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ANONYMOUS: Campaign to Highlight UK's HighProfile Pedo Ring #OpDeathEaters

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+67 more 
posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 12:04 PM
DISCLAIMER: Any action and/or affiliation we mention within this post is of a journalistic nature only. Anyone, including ourselves seen mentioning illegal activity pertaining to 'suggested involvement' and/or advocating suggested measures will be subject to the T&C and will be acted on accordingly. Please remember that when discussing the following topic. Thank you


Operation Death Eaters:

Certain cells within Anonymous began discussing the revelations regarding high profile child solicitation within the entertainment industry, allegations that lead to politicians/aristocrats and even members of the royal family. These allegations appeared to suggest systemic abuse of the most macabre nature, highlighting a vile network of of child abuse; and a history of cover ups that still need to be addressed.

As the mainstream media have began quiet upon this topic, it was felt by consensus that Anonymous should pick up where they left off, lest the public at large forget. As is all too common, if it isn't being reported, it isn't happening. And as we are sure all of you at ATS are aware, if you publicly label something as a 'Conspiracy Theory', the MSM/people at large willtend to look the other way for fear of being branded as irrational or lacking credibility.

A problem was seen not only with the subsequent decline in media coverage on this issue ( apparently the deeper the allegations go, the less entertaining it becomes, which is very VERY unlikely considering how the media at large usually operate), but also the way in which it was being reported, using terms like "child love" or "child sex". Rape is not sex, rape is rape. And this is not loving a child, this is raping a child. Why the media are choosing to use the terms they do is unclear and this is one of the issues among many we would like to address.

November the 20th saw the term 'DeathEater' being used on social media, relating to the nature of allegations involving child abuse, murder and cannibalistic practices being committed. A week later #OpDeathEater was announced and a press release was posted on Pastebin followed by a video subsequently uploaded to YouTube.

Here is an excerpt from the official press release regarding Operation: DeathEaters.

Greetings world, We Are Anonymous.

The biggest story of our generation is unfolding in the UK to near complete silence in the international corporate media. The UK media that cover it at all depict it as a ‘sex scandal’ committed by ‘child lovers’.

What the UK media depicts as "child sex" has left children missing the lower half of their bodies. These so-called 'sex scandals' involve children provided for torture as bait to blackmail political opponents in Northern Ireland. The UK has open files on 200 missing boys from 1977 and 1983 The investigation has so far involved a huge circle of UK establishment from media, politicians, police and intelligence, known to police as The Untouchables. There are international ties being ignored.

To the people of the UK, your ruling classes are preying on you. Not just in the ways you always knew they were. Our friends in the UK, just like our friends in Gabon, have a political class that is torturing and murdering their children and mutilating their bodies. Unlike in Gabon, the UK media is following the direction of the Paedophile Information Exchange and telling you these people are child lovers who need understanding and tolerance. They are telling you this is sex. Who controls the words controls your thoughts.

This is not sex. These people feed off the agony of others. They cause wars and destruction during their working hours and they torture and murder children as recreation. These are not child lovers. These are death eaters.

To the people of the world, this story is not limited to the UK. Unlike us, death eaters have no borders. Human trafficking is the biggest criminal industry in the world. Death eaters have global networks.

Resistance is existence.

We are Anonymous.
We are everywhere. We are legion.
We are those you have left without a home.
We are those you have murdered.
We are voiceless no more.
The world will change.
We'll change it.

Tyrants of the World,
Expect Us!


This video was released shortly after with an excerpt of the radio interview with Bill Maloney discussing his findings.

Now whilst we will not entertain conversation at this time relating to the 'Shadow Elite' or the 'Illuminati' as they are more commonly referred to, theorists have for years; spoken about Death Cults and child abuse connected to these echelons of aristocracy. And though once thought of as conspiratorial flights of fancy, now are considered worthy of investigation. Indeed this practices appear to exist, the ball has started to roll and their house of cards is slowly tumbling down.

We ask for no more silence, more transparency and thorough independent investigation regarding these matters. No more media black outs or 'D-notices' placed on effects of personal embarrassment.

