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What if they are poachers?

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posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 08:34 PM
I have read The Allies of Humanity. Of course it was a bit hard to deal with. But I feel within me that it's true.

All the spiritual teachings of today that have affected us that may only be half true at best, that say that we can choose and create and manifest and have anything we want... ignore all problems and challenges, and think that everything that happens is good for us (we are always on the right path somehow) and close our eyes to any scenario that may challenge us or frighten us at first, I feel it is now just going too far.

And this can totally pacify a whole race whose heart is in the right place, who seek to be "loving", who seek to be positive, all true qualities, but that without an education about the Greater Community and the Wisdom that is required, can be manipulated and used against us by those who have cultivated these abilites for thousands of years, like The Allies of Humanity say.

Basically we have to believe that they are here to help us since "they are already here". Like it would be negative or fearful (or even impolite or "unloving" or "not cool") to consider it differently. To see the world as our home, that we must cooperate and work it our ourselves, that our true Allies, the Allies of humanity, who have given their Briefings and shared their wisdom, would never intervene in other worlds (and we are not ready for contact yet). At some point we must shake ourselves out of it, no matter how hard. That is why it's so difficult, we must shake ourselves out of something that has already started. Who can do that? How easy is that? Yet, our Allies say that we have great promise, despite our mistakes and weaknesses, and we have the ability to offset any intervention.

I leave you with some quotes, and thank you OP for your post.

“There are those in the Greater Community who are more
powerful than you. They can outsmart you, but only if you are
not looking. They can affect your mind, but they cannot
control it if you are with Knowledge.”

“Why is this happening?” Science cannot answer that.
Reason cannot answer that. Wishful thinking cannot answer
that. Fearful self-protection cannot answer that. What can
answer that? You must ask this question with a different kind
of mind, see with different kinds of eyes and have a different
experience here.”
edit on 9-12-2014 by powerwithinyou because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2014 by powerwithinyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 02:27 AM

originally posted by: ryan2010
a reply to: Kandinsky the amont of times these beings have visited us must prove that we have something they need or want, and cant or haven't got themselves even with their tech its something we have that they need it must be like gold to them! if you had a gold source would you tell other people?

I believe they want our adrenaline glands to extract andrenochrome? Or cultivate it? Perhaps this is all from a dream of mine... Hhhmmmmm I highly doubt its any raw material like gold. Or anything metallic... That's human perspective. There's much more complex metals outside our solar system... I bet they. View us as very interestingly complex water beings whos lives are so fragile they're too afraid for us to see them.... It'd be like playing jenga with live grenades.

And! I bet they learn just as much from us as we would from them.... For instance... They wouldn't want their people knowing millions of years ago their race was once water people with a skeletal system that weren't floating jellyfish looking nervous systems inside metallic based bodies. Right? There would be major social upheaval and their hard drive brains would have to be rebooted to an earlier date.
edit on 14-12-2014 by MikhailBakunin because: for posterity

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

I hate the ant colony analogy because I kill every ant hill I find

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: AllyofHumanity9220

Certainly. What is special about Earth? Minerals are available everywhere and in much lower gravity wells.

But biological resources could be very valuable. Suppose they are after exotic and valuable biological narcotics and hallucinogenics? What about gene sequences for personal modification?

Suppose we had the "emotion & gonad genes" to make inbred ET asexual clones start to feel something in their shriveled, lonely, grey loins?

How many quatloos would they pay?

My only objection: WHERE IS OUR CUT?

edit on 14-12-2014 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: kelbtalfenek

originally posted by: AllyofHumanity9220

So my question is this: What would it be like if the first alien forces we encountered visiting our world were poachers or resource explorers?

If indeed that is the case, that they are interplanetary/intergalactic poachers, I wonder what would be stopping them from just parking a mothership and a huge vacuum cleaner and sucking the life, the genetic material, the chloroplasts from thisi planet?

The ET cops?

We'd start fighting back?

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: AllyofHumanity9220

I tend towards the notion that any intelligence with the ability to travel from some Point A to our own Point B (Earth) would not require our resources.

Conquistadors from 16th century Spain did not require anything from the New World either.

But they coveted it.

Perhaps they'd be close to a 'post-scarcity' level of existence?

