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Greater Community Spirituality

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posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 01:53 AM
God has sent a New Message into the world. It comes with a great blessing for humanity. The Greater Community Spirituality represents a universal spiritual practice. It is the essential spirituality of the universe. It is a spirituality at the level of Knowledge, the knowing, spiritual mind beneath the surface of the worldly mind. This is where you experience the Mind and the Will of God within you. It is the part of you that has never left God, but has become overshadowed by your worldly mind, the mind that you were born into and have been developing during your life here in this world.

Knowledge within the individual is here on a mission, for you have been sent into the world carrying great gifts. Beyond your ambitions, beyond your ideas or beliefs, this is true. Your gifts are for the world, to be given in specific ways, in conjunction with specific people, honoring your deeper nature. Only Knowledge can account for this, for Knowledge within you is connected to Knowledge in the universe.

In Knowledge you experience your deeper nature, your true Self, beyond your ideas and beliefs, beyond the conditioning and the persuasions of the world. It is where you are able to discern the truth and experience it directly, however obscured it may be. Knowledge is your source of true strength and determination. It is undaunted by the world. Only Knowledge can touch Knowledge. Only Knowledge within you can touch Knowledge in someone else.

Your greater purpose for coming into the world is to cultivate and contribute Knowledge here – to contribute something permanent into an impermanent reality. The New Message speaks of the great Mystery of your life beyond this reality, in another reality called your Ancient Home. It is a place of pure being, where this is a place of work. You have come from this other reality into this world, and you will return to that reality. It is beyond your imagination, for your imagination can only function on what your senses report here in this world.

Returning to the abiding Truth within, reclaiming one’s relationship to Knowledge, requires the cultivation of inner stillness and objectivity in one’s life. It requires one to be honest about oneself and one's affairs. The journey back to Knowledge begins by taking the Steps to Knowledge.

You cannot undo the fact that you were sent here for a greater purpose. You may think it is a violation of your free will, but free will is only a gift given to you so that you can discover what is really true and important within yourself, and so that you can make this discovery on your own without it being forced upon you by some greater external power.

From the New Message text, The Sacred Rendezvous (January 29, 2009)
edit on 9-12-2014 by AllyofHumanity9220 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 02:02 AM
What if my message from God, contradicts a message someone else received from God? Are they both from God? Is one from God and not the other? How do we determine which message is from God and which isn't?

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 02:19 AM
are you trying to start a hippy cult of some kind and looking fo recruits?
if it involves wine and female nudity just tell me where to sign.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

God may speak to the individual through Knowledge. However, Knowledge cannot oppose itself, for all Knowledge is connected. The New Message from God is vast, spanning over 9000 pages of transcribed text. It is vast and inclusive.

There are forces visiting our world now with the ability to project thoughts and images into the minds of people, to manipulate thought in the mental environment. They can speak to your mind directly, and pose as spiritual emissaries. This is part of the Intervention that is currently underway in our world, perpetrated by forces from beyond this solar system who wish to establish a new leadership here in order to gain access to the biological resources of this world.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

As you test the spirits to determine if they are form God - you do the same with a message.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
What if my message from God, contradicts a message someone else received from God? Are they both from God? Is one from God and not the other? How do we determine which message is from God and which isn't?

I'm guessing he'll say the messages he receives are from God. The ones you receive, ....meh.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: AllyofHumanity9220

You're posting this sort of stuff on three threads you've opened. Why don't you just open a church, take out an ad in the paper and proselytize there? You could even pass a collection plate.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: Tangerine
The ones you receive, ....meh.

Lol that gave me a good chuckle.

edit on 12-9-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: Tangerine

There is no proselytizing. I am merely attempting to share perspective.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Tangerine

And it would be 'tax free' to boot... And You could be like other "Leaders" of Churches™ and wear $35k watches, sleep with the choir Lady while in the midst of Your 3rd marriage and live in a $3M mansion while many of Your 'Flock' live below the poverty line..

Because there is a monetization involved You'd KNOW it isn't Cricket.

O.P. on a personal level I can dig You getting behind the whole 'To Learn' is the same as 'To Teach' unless You are NOT teaching what it is You are learning, in this case You do little/no good.. But it is the same thing in 3 separate threads, this makes 'separate' desperate and that is a "want" You haven't any 'wants' perhaps that should be the emphasis as opposed to coming across as 'Preachy'...

