I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't torture anyone, or did it just to piss off and create stronger enemies before they released some of the
It is not like this wasn't a calculated disclosure. Create the next big panic for justification of their existence.
A push for even more social unrest here, or enticing an enemy abroad. There is no other reason for disclosing this info.
Planned release of disgusting and despicable behavior would either:
A. Piss off Americans.
-Lead to more rioting or stoke the existing riots.
-Increase the police state and remove more rights.
-Lead to martial law.
-Show msm viewers that protestors are unstable allowing public to agree with classifications and actions against them.
-Attempt to discredit one political party. Politics
-Distraction from all the other gov caused problems. IRS, Banks, Corporations, scandals etc...
B. Piss off others.
- UN planned intervention plan, to get them involved. Small arms treaty etc...nwo
-Anger other countries, cause retaliation.
-Justify more war profits after a retaliation takes place.
You don't need to call Cleo to see what odd news has been released by the gov owned media lately.
I have to question the motives behind everything now.
Even such things as Snowden. I wouldn't be surprised if the nsa didn't even have the surveillance in place at the time of the "leak", they were
probably testing the sheep water out before implementation or using it for outright control by intimidation.
I mean, he was located in several airports, if they wanted him, they would have had him. He was reporting by design, in my opinion.
It was entertaining theater anyway..just look at the twitters responding. Rah rah rah
edit on 12 by Mandroid7 because: (no reason given)