a reply to:
Pretty close to the same thing i said. I just worded it differently to add greater signifigance to it all.
All energy has the potencial of becoming organized.
There is no such thing as Random. Even if particles jump all over the place, it is because of the linear path of the particle. Moving so fast, that it
may bump into black energy particles within the Interior. As black energy is a particle many times smaller than an atom. Since atoms use
electromagnetic energy to generate a holograme of the energy held within or rather a fraction of it as it spews out in Entropy.
Entropy is any action, it is in the second laws of therodynamics and very much does exist.
So everything currently out there, not sure if you worded it weirdly or not but the things that are here in the universe WILL exist forever, and as
you said TRANSFORM.
That is the reality of the universe, the ultimate truth is Transformation. Specifically signifigance transformation.
The particles that generate the energy to create the surface area for an atom, Which generates the *hologram* are themselves solid objects made up of
even tinier fragments bonded together and orbiting very much like an atom these tiny fragments lets call them shards are the smallest fragments in the
universe These fragments are what form sub-atomic particles.
They have been named Axioms tho the way they operate or how they even appear is not entirely known as the scale is to small for us right now.
Lets assume these Axioms are the smallest thing in the universe. Eventually the energy these fragments called axioms from a single electron, neutron,
protons runs out. This energy becomes depleted. Enstein didn't really see it this way. He say Mass is energy, and energy is mass. Only energy is in a
state of motion, Where as mass is a state of potencial energy.
He gave particles volt potencial, assuming off of E=Mc 2 which is energy = mass cube squared. Meaning energy disperses by cubic feet squared meaning
that it increases in surface area, depending on the energy available.
He is right in this regard that that Energy does = Mass x cubic squared. However mass does not cease to exist completely. In order for Energy to even
Exist it needs to come from a Source. Energy comes from potencial. And since entropy exists. Then the universe will either A) Constantly replenish
decaying matter or B) this is the first or second universe to ever exist, Nothing really is lack of any particle of any degree. And all mass will
eventually bleep it self out of existance. No big bang will follow as all matter has been spent. There is no possibility of such a Universe continuing
from zero energy which is *nothing*.
However with the evidence of black holes it is unlikely this proces could ever exist.
Also the laws of energy and therodynamics demand a compensating factor to destruction.
A universe cannot exist, and all the galaxies we see with black holes also could not exist at varrying ages around us if we are of course fresh.
So it is more likely that black holes condense the invisible spent axions and decaying sub-atomic particles and atoms around us. This is done because
everything around a black hole is constanting falling in one direction. Towards it. Since black holes are spewing condensed matter it causes a
nullyfying effect where incoming decaying particles collide with newly condensed particles adding to the already present electromagnetic activity.
Which helps create order and orientation. Nothing is random because black energy is always moving. If we could dectect is, we could predict the
movement of particles. Which would make them seem a lot less random.
At that point tho the real particle physics beings.
But where does energy come from?
Well Earthquakes are supposedly caused by tectonic pressures pushing against each other forcing mountain to appear.
The same *bound and suspension* is what generates energy for compressed particles. Since they are only particle where the *shards* fragments of axioms
ect are merged together. Because under the pressures of a black hole, all matter is shattered and compressed together regardless of magnetic
orientation. This force is so poweful. The newly combining particles have no time or energy to overcome the force and cant go with natural
counterparts. Once sealed, these particles touching each other generates massive ammounts of energy from being prevented to *vibrate*. The lack of
vibration allows this mounting pressure to build. This is why energy is so explosive, when dealing with objects that are orbitting so fast and so tiny
that they are only generating an image. But yet, can produce this much energy. The explosive nature of matter and the fact this energy last for so
long has to give a process that would technically last much longer than matter expressing energy as physical mass. So because of this, There would be
a higher ration of *nothing* Pushing against *something* allowing the orientation and seperation of particles which allows orbits. This non vibrating
tiny mass acts as a type of lubercant and a type of *filler* for a particle to function. With lack of electromagnetic activity it does not disturbe
the linar path of particles but rather generates the space between them by presently being there. That ratio of black matter and energy to physical
matter they say is 80% when the ratio is actually much higher.
I would say it is at 99.99999999999999999999999..... infinity percent black matter and energy. Well the remaining 0.000000000000000000000 infinity
SInce so much of it exists, and it takes so long for energy to be replenished. This ratio fits, As any of the 99.9999999999....% black energy could of
been hanging around for the time nessisary to rexpand into fully charged particles or rather *super charged* particles containing massive ammounts of
energy they intended on keeping for as long as possible as they merge and become atoms/ molecules ect.
Tho this process is limited by time, Therefore the 0.00000000000000001 of actual physical matter that takes up space ( Not including their paths of
orbit which generates the image of the object appearing much bigger than it seems i am speaking about the actual physical size of said object in
comparison to the space which is filled by black energy. Which acts a buffer and regulator of mass movement. Since black energy (The less condensed
form of black matter which is only present in black holes since black energy is being massively produced there in large quantities)
When mass moves to fast, physical particles can create a type of wall just from being there and being pushed out of the way so fast. Same as black
energy which does physically get pushed by the movement and contact of particles. The faster you move the more surface area and force is generated.
Which limits the speed of light.
Technically, Existance itself in totality. Most of it is sleeping.
We are like the consious human brain. We are the 10% acting on the 90% that exists, The ratio is actually more extreme but you get the point.
99.999999...% of that stuff out there is just waiting to be fully charged and ready for expansion. But since so much of it is in this state.
It means that physical mass is extremely limitted. Hense the immense ammount of *Space*. To compensate for matters short life span, it has to be this
way. And it just does it like this because
edit on 9-12-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)