Perception is largely modeled on our internal frame of reference. We categorize things, assign various levels of significance based on it, choose to
take action or not, based on it.
Dreams are the surreal landscapes where we let go of much of that frame of reference. It is where you can stretch and reshape ideas into virtually any
form your mind is able to. I think they are internal [for the most part] and personal. That is why when you dream about someone, they do not share a
corresponding dream. It probably allows us some ability to alter/remodel that frame of reference.
I would not be surprised if we are more sensitive to some quality (unknown physics?) of the universe when we dream.
Since dreams are generally non-lucid I would put them in the realm of the sub-concious. Dreams, imagination and fantasy are all real, but generally
are not considered to have the persistence and impact of our waking reality.
I think that many driven people, specifically inventors and researchers [math,science], are people who have a kind of persistent idea [dream,
fantasy,imagining] in there mind. Perhaps that is the way that the subtle realms of the mind lead/change our world into the future. But i suppose you
might have to balance that with people who have persistent ideas that don't appear to jibe with reality. These are often considered to be people who
are 'crazy'. I suppose that these people are sort of lost in an internal reality.
I see our minds as sketch pads. We see the dots and try to connect them. I think sometimes we are overly influenced by previously sketched lines and
sometimes should perhaps re-examine them.
[I hope no one is too bored while i wax long and ponder some.
Interesting youngin, maybe our brains store 'what ifs'? Sort of loose ends that may come in useful here or there in the future. Maybe it is the land
of possibilities and impossibilities. Sort of a utility patch program. Spare idea storage. I don't mean to make that sound unimportant. We use
adaptive response every day of our lives to deal with both anticipated and unexpected events.
I don't believe someone can 'will' something to happen. Yet in a sense we kind of do that indirectly through our biology. "I need/want to drive
somewhere", my body, with intermittent conscious input, does that.
I suppose the idea of bypassing your body altogether to affect change in the universe is the ultimate dream/fantasy, but i am dubious that our
minds have the capability or power to do that.
You could experiment some and see if you got any results BetweenWorlds, but from previous attempts of my own and others i would suspect you would have
little success.
If you have the time, I would love to hear your results/observations.