I've never told anybody about this with the exception of those I will mention in the post. Now I'm thinking otherwise. I will share my story and you
tell me what you think.
As I've mentioned in probably every thread I'm involved with, I used to work in a sheriffs dept as a dispatcher. The midnight shift in this old
courthouse was the creepiest by far. 8pm to 8am, alone not only in the building but the entire section of town was empty at these times too. this took
place around 4:30am, the one deputy on duty had just radioed in that he was at home and on-call.
Approx 5-10 minutes later I receive a call on the non-emergency line telling me (without identifying themselves, which I asked for and did not
receive) to keep my eyes on the camera (how they knew there was a cam is anybodies guess) that looks out back at the Sally port (garage door where
cops pull in) and be ready to receive a vehicle. Around 5 minutes later a big black suburban pulls up out back , a tall gentleman wearing sunglasses
(at night, I thought he might be blind) jumps out and punches In our 6 digit code to open our door. He then walks in, opens the garage door and the
suburban pulls in. At this point since they knew the code and looked official, I was content to watch through my cameras. THEN I saw them bring a big
black bag on a stretcher out of the back of the suburban and kind of mess with it a little, tying it to the stretcher. As I'm watching, the guy who
got out first is poking around the garage and looks up at the camera, speaks to the driver and they roll the stretcher out of view of the cam.
This was very strange, but got worse. I lose sight of them on my cams, until I hear a gentle rapping at the secure front door to the office. The tall
gentleman in the glasses is there. I buzz him in, he walks up to my window and tells me to keep an eye on the garage cam and let's me know someone
will be there soon to collect "the bag" (his words). I ask him if my boss, or the sheriff, know about this/were expecting it, whatever. This is
something they would let ME know ahead of time. He gives a sly grin, tells me that everyone knows who should and all I need to do is watch that room
and mind my own. The unspoken insinuation i felt was that if anything went wrong with that bag, it was my ass.
I nod, complacently, and he leaves. They mount up (with me watching) and leave, closing all the doors and stuff behind them. To be honest, I watchd
the camera for the rest of my shift and didn't see any movement in or out of that garage. I got a few 911 calls and was a little busy, but i know The
doors didn't open, nothing. When my relief got there, I told him all about it. I asked him if he knew about it and he was clueless. We watched the
footage over again and he saw exactly what I did.
As I was leaving, I had to walk past that room. Of course I looked in, and to my utter astonishment there was NOTHING. No bag, no stretcher, nothing,
I immediately went back to my relief and told him. He was just as shocked as I was. At this time the office is starting to wake up, and I got the
chance to ask the sheriff himself about the incident and the bag. He looked at me like I was crazy. So back to the footage we go. He also had NO clue
what was going on.iLess than a 4 months later I was given the choice to resign or be fired due to very strange reasons, (an "unprofessional quote from
hunter s Thompson on my MySpace page, which I honestly don't remember posting). When I asked my friend who was also my relief that morning about the
incident, he told me that there was a strange visit from an official shortly before I was let go, that the special copy of the tape from that night we
made was taken and everyone involved was told to forget. Except me of course, I Was forced out.
If this account goes dark, you'll know what I say is true and not appreciated by "them". I can't say that I've felt like I was being followed or
observed, but that doesn't mean I haven't been. Since this, I've tried my best to move on and not talk about it, and to my knowledge this is the first
time anyone involved has spoken about it publicly. So, wish me luck. I'm looking out my window as I type, and will try to get ANYTHING weird
edit on 12/4/2014 by Ensinger23 because: Because I always edit.