originally posted by: TorqueyThePig
a reply to: launchpad
Matter of fact
1. That shooting happened where I used to live.
2. I know people whom were involved.
3. I have seen family members, coworkers and friends shed tears over the loss.
4. I have spoken to people involved in the shooting that transpired in the woods and I have no reason to not believe them.
1. great- NOT relevant- would not hold up in court.
2. great at least you KNOW someone- still hearsay- would NOT hold up in court
3. great- not relevant to the action of the cops or REMOTELY hold up in court- someone you know cried? seriously kill da bastard!
4. more hearsay- irrelevant to court. the other dude WHATEVER he was 'convicted' of in the past- beside establishing character- certainly won't get
jail time had he survived from it and certainly not the chair.
5 for ya--- in court the OTHER side gets to present. . . all we have here is the (alleged) KILLERS story. (they didn't get a trial either- usually
don't even get charges for killing to NEED a trial)
That is where I got my "story" from and I will be honest I couldn't give a s**t as to what you believe.
wow man. sorry i seem to really struck a nerve with you. . .reactions can be telling though. lets just say i USED to respect you a lot more. (don't
fret too hard- you PROBABLY do not know me and i actually had a lot prior due to your MOSTLY sound postings)
Here i am talking general problems with police use of force making themselves the judge, jury and executioners all in one and the "thin-blue-line"
mentalitiy that should NEVER exist in the first place were all of you REALLY doing your part (integrity FIRST yada, yada, yada) . . .now we have a
SPECIFC case? maybe i missed something in the OP or the rest?? hmm. i didn't mention any name. .. could have been one of MANY instances law
enforcement went vigilanty and murderous during my career. . . Ruby ridge. . .and on. and on and on. whoever the person maybe it is NOT like this is a
one time affair. . . this a trend or somethign much more dire.
Not that you believe it but here is an article that dug a little deeper into the case and the murderer. There is a picture of the gun that the
murderer used in the woods where he was finally stopped. Of course you probably think the police just placed the gun there.
like i said specific case which you made it into. . . who knows. . . would not be the first time it happened - all we really know was it was recovered
AT the scene- we have to take the word of the folks that "recovered it" the other guy don't get a vote or scream he is being set up if the cops killed
him. This specific case? . . . hmmpf.
I guess it is easy to Monday morning quarterback over the internet from the safety of your own chair when there are no bullets flying in your
ain't that what all ya story believers been doing??? difference ya'll be like high-fiven good game and crap on a blataint foul. . .specific case or
and . . . . Well- betya i've dodged a few more than you have in my time and things much more destructive than wee lil bullets too. even took a bullet
once. 25 years in the military on both sides of the house been to a few places- my mandate was different but i still didn't go whole sell slaughter-
just because someone returned fire. sure there have been times for clenching those lower cheeks but still . . . RAGE kill? makes it all ok to go kill
the guy cause someone SAYS he is a suspect in a shooting and it is a SPECIAL protected class. . . .seriously? . .maybe not as much in the last five
years of so. . .but if i had gone rage kill on folks in a mud hut just because fire came from a direction or SOMEONE SAID it did. . .there would be a
tribunal and I WOULD face charges for it and have no UNION to protect me. . .we don't get an out for a BAD killing and our mandate IS (generally) to
You so much MORE picked what you are into freggin go home if the mandate is too much. heck i am- i don't agree with leadership and have not for a long
time. . . i am retiring and going home- gave my notice. . . . but that is STILL a year away. you can quit right now in the hour if YOU WANT TO. don't
make it about the money. . .neither of us are in it for the money and frackly my retirement income at my level is nearly twice what you mentioned
earlier in the thread. makes you motivations highly circumspect. . .respect? COPS rate about like congress these days- especially in these parts.
POWER maybe?? Author-a-tay??
Tellya what though. . .i fear you police peoples WAY more than the folks i was sent to 'fight'. . . mostly i suppose is because YOU folks were handed
a LOT more trust and i constantly am getting that shattered even on some of my more personal interactions. And for what it is worth (probably not
much) . .my uncle retired as a COP- from Long Beach, CA. . . SWAT (i have his retirement gun so you can say we are close). My BIL was a sherifs deputy
in Terrebonne parish until he came to his senses- Two cousins on the other side of the house are active LE now just up the road a piece from me in
Farmington. . . ALL as bible bounching and devot as they come (meaning less and less these days- but supposedly says good character)- but ya know. . .
i STILL see the "above the law" mentality from all of them and the looking down on the rest of us mere mortal and lesser "civies"- sticking up for
other COPS simply becasue they are cops even on BAD shootings . . . grr. . . sickening really.
Angilo Freeland was a career criminal that executed a human being and a dog. He then continued by shooting at SWAT officers forefiting his right to
due process.
May he burn in Hell.
REALLY? Man that robs yourself of more respect. you do not forfiet your right. . . .someone TOOK that from him when they took his life. . . had they
had a bit more SELF CONTROL and got him to court in hindsite to the SPECIFC case you keep going on about or even my generic case. . . .they likely
would have a slam dunk case and justice would be served. if he got the death penalty after his due process then i am all with you . . .THIS was not
JUSTICE. this was a bunch of JERKS and/or LEMMINGS using badges to go vigilante and commit MURDER. . . the SWAT was in no danger that THEY were not
forcing. i am not going to dig on specifics. . .don't care really- the outcome won't change . . .cops faliled to do their mandate. . . black and white
issue. this exectution of him is actually WORSE then what HE allegedly did because a MOB of people were active participates. they were not even
trying to take him in- and NO ONE is charging the killers! what is the back story on the execution he allegedly did? (retorical- don't care) maybe
justice was slow and the victum deserved it??? who knows that is what happens when folks knee JERK react instead of following the process. the problem
keeps getting WORSE as this is allowed to happen more and more.
killed a dog really? again allegedly. . .geeze Louise man! how many dogs are cops allegedly shooting these days? SERIOUSLY??? how many of THEM are
facing charges? or WORSE? nada? i would expect. . .see therein lies the problem.
Until the "law enforcement folks" enfore it FIRST on themselves-and up those standards significantly HIGHER than they have for us filthy 'civies'. .
.. . TRUST? RESPECT? well you certainly ain't getten it in more than one sense.
edit on 1-12-2014 by launchpad because: missing words in last para