posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 05:13 PM
From my 'outsider' pov. it seems to me you're already in a(the?) second cold war with russia...
Some of you are being frantic in your comments and the paranoia shines through some of your posts. Exhausting your fumes on a topic you can't do
absolutely nothing about. That's fear mongering 'caused by both of these governments(usa-rus) and hyped up to an unrealistic scale by the media
which helps propagate actions via the masses to justify the means.
Don't play they're game people.
Interesting none the less.
Pro USA, pro RUS...who cares as long as the scales are balanced and everyone tries to be caring towards one another.
But it's always: "THEY'RE DOING THAT??? WE BETTER DO THIS!!!!!"
Seems like it doesn't matter, imho I do think it's all a game between the gov's regardless of nationality and borders.
I.e. pre-planned.
Don't go all
on me.
Just barking up the tree from an island caught in the middle.