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Want to Fix Police Brutality? Then Let's Address it as a WHOLE.

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posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 01:04 AM

Police brutality is a problem in the U.S., and it seemingly keeps getting worse and worse. Military grade equipment given to police departments from our government to "protect" cities and even small towns is total BS. There are no reasons to militarize the police, none. There is no denying this fact, and the problem needs to be put into check. The entire country needs to rally against it. It's not just police brutality, it's a corrupted justice system where the judges always, and I mean always side with the cops. There are some very rare and secluded lone cases where cops are actually arrested and tried, but VERY few when compared to the many cases that don't go to trial when video evidence CLEARLY shows excessive force.

It's a huge problem, no doubt, and the entire system needs a serious overhaul. An overhaul which would result in thousands of people working in government being replaced and a whole new set of rules within the justice system. A whole crap ton of Americans agree with me up to this point. Liberals, Libertarians, Republicans, all sides agree police brutality is out of control.

Where the division starts, is when the issue, mostly egged on by the media (unfortunately, mostly liberal media) make the entire issue about RACE. It's NOT about RACE, and there are a huge cache of videos which have been produced over the last 10 years that PROVE this fact. There is outrage on this issue from ALL sides, ALL colors. It pisses me off to no end that it's suddenly being portrayed as an issue ONLY affecting one group of people who share the same skin color. What utter and complete BS, and guess what? It's RACIST to the overwhelming MAJORITY of others who have been brutalized by cops.

I'm not going to comment (much) on the recent "events" other than to say in my opinion, those cases really don't even represent the issue very well, because aside from one case, out of the last three, there was NO video evidence of anything other than some people who said some stuff. But people just want to make it a race issue without even bothering to get into the facts first. Then, decide to burn down their own neighborhood and destroy local business for their supposed "isolated" cause while completely obliterating any shred of support from anyone with a brain.

Now we have yet again, a new found hatred toward whites, even whites hating whites, the "white guilt" is at an all time high. Why? No guilt here, anyone trying to force me to be guilty for something I played no part in can kiss my ass. There's no way this stance will change, and I personally know MANY people who feel the same way. Keep fueling the race fires if you want (white guilt white Liberals mostly) but you're just not going to change many minds here, that mission is futile.

One group wants to make everything racial while the entire country is being ass-raped by a completely screwed system. Everyone needs to get smarter and stop trying to isolate this HUGE problem to one specific group and allow the public to address this issue as a WHOLE. If we can't do that? Then divided we fall, and we WILL do it to ourselves. Thanks for reading.
edit on 6-12-2014 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 01:18 AM
You said it all, 100% straight to the point. It is an issue for everyone, the more people make it an exclusive black problem, the bigger this bulls#@t racial divide will become. Alot of people need to wake up, find out the real facts of the matter, other than beliving everything tv news channels try to force upon us. Great post wookie.a reply to: Wookiep

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: billyvonhelvete

Alot of people need to wake up, find out the real facts of the matter, other than beliving everything tv news channels try to force upon us.

Yep, sigh. That pretty much sums it up. I can't tell you how many unbelievable things I've seen/heard people say both on the internet and in person since this all got fired up again. (really, since the TVM case) People are so easily persuaded by nonsense from the media before really knowing all the facts... real sickening.

It completely distracts from the real issue, and whoever it is that is possibly behind this btw...knows what the hell they are doing, that's for sure.

Note to mods - Please move to "Social Issues and Civil Unrest", thanks in advance!
edit on 6-12-2014 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 02:21 AM
The first time i was made aware of this subject was the rodney king/la riots, but didnt have a p.c or web then, so i belived what the media reported, since then, got web access, got to know people from all over world, worked abroad, been in very heavy situations/ ive got a clearer view on different matters, some dont affect me or are likely too, but when i see situation like this, i find it hard not to speak my mind. I grew up in a small village, so i didnt have any contact will black people or many other races, since i left home and met all races ive witnessed racisms in all forms, against all races, its something that i never agreed with. But since i settled in a city, ive had a different view of it. The city i live in has took in 25000 african aslylum seekers, i didnt have a problem with that, until my area changed, most of them have took to "livin tha gangsta life", ive been spat at for asking if i could get past them on the side walk, been called "spastic cracker" amongst other racist comments, and the latest, having the tires slashed on my car, for asking them nicely not to park infront of my drive, as i need 24hr access for health reasons. As you can tell ive seen both sides of the coin, but the best bit is, the police wont do a thing about it, as they dont want to be seen as being a racist copper. Rant over!!. At end of the day we need to unite to fix all the problems regardless of race.a reply to: Wookiep

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: Wookiep

A most excellent post Wookie, bravo! S&F

I happen to agree with the sentiment that at no time in recent memory has this country been more racially polarized. Exactly what is causing it remains vague, but the media most definitely has a part in this IMO.

