negative mass or energy were necessary can you guess what the natural state of matter is prior to re-normalization in Q.E.D. theory? Yup... it has negative mass. so according to Dr Woodward it might be possible to uncover the negative mass by separating the terms in the QED renormalization equation.
edit on 14-12-2014 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: Bedlam

SO the other day a me and a friend are out at sea at night fishing, slaying the sand and calico bass, when in between time we start talking about communications and the future. He says that we are all screwed when the next war happens because of nuclear fall out, and devices that generate too much noise to allow aircraft and home base to communicate. The fog of war would be worse than it ever has been in history.

I firmly disagreed. Tried to explain quantum entanglement and communicating via that method. Said some stuff about how you could create a communication network that's nearly fool proof using entangled photons between sender and receiver. Tried to explain how there is no delay anywhere in the communication. He argued that because we can only communicate at the speed of light that we would never be able to relay a signal say from earth to space (or vice versa) fast enough to react. I repeated how quantum entanglement works. He's one of those guys who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Guess what. guess not. Because from 9pm to 2am I tried to get him to wrap his head around this sort of tech. He just doesn't get it, thinks i'm crazy and making things up to sound as smart as he actually is. Go ahead and wrap your head around that logic. Told him to google it. He said thats a convenient cop out. Because I can't show him a real world working system.

Your friend's right. Even with quantum entanglement you can't transmit useful information faster than the speed of light.

Something is transmitted FTL, but that something is not enough for a robust communication channel.

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