WASHINGTON - On the verge of adjournment Wednesday, the U.S. Senate gave final congressional approval to a bill that could open the way for suborbital
space tourism.
Myself I wonder if people who will pay the ungodly fees that I am sure will accompany such a voyage will at least be able to bring their camcorders
along. If so I for one will anxiously await these photos/videos. Although I also forsee something added to the bill about restriction of
photographs/video. Don't know why but I do know that the government doesn't like any photos of space going out without their approval, and possibly
their scrubbing of the images beforehand!!
You can bet the prices will go down and the tech will go up. Free enterprise will get us into space faster then the Government ever will. NASA has no
competition and no reason to streamline its operations or lower its cost. I am willing to bet we will see an explosion of companies fighting over the
space dollar which will spur new thinking and new tech