It' shouldn't be BLACK people rioting against police brutality. It shouldn't be WHITE people rioting against police brutality. It should be PEOPLE at WAR against police brutality.

New state laws need to be made restricting severely the ability of police departments to obtain excess military hardware, or better yet, banishment altogether. I don't know how this got so out of hand, but it is out of control totally, and ridiculously excessive. I mean tanks, 50 cals and assault vehicles?

Yup, our forefathers would go along with that. Uh huh. Right.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

Agreed. It's totally out of control, has been for a while now and just keeps getting worse..Meanwhile, everyone is distracted by other BS.

Thanks TA, always nice to have you drop by!

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 03:53 AM
Sun Tzu said when the Warriors were away at war it was only natural that the guards would take advantage of their position. I think this is somewhat of a metaphor for learning to be confident and speaking up for ourselves and such but this saying can be interpreted anyway.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: MindfulBuddha

Not entirely sure what it is you are saying or really the point you are making... but it seems deep. So, hey, thanks for your contribution!
edit on 6-12-2014 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 04:32 AM
Would rather address street gang brutality, or domestic violence. Much much more prevalent.

You just want to address police brutality because that is what the media is making ratings on at the moment and have placed it at the forefront of your thoughts.
edit on 6-12-2014 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

Oh and your photoshopped propaganda photo is way over the top, even for the media.
edit on 6-12-2014 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

(post by Wookiep removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: Wookiep

So you have nothing but some supposed links to youtube videos that we all know won't prove a thing, attack me personally, and accuse members of being some sort of agent provocateurs when they challenge you?

What about domestic violence and gang violence compared to the in vogue so called rampant police violence? Seems you are the one being led by the nose by the mainstream media.

edit on Sat Dec 6 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

What about domestic violence and gang violence compared to the in vogue so called rampant police violence?

What about it? Why don't you contribute YOUR thoughts about that? You want MY opinion, I'll tell you, however it's going off topic because this thread is not about THAT. Yet you want to provoke, so here goes.

There's a "thug" culture being promoted by the black "community" which, in my opinion has contributed to domestic violence in black communities, and even white and Hispanic communities.. HOWEVER, I do not and will not subscribe to a thought process that advocates a police force with military grade equipment to deal with such situations. There's NO excuse for it, none whatsoever.

What do you have to say about police with military grade equipment. Do you think this issue only involves situations involving domestic violence? If you think so, then you are damn ignorant pal.

PS - I haven't even provided any videos for you yet, yet you're accusing me of providing bunk sources? Get real man, Google it. I already told you that I won't do that for you.
edit on 6-12-2014 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: Wookiep
a reply to: TinfoilTP

That's rich coming from you, hah, it really is. I guess you missed the last 10 years of increasing accounts of police abuse of power, including brutality against U.S. citizens...I won't google the scores of videos proving this for you. Considering you are very clearly one of the most brainwashed members here on ATS, subscribing to nothing but Fox news republican extreme neocon spoon fed MSM views on ATS. :laugh: It's really not as bad as the recent liberal crap lately, but damn, give it a rest would ya?

What exactly is your goal here anyway? Seems like all you do is provoke, even in cases like, the last Ferguson thread you made. In that thread, I even AGREED with much of your stance, yet, all you did was try to start arguments and be a dick. Why is that? Inquiring minds WANT to know? Seriously. Agent provocateurs are a REAL problem around here.

Funny how you complain about the photo, it's OBVIOUSLY a photo to display the "nwo" and the extreme policing going on, hahah. Any idiot can see it was photo-shopped, this thread isn't about the photo, which has a point behind it. You seem to have a stick up your ass. Tell us more about why you are, the way you are? I'll get popcorn! I can only guess we won't get a solid response, which is expected, but unfortunate.

So you have nothing but some supposed links to youtube videos that we all know won't prove a thing, attack me personally, and accuse members of being some sort of agent provocateurs when they challenge you?

What about domestic violence and gang violence compared to the in vogue so called rampant police violence? Seems you are the one being led by the nose by the mainstream media.

Gang violence and domestic violence are symptoms of a society gone wrong. Way wrong. Our society is built on a foundation of psychopaths. Until the underlying problem is resolved societies woes can't be resolved. A bandaid won't help a severed limb.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:27 AM

originally posted by: Wookiep
a reply to: TinfoilTP

What about domestic violence and gang violence compared to the in vogue so called rampant police violence?

What about it? Why don't you contribute YOUR thoughts about that? You want MY opinion, I'll tell you, however it's going off topic because this thread is not about THAT. Yet you want to provoke, so here goes.

There's a "thug" culture" being promoted by the black "community" which, in my opinion has contributed to domestic violence in black communities, and even white and Hispanic communities.. HOWEVER, I do not and will not subscribe to a thought process that advocates a police force with military grade equipment to deal with such situations. There's NO excuse for it, none whatsoever.

