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NYPD cops warned militant group ‘preparing to shoot on-duty police officers’

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posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 03:16 PM
I just want to say that I hate myself for agreeing with this type of action. However, when the uncontrolled bully has all the power and is willing to wield it with impunity, that power must be revisited back upon them. And as for the 'Good Cops', I believe there are many out there. What I don't believe is that they can be an effective voice against the improprieties they see. If they did stand up to their fellow officers it would not be long before they are discredited if not removed from the force. Corruption holds sway in many, if not most, law enforcement agencies. It is now entrenched too deep to ever be rooted out by the passive voice. There are now very few solutions to this ever growing problem.

There is one way in which I could start to trust again. If there were a citizens overview committee. The question would be how to find those for the committee. Would they be elected or appointed? What type of relationship with law enforcement would change their view? Could it be like jury duty? I just see an overwhelming need to have an outside perspective to review these actions committed by LEO's.
edit on 8-12-2014 by ObservingTheWorld because: idea clarification

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 03:20 PM
I seriously doubt that there is a cohesive, team of militants. It maybe a couple of guys talking about it online with no intention of ever acting on anything like this.. or a lone wolf...or a lone wolf pair. Still alarming but without the hyperbole.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 05:01 PM
Cops are now armed to the teeth while new gun restrictions have recently been imposed. Coincidence? Not saying a militant gang is the answer, but maybe something should happen.
edit on 8-12-2014 by newWorldSamurai because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 06:29 PM
Gee, and I was just getting over the Black Panthers. Anyone seen a copy of "Soul On Ice," by Eldridge Cleaver.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: VirusGuard
a reply to: Tardacus

"such crappy reporting, why did they add the word "tattooed"

Must be whites because blacks don't do tatto's as much as whites for obvious reasons but thats only if you beleive a darn word the police says these days.

.....every black person I know (and that's quite a few). Has a tattoo

Where do you get your info man?

That's weird, I'm black and only a quarter of my black friends have tattoos.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:58 PM
I would not believe it personally, considering the source. First, you have the chance that the informant is making it up, which happens all the time, and then there is the chance that the police are using this to sway public opinion back to their side a bit. Not saying that is what is going on however. Such threats could also be used as justification for further actions by police. We have to consider these things mainly because we know that cops break the law all the time. But the word of some guy off the street does not seem like a sure thing to me. And as soon as someone shoots a cop, it will be tied in to this, whether it has anything to do with it or not. That is how the media works.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 10:21 PM
Dont believe the media hype and lies. BGF is a prison gang and makes tons of money. I highley doubt they would risk what little they have left of their empire for these sorts of actions. There are groups you arent aware of, and you most def would not be hearing about it on the news or ATS until after the fact, I guess people think all blacks are dumb or uncapable of organised movement.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 12:29 AM
People need to get over the notion of good cops. You can't enforce the laws that are on the books and still be a good person. You can't play on a team of scumbags without them trying to coerce you into their habits and compelling you to conceal their actions.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: jude11

damn right. if this happens its gonna be war in NYC and i have a feeling the rest of the country will follow suit. screw it, id love to go to war with the cops they have been un-checked for way too long.

Smoke weed every day

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:05 AM
However tempting it may feel to see some vengeance this will not go down well.

They think this violence will rein in the police? Yeah right.

No, this will only escalate the situation. If they kill even a few police officers there'll be hell to pay.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: krisdogg

Smoke weed every day? Uhm what? If only..

Was that some kind of compulsive tic of yours or do you have a reason for writing that?

Funny #..

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: krisdogg

Smoke weed every day? Uhm what? If only..

Was that some kind of compulsive tic of yours or do you have a reason for writing that?

Funny shi&..

Ever heard of Dr. Dre? An understanding of pop culture, even if you don't approve of said culture, will still enhance your life insofar as you won't have to wrongfully accuse someone of having a "compulsive tic."

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: centhwevir1979

I know of Dr. Dre, what prompted me to comment though, was the seeming arbitrariness of the comment.

The thought of it being some kind of mental tic greatly amused me, seemed so random.

(Three posts this close to each other and two of them adjacent, this goes against everything I know of forum etiquette. Not to mention how off-topic it all is)

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