Conspiracy of silence:

Without going into too much detail, Conspiracy of Silence was a documentary set to expose a large pedophile network within the U.S., their investigation took them further up the chain than they could have imagined. This documentary was due to air in the UK in 1994. Just before airing, The Discovery Channel withdrew support and reimbursed Yorkshire Television the half a million dollars it cost to make.

To this day this documentary has never been aired. The video quality is poor but worth a watch if you haven't seen it.

So this issue has been investigating, and reported on, AND covered up for some time, and it stops now.

We shall add to this thread later, materials and media coverage surrounding this issue.

Operation: DeathEaters is engaged

And there will be more to come, and we shall report it within our capacity to do so.

edit on 5 12 2014 by AnonSocialNetwork because: Fix youtube link

+18 more 
posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 12:28 PM
The silence from the MSM is deafening and that can only mean that there must be some involvement from scum with very high profiles.

Thank you for taking this action, it is about time we did all we can to expose these disgusting, depraved individuals and bring them to justice. Even more so if it means people in the highest corridors of the establishment.

If the whole house of cards collapses, then I for one would be overjoyed to rid ourselves of such low life.

I know anon gets a lot of stick, but I wish you all the best in exposing this particular nauseating cover up.

+2 more 
posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 12:33 PM
This is a cause which will no doubt be the lead up to much bloodshed...

The elite in this situation will kill to keep this covered up...

Good luck Anon.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 12:37 PM
First, I appreciate the information that you have gathered and chosen to release.

Second, I feel that there needs to be more work of uncovering and revealing documents that are hurtful to the "system" itself & to have these individuals removed with certain rights taken away that won't allow them any wiggle room or a way to "kick" more secrets under the couch before they become incarcerated.

Keep up the good work. Please Do More.

a reply to: AnonSocialNetwork

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: AnonSocialNetwork

But a root above the soil, I fear.

These poor children are not only used for sex they are also tortured ruthlessly, sacrificed at occult rituals and even eaten. The occult elite will do anything and everything to keep this secret. Because down this road eventually lies the horrible truth. None of you would believe it. I don't fear the consequences though. I don't believe these sickos, bloodline elite, are even human. I'm not trying to convince anyone but that's where I stand.

Good luck Anonymous, you'll be needing it.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 12:58 PM
This will not go away.
In other news today,24 victims of abuse have signed a letter saying they won't support the home secretary's latest attempt at an investigation as its not fit for purpose.

When humans are given power,it gives an official stamp to the illusion that the powerful are better than the average person on the street.
That makes many in power turn to darkness-this happens all over the world and proves that trusting in systems which give the power to the few is foolish.

Our entire modern world is based on handing the power to the few.
Give me a self sufficent farmstead culture over this modern BS any day.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 12:58 PM
good, it's the right thing to do
it's just beyond comprehension that anybody would do things like that to children, children who deserve a better childhood and life... please be successful

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978
The silence from the MSM is deafening and that can only mean that there must be some involvement from scum with very high profiles.

Thank you for taking this action, it is about time we did all we can to expose these disgusting, depraved individuals and bring them to justice. Even more so if it means people in the highest corridors of the establishment.

If the whole house of cards collapses, then I for one would be overjoyed to rid ourselves of such low life.

I know anon gets a lot of stick, but I wish you all the best in exposing this particular nauseating cover up.

here here I agree whole hardheartedly. This must stop now and by any means available.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: AnonSocialNetwork

The Ninth Circle is what the whole "club" actually is:

Global Communique from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS): November 15, 2014

Documentation of Genocide and Child Murder in Canada – Issued from the court record of The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels (Case Docket No. 02252013, The People v. Joseph Ratzinger, Elizabeth Windsor et al)


The ITCCS has just released the complete set of testimonies and documents that convicted the government and churches of Canada, the Vatican and the Crown of England, and their officers, of planning, committing and concealing crimes against humanity.

These 150 exhibits formed the basis of the verdict of February 25, 2013 that sentenced Pope Benedict, Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and others to twenty five years in prison without parole, and stripped them of their office and authority.

This historic verdict lawfully disestablishes the Crown of England and the Vatican as legitimate bodies, and authorizes the seizure of all church and crown property, lands and assets under the authority of the common law and new constitutional Republics.

