originally posted by: Hefficide
Wardaddy, Brad Pitts character falls apart at times as one can tell that "he" is an amalgom of more than one person. He goes from admirable to
despicable, and back again, several times during the film - never allowing us to really get a feel for who he is. In the long run this character does
bring a view to a point of emotional involvement and caring - but it comes so late that we're left feeling empty because that bond is so fleeting.
i agree it was not an award winning script but it did the job.
as far as war daddy, i think the way he played the character and the way the character was written got the point across.
he was very much hardened...fighting in africa, france, germany...no telling how many of his friends/brothers he has seen die.
ive never been in combat and i know i can never understand, but as a viewer i got it.
he seemed like a real dick at times but i understood why.
like what he made norman do....
norman was green and 'soft' for lack of a better term. in that situation, being soft risks not only normans life, but the whole crew.
so i get why war daddy wanted norman to get that 'out of the way'....faster its out of the way the faster he can come to terms with the reality of
the situation.
had they not been at war, maybe war daddy could have taken time to 'nurture' him in a softer way. i dont think time permitted...
i think without a doubt he cared about his men...
i think over all he was a good person, he was just war torn.
remember him telling norman he had not seen him eat and to make sure he gets some food?
telling him if he didnt take the girl in the room he would...
the way he said it came of as he is a dick but like he told the cousin, theyre young and alive.....might as well enjoy something...
he was not down there taking advantage like the rest of the crew. he didnt make a pass at the cousin.
he gave them food to make.
he took the girls eggs when his buddy licked it.
at the end before the big scene, he told his crew to make for the hills...
even telling norman not to do what he wanted to...'they will hurt you bad and then they will kill you bad'
i think he always had his crews well being in mind....
and to shia, yeah, he was awesome.
he did not do any crazy, fantastic action # but his emotions....the look on his face. the way he was looking through that scope....
and gordo....damn!
when the grenade came in the tank.....