What do you have to say about police with military grade equipment. Do you think this issue only involves situations involving domestic violence? If you think so, then you are damn ignorant pal.

I authored a thread in posse com on just that, trade in the armored personel carriers for modern fire hose riot wagons, complete with a video of effective live use and arguments for. The old timers are hung up on the 60's hosers images of kids indiscriminately getting washed down the streets even though that scenario is completely avoidable with modern tech.
Thread here

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

I can't and won't disagree with that. There is a culture in this country that has infected the entire country. With that said, this has nothing to do with the widespread police brutality that also exists in the U.S. It's a real problem that needs to be addressed and it's NOT racial or targeted to a single group, it's a problem that exists for everyone and just keeps getting worse. I think it's sick how one group has taken ownership of it because that's just a complete fabrication of the truth.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

There's a lot more going on than just fire hoses. Thanks for the link, I'm glad you're an advocate of harmless police tactics but we aren't talking about harmless police tactics. You seriously haven't got word yet on the military grade equipment cops have been getting lately??

Well, I digress...We're talking about constant cases of brutality like, well pick one of a huge cache of many. The one where the homeless guy was beaten so bad that he died after about 10 cops wouldn't stop beating him to death while the guy pleaded for his dad, not resisting for # was crappy. That got under my skin, but there's countless others. That's ONE case of God knows how many, but go ahead and keep acting like it never happens. It's not secluded to blacks, its a problem people of all colors have had to deal with, and it's not going away any time soon unless something is done about it.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:47 AM
Good post

They are playing blacks against white so we don't go after the real criminals who have allowed the police to look more like the military from Afghanistan than anything needed to uphold laws that the general public subscribes too.

Drive a old car and the police pull you up because you should be taking on debt to by a new car and from the purchase the police also get a good cut of the tax revenue raised.

Police Killing people that don't work is just a way of reducing the tax drain and if they happen to protest then even better

and it's not going away any time soon unless something is done about it.

Talking won't fix it because that has been tried and voting won't fix it when the two parties are both in bed together so I cannot see any other way but paying for our freedom/privacy with blood in the streets myself.

People where chanting "I can't breath" even before that guy that got choked said it as his dyeing words plus the police are making it up as they go along like trying to say the guy was only two seconds away from have an heart attack before six men jumped on him and finest him off.

Yes I would like to see DNA blood samples from Mr Brown in the cops car and on the gun checked by a police force from outside the USA because I suspect the police planted it knowing that no one would dare question them over the incident.

No one is policing the police who can be trusted else a lot of the cops would be up on murder charges
edit on 6-12-2014 by VirusGuard because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
You just want to address police brutality because that is what the media is making ratings on at the moment and have placed it at the forefront of your thoughts.

No I think people on the streets can see for themselves that our police are treating people as dog dirt on their shoes and the time has come to stand up to these thugs with a death just creating another flash point.

Not all of us will jump when told to by these thugs just so they feel important as they intimidate people and use CS-Gas like candy pop.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: Wookiep
a reply to: TinfoilTP

There's a lot more going on than just fire hoses. Thanks for the link, I'm glad you're an advocate of harmless police tactics but we aren't talking about harmless police tactics. You seriously haven't got word yet on the military grade equipment cops have been getting lately??

Well, I digress...We're talking about constant cases of brutality like, well pick one of a huge cache of many. The one where the homeless guy was beaten so bad that he died after about 10 cops wouldn't stop beating him to death while the guy pleaded for his dad, not resisting for # was crappy. That got under my skin, but there's countless others. That's ONE case of God knows how many, but go ahead and keep acting like it never happens. It's not secluded to blacks, its a problem people of all colors have had to deal with, and it's not going away any time soon unless something is done about it.

I get it, this is just a cop bashing thread. I will step back and watch with popcorn, enjoy your stars.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: Wookiep

I see the need for SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) to have military grade gear. Actually I would prefer that they had better gear since any one who has been in the military knows Murphy's Laws of Combat.

"Remember that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder."

But all LEO's? Not so much.

I can think of one solution that could possibly fix corruption within the ranks of the entire legal system. Hold Judges, Lawyers and LEOs to a higher standard.

Make it a Amendment in the Constitution that if any of them get convicted of any crime, the sentence and fines are automatically doubled and they will be put in the general populace in prison.

Even if it's only a speeding ticket, the fines should be doubled, along with court costs, etc.

Another solution would be to limit the time that any one in the legal/justice system can serve in one area. Make a term limit. A person could be a LEO or lawyer/Judge for life but only 4 years in one place and then they have to move to another State. (That though would also have the effect of basically federalizing the entire system which I am against, but I think it could be solved somehow)

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