Until they found something desirable, and scarce.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: Tardacus
you only try to hide when your doing something you aren`t supposed to be doing.

Not necessarily. Of all the reasons I can think of as to why an "alien" similar to us would want to keep their activities on the down-low, the best I can come up with is that they're somehow from our own future, and that any activities they engage in have to be carefully selected to not radically alter the future to the point where it could destroy their own existence.

Time travelers makes a whole lot more sense than ET's.

I'm somewhere between inner dimensional beings who lived here as longs as us, time travelers or a really nasty propaganda campaign. Or a little of all three, like a combo meal you might find and the Intergalactic Sonic Burger.

Or it could be something else entirely. I've been chewing over a few things that seem to make sense to me. I wonder if anyone else has the same ideas. As sometimes the truth is really self evident. Three facts.

Fact number one, the Universe is really old and really big, so the chances of Universal travellers is very high on the probability scale.

Fact number two, most if not all alien sightings bear similar profiles to paranormal sightings and activity.

Fact number three, physical law states you cannot travel faster than light. (So if the aliens exist , plus regarding fact one, then they have to be able to travel faster than light.) Which violates fact three???? or does it? They might not have to violate this law if they were not physical, as in our understanding of what it is to be physical. Which tends to back up fact two, that of the paranormal hypothesis.

So defining physicality, as needing a physical body to interact within the confines of an ecosystem, within this planets biosphere. Which also gets defined as life support system. Also defines as a bio electric machine. Which operates within a defined ecosystem, organised system being the operative word. Organised by whom? the chaos of what we perceive to be random events based on probability?

Then it occurred to me as I went down the rabbit hole. That the state that we find ourselves in, known as the human condition, is pretty bleak. But we don't find that we stay in this condition for any real length of time. The human body, as such is designed with D.N.A. information, for this specific worlds ecosystem. Added to that our whole psychology and how we view the ecosystem, and thereby reality makes for a very limited experience. Plus our seemingly short duration on earth, is spent surviving and reproducing. Sex and food. All else is secondary. So logically the purpose of life is to breed, to do this you have to survive. But consider if you didn't have a body, then you are freed from the constraints of this limited existence. The physical laws concerning light speed no longer apply. Then the Universal environment is open. To sum it up, in what might be, a hypothetical forth fact.

Fact number four. That you cant go through the "Star gate" with a body.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: mbkennel

When the Conquistadores arrived there, they required food and water - treasure was the real motivation.

*If* any intelligence can arrive here through interstellar travel, bending time or traversing dimensions, it's reasonable to speculate they'd be past 'requiring' food and water. If they could accomplish such things, it might also be likely they could process/create food and drink.

There's also the other possibility that such an intelligence might not be biological and wouldn't value food, water or treasure. If we're gonna speculate about the motivations of an unknown intelligence, I'm not sure we should base them on the behaviours of our neighbours.

posted on Dec, 16 2014 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: mbkennel

When the Conquistadores arrived there, they required food and water - treasure was the real motivation.

*If* any intelligence can arrive here through interstellar travel, bending time or traversing dimensions, it's reasonable to speculate they'd be past 'requiring' food and water. If they could accomplish such things, it might also be likely they could process/create food and drink.

So sure are you? Conquistadores had astonishing technology compared to the natives---they had intercontinental travel, artillery, horses and steel swords and armor. 400 defeated 10,000+ hard-core Aztec soldiers from a well-oiled and trained fascist (in modern langauge) military-theological regime which was well used to smashing its enemies.

And yet they had needs too. Abilities in one area are abilities, not magic.

When we send probes to Mars---they still need electricity and too much dirt on the solar panels will immobilize them, and over time the battery capacity runs down.

Suppose some Zefram Cochrane Chang discovered warp drive today and we were building starships and flying there. ( Some on ATS say we're already doing this).

Would we still need food and water and to piss like any average medieval peasant.

ET could be the same. Warp drive and space travel may be very difficult and expensive to them, just as space travel is very difficult and expensive for us, and at the end of our abilities.

There's also the other possibility that such an intelligence might not be biological and wouldn't value food, water or treasure. If we're gonna speculate about the motivations of an unknown intelligence, I'm not sure we should base them on the behaviours of our neighbours.

Sure, we could have some smart plasma cloud pass us by and we'd never know it.

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