I did a similar thread earlier this incarnate (JimNasium) I haven't always been JimNasium.


posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: AllyofHumanity9220
you are speaking to a group of which many even when they hear the truth givin on a spiritual level and on a plane of existance different from ours they do not believe the truth and revert back to their own misconceptions of reality. That will keep them firmly locked inside the cycle of death and continual consumption of flesh. After many attempts are made to unlock their concious mind it becomes a cause in which they simply relish in their ignorrance. Never before has the fires recieved such a load as this bunch but that will make a really great foundation of energy for those who hear the word. At some point the choice has been made by them regardless what direction their finger points. sad but true.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: AllyofHumanity9220
a reply to: Tangerine

There is no proselytizing. I am merely attempting to share perspective.

You absolutely are proselytizing and on three threads simultaneously. Why do you deny it?

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: AllyofHumanity9220

You cannot undo the fact that you were sent here for a greater purpose. You may think it is a violation of your free will

Well, if you sent a person somewhere against their will then that is a violation of their free-will, regardless of the excuse.

What is really true to me is that no one is born a slave, people assume superiority over other people and make them into slaves. When people get used to it, they start associating their idea of a god/deity with this same sort of slave-like mentality. What is really important within myself is respecting other people's free-will choices and being treated with that same respect.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: JimNasium

I don't know why ATS allows people to start multiple threads pitching whatever it is that they're trying to sell. Yes, the collection plate is always the dead giveaway.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: arpgme

The quote refers to the fact that you are not your mind. Before you came into the world there was no ambivalence, you knew you had to come and you wanted to come. Once you were born into your body, you began to develop, and your mind began to form. Now you identify with it, and you follow its rule.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: Tangerine

One thread was in the group for prophecies, sharing the Great Waves of Change prophesy. One post was made to share the Allies of Humanity briefings summary in the group for posts on aliens. One post was made here, to share the Greater Community Spirituality. While they are connected, they each represent a vital perspective with a different focus.

Convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.

I am certainly not trying to convert anyone. I am sharing something that most people are unaware of. The Allies' perspective is unique. Their briefings contain a dire warning for humanity of the dangers of premature Contact. The Great Waves are coming, whether you choose to face this fact or not. Greater Community Spirituality is a pathway to reclaiming your deeper mind, and through it, your purpose for coming into the world. It restores you to yourself. It is profound.

Everyone is free to express their views, and many have. You do like to accuse me of trying to make money off'f this... I do not see where you get that impression from. These books are all free. You may say, "well, I do not believe any of this, it does not seem possible that there can be a Messenger from God, or that there can be Allies of Humanity who would be inexplicably sent to warn us of the dangers of space!" That is fine. The New Message is there, whether you want to ignore its existence or explore it for yourself. It is there. The Allies' briefings have been given. They are available to you, whether you choose to deny their validity or heed their warning. They are given. The Great Waves of Change book of prophesy is there, it is ready for you to read it and gain insights from it. It is there. I am pointing to them, saying, "look, this is new." And you come and you see me pointing and you interpret it based on your own ideas, which is understandable, but I am asking you to look past your ideas.

edit on 10-12-2014 by AllyofHumanity9220 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: AllyofHumanity9220

You have somehow managed to get yourself sucked into a cult run by Marshall Vian Summers. I hope for your sake you come to your senses. I don't know your background or how this happened, but I'm guessing you're fairly young. This sort of thing usually doesn't end well for those involved.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 04:23 AM

originally posted by: Tangerine
a reply to: AllyofHumanity9220

You have somehow managed to get yourself sucked into a cult run by Marshall Vian Summers. I hope for your sake you come to your senses. I don't know your background or how this happened, but I'm guessing you're fairly young. This sort of thing usually doesn't end well for those involved.

I see that your perspective on this limits your understanding of its true nature. I appreciate that you are concerned, perhaps because you are unable to relate to what I am saying. I do not condemn you for this. The fact that this journey is so inexplicable is part of the Mystery of life. What you assume to be a cult, and then probably associate with the embodiment of that concept in the unfortunate past, is in reality a growing worldwide community of individuals responding to something truly authentic within themselves. Are you free to look past your own ideas? Are you free to see what is there, beyond your own preferences and the conditioning of your life? If not, then you are a slave to your ideas and the ideas of others.

The Greater Community Spirituality represents a way back to yourself, out of the confusion of your mind. Being highly intellectual, you probably identify solely with your thoughts, experiencing them as the totality of your awareness, if I may make the assumption. Being able to look at life objectively is the essence of Knowledge. How can you look at life objectively when you are only trying to validate your own ideas and assumptions? Objectivity is a function of true self-honesty. Being honest with yourself about what you know and what you do not know is the fundamental starting point for any learning experience.

