a reply to:
I believe there would be a way to train officers to a high level of proficiency, without militarising them. For a start uniforms should clearly be
uniforms and not fatigues. Crisply pressed trousers, shirts with badges and shoulder numbers polished and clearly visible at all times is a good
start. Furthermore, officers should only go about with sidearms and a backup, cuffs, pepper spray, notebook, and radio. They should not be striding
about with rifles and SMGs unless a full blown war is actually kicking off and they are responding to it.
They should not respond to protests, no matter what kind, dressed for a riot. A riot must be allowed to develop before that sort of force is deployed.
Those are management and operational changes that must be made. In order for those changes not to represent a threat to the people that police
personnel are supposed to serve and protect, those officers must be capable of out shooting, out manoeuvring, and physically overpowering any suspect
who chooses to do violence rather than be captured, and they must be capable of doing these things using superior training, rather than by weight of
numbers or rate of fire.
A criminal with a tech nine can cause an awful lot of mess, but one round to the skull will still kill him, no matter how fast his weapon rids itself
of ammunition. The training I refer to would be all about getting every officer, on every force, to be able make that shot AND to deal with BOTH
normal, run of the mill community policing without having to straight up murder someone to get the job done, and putting down an armed heist crew with
only the rounds in his service weapon, and superior tactical and marksmanship training. No fancy special weapons, no Judge Dredd armour suit. No
excuses for going over the top and making errors that NO ONE who carries a deadly weapon professionally, ought to be able to make if properly trained
and managed.
I also think that all officers should be trained in rudimentary psychology, so that they can have a better understanding and awareness of the people
around them when they are on the job, to tell someone who is merely disturbed, from someone who is showing signs of becoming seriously dangerous to
themselves and others around them.
I am not talking about putting SEAL teams on the streets of cities here. As I mentioned, those types of units are used to destroy, to rend the flesh
of foes, to kill and maim enemies, and to put the fear of almighty God into all who lay eyes upon the aftermath of their passage. They are shock and
awe made flesh, and that is not what is required here.
I am talking about putting every officer of the law, in a position where they have trained in responses which allow them to counter any threat
against themselves or the public, with wisdom, precision, and with absolute confidence. I am talking about marrying that training to the kind of
learning which allows them to make good, informed judgements about situations involving the mentally ill, the poor, essentially also teaching them how
to make compassionate efforts toward members of the community who are not actually engaging in real criminal activity, essentially, how to deal with
the public. What I am talking about, is training police officers to embody the ideals of compassion and steadfastness, both at once, and with equal
That would be DE-militarising the police force, if anything.