ITCCS Org see middle of the page

I had a lot of pics of the guilty, but not working right now.

edit on 5-12-2014 by Granite because: pics won't load

edit on 5-12-2014 by Granite because: remembered how

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:26 PM
Any human that would willfully and knowingly do such things to children should be put down like the out of control, disgusting animal they are. I am eagerly awaiting more news on this operation.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:38 PM
Not that I think too much can be done to stop it because of the power of the people involved, but it is definitely worth reporting; much more people should be aware of this (then again, they could be, if they wanted to do their own research about it). This is a very dangerous area, though...

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:39 PM
This is the type of campaign, if successful, will lead to the complete destruction of our civil liberties and freedoms. The monsters involved have absolutely no regard for any human being on the planet other than themselves. If they can treat people this way, then they wont have a second thought of silencing us all. The evil runs so deep and so high, and the most powerful people on earth are involved in it.

Nuclear weapons and internet kill switches, amongst other weapons, exist to silence us and protect themselves from us. I expect nuclear terrorism to be their attempt to distract us from them, because lets face it, nothing else will be able to.

I still believe that world war three will be us vs the elite, it will not be nation vs nation.

So while I wish this campaign every success, I fear for the consequences the full exposure of these cowardly humans (I refuse to attribute any animals to their acts, because that is unfair on the animals) will have for us all.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: AnonSocialNetwork

Really hope you get some real info out there.
We've had a few threads on ATS about this and there have been huge threads on another conspiracy site.
This needs to be exposed and the systematic and worldwide abuse that is happening is probably the single biggest issue and conspiracy in the world right now.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Granite

Another "interesting" picture of him is this one:

Clearly doing a masonic sign, the hidden hand.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 02:13 PM
Apparently this cult is worldwide and reaches into every political organization. I first heard of this practice of taking children for horrendous acts back in the early '90s when the FBI was investigating corruption in our state legislature. But it was only mentioned in whispers at that time. Agents were warned to look the other way. A couple of agents who were about to speak out died as did some of the witnesses---and then everything was quiet again.
Those agents had gotten tips and evidence of a "Hunt Club" run by politically influential people. At the time it was almost unbelievable to me....too horrid to comprehend.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: AnonSocialNetwork

We are Anonymous...expect us.
We act like this,WE act like that....give me a break.....this is a joke.
Expect the mods here if you cross certain lines but it seems you might already be afraid of that by you quoting the t&c

Seriously,I laugh at this kind of stuff.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: Granite
a reply to: AnonSocialNetwork

The Ninth Circle is what the whole "club" actually is:

Global Communique from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS): November 15, 2014

Documentation of Genocide and Child Murder in Canada – Issued from the court record of The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels (Case Docket No. 02252013, The People v. Joseph Ratzinger, Elizabeth Windsor et al)


The ITCCS has just released the complete set of testimonies and documents that convicted the government and churches of Canada, the Vatican and the Crown of England, and their officers, of planning, committing and concealing crimes against humanity.

These 150 exhibits formed the basis of the verdict of February 25, 2013 that sentenced Pope Benedict, Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and others to twenty five years in prison without parole, and stripped them of their office and authority.

This historic verdict lawfully disestablishes the Crown of England and the Vatican as legitimate bodies, and authorizes the seizure of all church and crown property, lands and assets under the authority of the common law and new constitutional Republics.

ITCCS Org see middle of the page

I had a lot of pics of the guilty, but not working right now.

given its been a year or two and liz etc aint in the slammer i'd say their powers are about as much as me and my ability to colour co-ordinate a room

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: Maxatoria

Obviuosly, you are not a mother with kids...

+21 more 
posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: accuroman

Seriously,I laugh at this kind of stuff.

You think its funny that these kids are being abused at the hands of the elite? What the f### is wrong with you?

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 03:57 PM
thank christ, anonymous is finally making itself useful. what's the game plan? exposure?

that's not enough, not nearly enough. if i were anon and had the skills, i'd start #ing with their coms and with their funding. short of that, mailing proof to their neighbors and families should suffice.

best of luck, and stay safe. these swine are especially vicious when cornered.

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