Thank you for participating in these discussions, I value your demonstrations.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: AllyofHumanity9220

originally posted by: Tangerine
a reply to: AllyofHumanity9220

You have somehow managed to get yourself sucked into a cult run by Marshall Vian Summers. I hope for your sake you come to your senses. I don't know your background or how this happened, but I'm guessing you're fairly young. This sort of thing usually doesn't end well for those involved.

I see that your perspective on this limits your understanding of its true nature. I appreciate that you are concerned, perhaps because you are unable to relate to what I am saying. I do not condemn you for this. The fact that this journey is so inexplicable is part of the Mystery of life. What you assume to be a cult, and then probably associate with the embodiment of that concept in the unfortunate past, is in reality a growing worldwide community of individuals responding to something truly authentic within themselves. Are you free to look past your own ideas? Are you free to see what is there, beyond your own preferences and the conditioning of your life? If not, then you are a slave to your ideas and the ideas of others.

The Greater Community Spirituality represents a way back to yourself, out of the confusion of your mind. Being highly intellectual, you probably identify solely with your thoughts, experiencing them as the totality of your awareness, if I may make the assumption. Being able to look at life objectively is the essence of Knowledge. How can you look at life objectively when you are only trying to validate your own ideas and assumptions? Objectivity is a function of true self-honesty. Being honest with yourself about what you know and what you do not know is the fundamental starting point for any learning experience.

Thank you for participating in these discussions, I value your demonstrations.

Groups formed around a set of unsubstantiated claims are a dime-a-dozen. Virtually all of these groups make grandiose claims about "saving" people. Of course, this salvation is only delivered if the people surrender themselves entirely to the authority of the, ahem, "group" leader. Ask yourself why such an all-knowing, all-powerful leader and the "space brothers" can't deliver this salvation without us surrendering our will? I'll answer my own question: it's because the surrendering of our will to him is THE objective of the, ahem, "group" leader. The rest is just a cover story.

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: AllyofHumanity9220

originally posted by: Tangerine
a reply to: AllyofHumanity9220

You have somehow managed to get yourself sucked into a cult run by Marshall Vian Summers. I hope for your sake you come to your senses. I don't know your background or how this happened, but I'm guessing you're fairly young. This sort of thing usually doesn't end well for those involved.

I see that your perspective on this limits your understanding of its true nature. I appreciate that you are concerned, perhaps because you are unable to relate to what I am saying. I do not condemn you for this. The fact that this journey is so inexplicable is part of the Mystery of life. What you assume to be a cult, and then probably associate with the embodiment of that concept in the unfortunate past, is in reality a growing worldwide community of individuals responding to something truly authentic within themselves. Are you free to look past your own ideas? Are you free to see what is there, beyond your own preferences and the conditioning of your life? If not, then you are a slave to your ideas and the ideas of others.

The Greater Community Spirituality represents a way back to yourself, out of the confusion of your mind. Being highly intellectual, you probably identify solely with your thoughts, experiencing them as the totality of your awareness, if I may make the assumption. Being able to look at life objectively is the essence of Knowledge. How can you look at life objectively when you are only trying to validate your own ideas and assumptions? Objectivity is a function of true self-honesty. Being honest with yourself about what you know and what you do not know is the fundamental starting point for any learning experience.

Thank you for participating in these discussions, I value your demonstrations.

Groups formed around a set of unsubstantiated claims are a dime-a-dozen. Virtually all of these groups make grandiose claims about "saving" people. Of course, this salvation is only delivered if the people surrender themselves entirely to the authority of the, ahem, "group" leader. Ask yourself why such an all-knowing, all-powerful leader and the "space brothers" can't deliver this salvation without us surrendering our will? I'll answer my own question: it's because the surrendering of our will to him is THE objective of the, ahem, "group" leader. The rest is just a cover story.

Now you are merely projecting your own ideas. There is neither a call for surrendering anyone's will, nor are there any grandiose claims made about "saving" anyone.

Personal responsibility is advocated. Higher consciousness through the cultivation of greater self-honesty and objectivity is advocated. Wisdom is advocated. There is no mention ANYWHERE of surrendering your will to anyone.

Your only "salvation" is your redemption through following what is inherent in your own deeper nature. It is to bring you to Knowledge within yourself, that part of you that is truly authentic, that is the focus and purpose of the Greater Community Spirituality. This has the power to end all conflict within you, to dispel your ambivalence. But you must be willing to do the work on your own behalf.

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